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What is the most inspirational thing you saw or heard that changed your life?
  • I’ve always prided myself on being empathetic and sympathetic to people no matter what. During the me too times, a lady was being interviewed about why survivors and victims don’t go to the authorities about their treatment from (men) powerful people.

    She said something along the lines of “stand with us if you want things to change, but don’t you dare stand opposite to tell me how offended I’m allowed to be”. In an instant I realised I’d been guilty of minimizing the suffering of others simply because I’d not been through what they’d been through (in a sense - if I wouldn’t be offended why should they?). Changed my whole outlook on life actually

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  • An Instant Pot. The amount of things you can cook / steam / pressure cook is amazing. I cook as much as I can with it as it saves money on using gas cookers. It saves a huge amount of time and money cooking Indian food and there are hundreds of websites out there dedicated to recipes specifically for the instant pot

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    HP wants you to pay up to $36/month to rent a printer that it monitors
  • I have a Samsung mono laser printer. The toner lasts for years and it never ever lets me down. Just bought a Canon Pixma colour inkjet, for my sticker printing. I can replace all the carteidges with 3rd party ones for €10.

  • Tell me about your cockroach horror story
  • Story two. Our neighbours were disgusting. House full of trash, garden like a jungle and just complete neglect of their property. The landlord kicks them out and has to do a complete refurb of the house top to bottom. It turns out that the thousands of cockroaches that lived in that house suddenly had to up sticks and find a new house. That house was my house. After a few months we had cockroaches everywhere. In the toilet, bathroom, kitchen. Just everywhere. Daily occurrences: switch on the kitchen light and be greeted by hundreds of cockroaches running off. Open a cupboard and cockroaches would drop out of it onto my feet. Shoes with cockroaches in them.

    We called up an exterminator and after describing the shape, size and color of these things he told us they were an invasive species and there was very little we could do. He said if we could find the place where they were breeding we could have a chance of getting rid if them. My dad and I knew the kitchen was there base so we started to pull cabinets up and see what was going on behind them. We pulled up a large cabinet and saw a few signs that there had been cockroaches on the back of the cabinet. But once we turned the cabinet upside down we saw near rows of thousands of cockroach eggs. And I mean thousands. All ready to hatch and send even more cockroaches into our house. It was something out of an alien movie. I can still those eggs to this day (this all happened in the 90’s)

  • Tell me about your cockroach horror story
  • Two horror stories - I’ll write them as two separate posts

    Story one: we had a mouse in our house once. My mum is petrified of mice so we were told to buy an old fashioned mouse trap with a spring trap. We put it in an area where the mouse was seen and went to sleep. We heard the trap go in the middle of the night so thought our troubles were over. Next morning we checked the trap and under the spring was a HUGE cockroach. Not the size of a mouse but bloody close. So my brother takes the trap, pull open the spring to throw the cockroach away and the damn thing is still alive. It dropped out of the trap and just scurried away under a cabinet. I’m not sure if it survived or not but that thing had no right to be alive after getting caught full force by a mouse trap.

  • Rishi Sunak says people ‘can’t be any sex they want to be’ in new swipe at trans community
  • Yes, I’ve heard from all my friends and family in the uk over the past few years: they’re not worried about low pay, high mortgages, fuel cost soaring, crumbling transport, NHS waiting lists, unaffordable rent and housing. No, they hide at home to avoid roving gangs of transgender warriors convincing them that they have to change sex. What an arse he is

  • What are some tips for handling confrontation at work for someone who’s naturally averse to confrontation?
  • The advice I give to all my colleagues (and family) is this: you can’t control the behaviours of others, which means situations can go to places you were not expecting. So for me rule number one is to write everything down. Dates and times and any incidents or interactions that you’ve had. All communication with the other person through official channels and if you need to speak either do it with witnesses, and I know sometimes that’s not possible, so write everything that’s said between you down. If you can do it while you’re meeting with them great, otherwise straight afterwards. Sounds like a lot of work, and it is, but depending on what happens in the future it can save you a lot of heart ache

  • Do you still watch YouTube? Who do you follow?
  • I’m getting on in years but I mainly watch YouTube as my “TV” over streaming services. I think there’s the YouTuber who just ends up lost in a sea of algorithm suggested garbage (like I used to be). Myself I search out things that really fascinate me - politics, woodworking, programming and over time my suggestions on the home page are really good. So I don’t get videos like “I have everybody in the world $10000000 to spend in 10 seconds”, but I do get really well made and interesting stuff.

  • What is an item below 100 bucks that everyone should own?
  • I’m going to guess you’re in the States? I’m from England and live in the Netherlands. I’ve never met anybody ever who didn’t own a kettle. Is it true that it’s really not that common in the States to own a kettle?

  • Built-in software ‘death dates’ are sending thousands of schools’ Chromebooks to the recycling bin
  • Not ideal that we had a percentage of our MacBooks on x86 cpus when the M1’s came out. But I will say they are still running strong. Others have pointed out that newer OS updates won’t work on the older MacBooks. But that’s not a deal breaker for us as we don’t run anything that’s OS specific enough to make the older models obsolete. We have factored in 5 - 7 years of use out of the laptops and we’re on course for that. I myself and using a 10 year old MacBook at home, and although I can’t fire up the latest Adobe Premiere on it, I can certainly get 99% of my work done on it.

  • Built-in software ‘death dates’ are sending thousands of schools’ Chromebooks to the recycling bin
  • I manage my schools IT - and when we started out a few years ago my board were pushing aggressively for Chromebooks. The service provider were talking about how they could roll out hundreds of Chromebooks at the touch of a button. When I asked about the lifespan of a Chromebook I got vague answers. I knew we would get a couple of years max out of each one so I instead pushed for much more expensive MacBooks. 5 years on and we are still using our original MacBook we got back then, with photoshop and other software.

  • Ex-Facebook Users, What Do You Use Now?
  • I quit it years ago (I think almost 7 years or so). The thing is I didn’t really look for a replacement. I realised that I wasn’t really keeping in touch with loved ones as much as I was looking at the heavily curated feeds showing me how “perfect” their lives were. The worst thing about this is I could look at a post from a cousin or friend showing me their kitchen remodel or their beautiful holiday pics and meanwhile the gossip from my family contacts told me what was actually going on (but they had maxed out their credit cards for the remodel and holiday couple were actually in the middle of a divorce). Rather than trying to get my family and friends to be more truthful I decided to give my sanity a a time to recover.

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