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The tech companies scanning your face while you shop
  • What are you on about? The entire capitalist system is based on theft from the workers. To even be a capitalist means you gave someone less than the value they produced during the time they worked.

    If they didn't want us taking back what's rightfully ours then they shouldn't have stolen from us in the first place.

    Why do people keep defending the parasites?

  • Just say 'No' to TERFs and tankies!
  • Your political ideology can use whatever leftist symbolism it wants to, but if the system you enact is an authoritarian, top down hierarchy that supresses the will of the masses in favor of a privileged elite, then you aren't on the Left.

    Even Marx and Engels at their most statist wouldn't be in the same zipcode as Lenin et. al.

    To be on the left means being for democracy from the bottom up and being agaisnt the concentration of money and power in the hands of a few.

  • Secretary of Navy: Tuberville ‘aiding and abetting communists’ with military blockade
  • You could ponder it for years and that won't make it true. There are several different ways that this is reducing the militarys readiness, but 'spreading communism' isn't one of them.

    When politicians chooses to use lazy cold war fear mongering when real legitimate reasons exist they only make themselves look bad.

  • Deleted
    I think circumcision on baby boys at birth should be illegal
  • Eh, even within the US it's not unpopular outside of the bible belt. I think most of the rest of the country does it out of habit. I'm not sure many people think about it as anything other than something that's 'just what you do'.

  • Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance
  • High level waste is only about 5% of the total waste produced and the rest is low to moderately radioactive. The low stuff is safe within a week and the moderate waste is safe within a few months. Almost all of it can be disposed of normally after that like any other trash.

    If you took all of the high level waste like actual fuel rods that has ever been produfed in the US since 1945 and put it all in one spot it would be about the size of an American football field.

  • Sanders hits at Cornel West over criticism of Biden
  • Strawmanning your opponents is on page 2 of the rightwing playbook.

    Can you at least try to counter Dr. West's arguments? If you can't, then just admit it. There's no shame in admitting weakness.

  • Sanders hits at Cornel West over criticism of Biden
  • Everyone who disagrees with me is a paid shill, sure sounds like some rightwing cope.

    The centrist liberals pathological inability to tolerate even small amounts valid and reasonable criticism is part of why democrats keep losing elections.

  • The kids are not all right: How young people are dealing with increasing climate anxiety
  • Yup. I wasn't old enough to vote, but I remember him being mocked for it. There's even a South Park episode about him.

    I still think Jr. stole the 2000 election. There's just too many coincidences. He just happened to win a tight recount in the state controlled by his brother? Yea, sure... 😑

    Not to mention the Brooks Brothers riot that has paralles to the current wave of people trying to stop vote counts when they start losing.

    The 'what-if's?' are endless.

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