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Kamala Harris shifts tone on Gaza, but advocates say US voters want more
  • I don't recall the ICJ ruling it was a genocide.

  • GOP wants to hold Harris’s immigration record against her - what did she do?
  • Anyone capable of doing all that deserves our vote just in the hopes they show us mercy.

  • Kamala Harris shifts tone on Gaza, but advocates say US voters want more
  • A better alternative than letting them free range in a war zone while Israel tries to hunt terrorists and rescue hostages. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

  • Biden to announce plans to reform US supreme court – report
  • It doesn't. Sometimes adults lie to you because they have an agenda.

    Being capped at serving for x (ie: 8) years though would help prevent the situation we're in now as well as the need to worry about performance reviews by the electorate or congress.

  • Pete Buttigieg says voters are ready for a gay vice president
  • Anybody that wants to know they have a representative that... represents them. Particularly for those that have never had someone of their class act as a representative.

    There are several experiences/issues I wouldn't have the first clue about good intentioned or not. To say 'muh, just do the job well' fails to appreciate that one cannot 'do it well' without intimately understanding under-represented constituents issues through... experience.

  • Not to be a clit but can we all users get together and create active communities to counter reddit or out do them with better mods?
  • What's killing Lemmy for me is its rapid descent to 4Chan quality 'discussions'. Mod tools are piss poor which is my internal explanation for most Mod's blatant bias, haphazard enforcement, and wildly disparate punitive actions. This is exasperated by Federation, supposedly a feature, which essentially ends up diluting the already minuscule population amongst several similarly themed communities, and renders punitive measures pointless.

    I could literally tell a Mod to eat a bag of dicks (with a ridiculously high probability of being justified), get banned, and be right back in 10 minutes. Mods need better tools to standardize their performance and simplify the workload, and better oversight against their bias (or at least a way to rate a communities bias before signing up for an instance). As an example .ml looks just as viable as .world when a new user is looking to join and both instances have VASTLY different experiences for the same reasons: bias and reputation.

    ;tldr Lemmy is essentially lawless, which is a 'feature' that appeals to the wrong people at all levels in the community, and that is going to keep Lemmy down despite being better than Reddit.

  • For that discussion on education that the right-wing channels want to have
  • Stop it. Ya'll are making me sad she won't be running with Harris.

  • It’s Time for Democrats to Break With Biden’s Addled Gaza Policy
  • Nakba

    You mean the Palestinian war against a UN mandate? Where again, Palestinians were violent first? I don't think this is the support you think it is.

    Anyways, I'm done. You showed your true goals so there's no point continuing this debate. We'll just agree to disagree until it gets settled the hard way.

  • It’s Time for Democrats to Break With Biden’s Addled Gaza Policy
  • There we go. Now you're being honest. Appreciate it far more than the disingenuous 'oh the humanity' BS.

    I'll just remind you that Israel literally existed for all of a week and the surrounding nations declared war. They weren't the ones that started all this. Doesn't make their hands clean ofc, but trying to justify terrorism that way is going to fail too so save your breathe.

  • It’s Time for Democrats to Break With Biden’s Addled Gaza Policy
  • I'm not justifying anything. I'm explaining reality. It doesn't matter who is when both sides would if they could. All radical islamists need to do to overcome this critical detail is to stop with the wanting to destroy Israel. It's that simple. If all Imams proclaimed Israel had a right to exist and Hamas, etc all swore to lay down their arms and obey the edict I would sign up for the UN peacekeeping forces to go arrest all war criminals and force a 2 state solution myself.

  • It’s Time for Democrats to Break With Biden’s Addled Gaza Policy
  • It's not 'fears'. It's 80 years of constant assault with intent to annihilate. The issue isn't semantics. It's your refusal to acknowledge the fact that Israel aren't exactly fighting angels here. Both sides are fighting an existential war. You just think the wrong side is winning and the UN mandate which created Israel, giving it a right to exist, says otherwise.

  • It’s Time for Democrats to Break With Biden’s Addled Gaza Policy
  • Um, the axis states all continued to exist. They just had a regime change. That is not what Hamas wants.

    I'm sorry, but the definition is clear and it encapsulates Hamas' goals entirely.

  • It’s Time for Democrats to Break With Biden’s Addled Gaza Policy
  • One of the elements of genocide per the ICC: The perpetrator intended to destroy, in whole or in part, that national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.

  • It’s Time for Democrats to Break With Biden’s Addled Gaza Policy
  • they call for the destruction of the occupier state? After 70 years of land theft and genocide, wouldn’t you? Would you call for ‘civility’ and ‘dialogue’?

    Yes I would and do.

    More importantly, not only do your agree that both sides are trying to genocide, you support Hamas' goal. That's all I wanted. Honesty regarding what is really being called for here.

  • Republicans leaders urge party to avoid racist and sexist attacks against Harris
  • That headline again:

    Republican leaders urge party to hold their breath until November

  • Michigan outlaws the 'gay and trans panic defense' in criminal trials
  • Or even better(?) a "white panic defence" for non-whites (hold for crowd's audible gasp). The fact someone came up with that garbage is yet another example of how absurd it is getting over there.

  • Nato Member Romania Scrambles Fighter Jets Amid Russian Attacks on Southern Ukraine
  • Yup. Ukraine should just offer temporary blanket immunity for firing at any aircraft heading towards their countries and either travelling faster than Mach 1 or within 10 km of the border. This would allow bordering nations to help under the guise of self defence.

  • basic geography rule
  • I don't know. I think calling France 'Quebec' is pretty up there.

  • Timii Timii
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