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Nvidia is being a bubble stock again
  • Please touch grass.

  • Nvidia is being a bubble stock again
  • The next AI winter can't come too soon. They're spinning up coal-fired power plants to supply the energy required to build these LLMs.

  • TracingWoodgrains launches a defense of Manifest's controversial reputation, all without betraying a basic understanding of what the word "controversial" means.
  • Until a month ago, TW was the long-time researcher for "Blocked and Reported", the podcast hosted by Katie 'TERF' Herzog and relentless sealion Jesse Singal.

  • "Yudkwosky is a genius and one of the best people in history."

    [All non-sneerclub links below are links]

    Diego Caleiro, who popped up on my radar after he commiserated with Roko's latest in a never-ending stream of denials that he's a sex pest, is worthy of a few sneers.

    For example, he thinks Yud is the bestest, most awesomest, coolest person to ever breathe: >Yudkwosky is a genius and one of the best people in history. Not only he tried to save us by writing things unimaginably ahead of their time like LOGI. But he kind of invented Lesswrong. Wrote the sequences to train all of us mere mortals with 140-160IQs to think better. Then, not satisfied, he wrote Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality to get the new generation to come play. And he founded the Singularity Institute, which became Miri. It is no overstatement that if we had pulled this off Eliezer could have been THE most important person in the history of the universe.

    As you can see, he's really into superlatives. And Jordan Peterson: >Jordan is an intellectual titan who explores personality development and mythology using an evolutionary and neuroscientific lenses. He sifted through all the mythical and religious narratives, as well as the continental psychoanalysis and developmental psychology so you and I don’t have to.

    At Burning Man, he dons a 7-year old alter ego named "Evergreen". Perhaps he has an infantilization fetish like Elon Musk: >Evergreen exists ephemerally during Burning Man. He is 7 days old and still in a very exploratory stage of life.

    As he hinted in his tweet to Roko, he has an enlightened view about women and gender: >Men were once useful to protect women and children from strangers, and to bring home the bacon. Now the supermarket brings the bacon, and women can make enough money to raise kids, which again, they like more in the early years. So men have become useless.

    And: >That leaves us with, you guessed, a metric ton of men who are no longer in families.

    Yep, I guessed about 12 men.

    "Tech Right" scribe Richard Hanania promoted white supremacy for years under a pen name This Man Has The Ear Of Billionaires — And A White Supremacist Past He Kept A Secret

    Hanania is championed by tech moguls and a U.S. senator, but HuffPost found he used a pen name to become an important figure in the “alt-right.”

    This Man Has The Ear Of Billionaires — And A White Supremacist Past He Kept A Secret

    Excerpt: >Richard Hanania, a visiting scholar at the University of Texas, used the pen name “Richard Hoste” in the early 2010s to write articles where he identified himself as a “race realist.” He expressed support for eugenics and the forced sterilization of “low IQ” people, who he argued were most often Black. He opposed “miscegenation” and “race-mixing.” And once, while arguing that Black people cannot govern themselves, he cited the neo-Nazi author of “The Turner Diaries,” the infamous novel that celebrates a future race war.

    He's also a big eugenics supporter: >“There doesn’t seem to be a way to deal with low IQ breeding that doesn’t include coercion,” he wrote in a 2010 article for AlternativeRight .com. “Perhaps charities could be formed which paid those in the 70-85 range to be sterilized, but what to do with those below 70 who legally can’t even give consent and have a higher birthrate than the general population? In the same way we lock up criminals and the mentally ill in the interests of society at large, one could argue that we could on the exact same principle sterilize those who are bound to harm future generations through giving birth.”

    (Reminds me a lot of the things Scott Siskind has written in the past.)

    Some people who have been friendly with Hanania:

    • Mark Andreessen, Silion Valley VC and co-founder of Andreessen-Horowitz
    • Hamish McKenzie, CEO of Substack
    • Elon Musk, Chief Enshittification Officer of Tesla and Twitter
    • Tyler Cowen, libertarian econ blogger and George Mason University prof
    • J.D. Vance, US Senator from Ohio
    • Steve Sailer, race (pseudo)science promoter and all-around bigot
    • Amy Wax, racist law professor at UPenn.
    • Christopher Rufo, right-wing agitator and architect of many of Florida governor Ron DeSantis's culture war efforts
    Grimes pens new TREACLES anthem: "I wanna be software, upload my mind" Grimes & Illangelo – I Wanna Be Software

    [Verse 1] / I wanna be software / Upload my mind / Take all my data / What will you find? / I wanna be software / Battery heart / Infinite options / State of the art / I wanna be

    Bloomberg gives Yud a big slobbery one: "He’s worth hearing out."


    >But even if some of Yudkowsky’s allies don’t entirely buy his regular predictions of AI doom, they argue his motives are altruistic and that for all his hyperbole, he’s worth hearing out.
