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Biden resists allies’ calls to exit race after debate performance: ‘I know I’m not a young man’
  • We have a democracy. There is a real Democratic Party primary every four years. Incumbent presidents usually win their primary when they are up for reelection.

    The press is independent, but for profit in most cases. There are of course non-profit exceptions. The fact capitalism exists doesn't mean democracy doesn't exist. It means the owner class has a profit motive to overthrow our democracy.

    Electing Biden preserves our flawed democracy for four more years. This gives us time to build grassroots movements to put people with better ideas into political positions in the next two elections. It delays the christo-fascist movement for four more years, who have to win a presidential election to succeed.

    Getting Biden in office is how we save our democracy, but not because of something he will do. In order to save our democracy, we first have to keep it. Then we have to fix it.

  • c/ is full of transphobic trolls
  • The community is not made up of transphobes or accelerationists so there is no problem. I don't post or comment there because I don't see the point in taking the time to write or make something for an echo chamber that will just remove my comment or post. But just because I don't agree with every take in that community doesn't mean it doesn't have value.

  • Biden resists allies’ calls to exit race after debate performance: ‘I know I’m not a young man’
  • There is no mechanism at this stage that can force him to do so that I am aware of. They can of course try to convince him, but no one from Biden's inner circle, like Jill Biden, or any of the hypothetical candidates people like to float, like Gavin Newsom, has expressed interest in doing that.

  • Biden resists allies’ calls to exit race after debate performance: ‘I know I’m not a young man’
  • It is the sign of democracy for the people. All of the social, economic, and political progress in the US is thanks to movements that translated into legislation, amendments, and court rulings via our democracy. Without a democracy those movements would have hit a wall. Of course we need to continue to improve our democracy. We need unfettered majority rule in this country. It is functionally possible to achieve this, but people have to vote. The movements won't translate into positive change if people skip voting.

  • Biden resists allies’ calls to exit race after debate performance: ‘I know I’m not a young man’
  • If Biden wins this election in 2024 we will have a Democratic primary without a Democratic incumbent in 2028. The last two times that happened we were given a socialist to vote for in the Democratic primary. In 2028 we need to make sure whoever that is wins the primary. We can do that by spreading socialist and progressive ideas in the fours years between now and the 2028 election.

  • Biden resists allies’ calls to exit race after debate performance: ‘I know I’m not a young man’
  • Our democracy is a democracy. That is a fact. The most effective method to improving our democracy is using our democracy. US history has demonstrated this repeatedly. Our democracy is our most effective tool to prevent fascism, so we should fight to keep it as long as possible. The fascist movement will continue to grow until we defeat their ideas and abandon neo-liberalism. This means we need to elect Biden in 2024 and then elect a socialist in 2028. edit: typo

  • Biden resists allies’ calls to exit race after debate performance: ‘I know I’m not a young man’
  • We live in a first-past-the-post voting system. These choices, Biden and Trump, are in part the result of that system. We need to change to a different system like rank choice voting or approval voting. But despite being flawed, our system is still a democracy.

  • I cast Rule Reverse!


    Give a Shark, Take a Shark Rule

    We should promote allyship as much as possible. So take a shark meme and leave a shark meme. The hope that a group of people will die to fuel social change is incompatible with the hope that the same group of people will live to experience social change.

    Harm Reduction Rule

    There are no ethical choices under first-past-the-post voting. We must instead make a decision that reduces the most harm.

    OR6A2 Rule

    [Alt-text]: Before and after photos of a banh mi sandwich. Text: How to fix a banh mi sandwich in two steps. Step one, open sandwich. Step two, remove cilantro.

    Make Up Your Mind Rule

    Conservatives accuse Joe Biden of being a sleepy politician who is easily manipulated into advancing progressive legislation. If only that was true.

    [Alt-text]: Dark Brandon asks Jack the big questions. Is he too sleepy or too woke?

    I have been seeing Russian propaganda on Lemmy. Here are some articles to stay informed.

    The medium post, Is Azov Neo-Nazi? An Expert In Far-Right Radicalism Answers The Common Questions, does a good job of addressing the disinformation about the Azov Regiment.

    This article from NBC acknowledges the history of Nazis in Ukraine while making it clear that this history does not justify an invasion of Ukraine. The United States also has a history of Nazis and that of course does not justify military action against the US.

    This article from France 24 reported how Azov Regiment has been de-ideologised.

    A starting point for learning about this topic is the Azov Brigade wiki page. Specifically, the references section at the bottom of the page has numerous links to news sources.

    The people who formed the Azov Brigade and are responsible for its history of Nazi ideology and symbols are now part of a far-right political party called the National Corps. Andriy Biletsky and the people who make up the National Corps political party are neo-Nazis who deserve scrutiny. However they have no political power and do not represent a majority of Ukrainians. Their existence does not justify the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

    The content linked in the references section is where to get information. The wiki page provides a useful summary, but should not be the primary source of information.

    Untested Blood on the Clocktower Scripts

    I got hooked on watching No Rolls Barred plays Blood on the Clocktower and then I made a bunch of custom scripts with the script tool on the Blood on the Clocktower wiki. I would appreciate if anyone does use one of the scripts let me know how the game goes by posting about it here. They should be available to download, from my goole drive, along with the corresponding json files so they can be edited in the wiki's script tool. Let me know if the shared link doesn't work for some reason. Thanks. =)

    My personal favorite out of the the regular scripts are probably the Ravenswood Revolt, which I think should make for fast-paced games, and The Tax Evaders, which I think should be a casual and relatively balanced experience. I don't have a group of friends to test them out with, but I spent time thinking through scripts to either be balanced or at least hit a specific flavor.

    I've never played Blood on the Clock tower, but I have watched the full NRB play list through what is currently posted as of me posting this post. I've also played a lot of Among Us, Dread Hunger, and a little TTT. I'm also addicted to watching Yogscast TTT.

    If you want to make your own scripts you can here:

    Also here is the link to the full wiki:

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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