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Google dropping continuous scroll in search results

  • The Curious Case Of The Underselling Arena Tours
  • Support local music and musicians. Go to their shows. Buy their CDs and merch. Stop giving big corporations your dollars.

  • I can't understand why it never caught on...
  • It just needed a monkey with a tip cup.

  • Seems awfully dangerous
  • Literally the main reason I sold my motorcycle last year.

  • Pilot dies after Spitfire crash in Lincolnshire field
  • It's nice to see these old planes flying but at the same time maybe it's a bad idea to be flying 80+ year old aircraft. Surely, they've earned their retirement by now.

  • Harlem Shake Washing Machine
  • Every time I see one of these brick in a washing machine videos I laugh until there are tears in my eyes. They're dumb af but I can't help myself.

  • Germany Has Too Many Solar Panels, and It's Pushed Energy Prices Negative
  • Sell it to other EU countries. Why is this so hard?

  • Jack Dorsey says he quit Bluesky because it was becoming another Twitter
  • I'm on Bluesky and my view of it, at least, is absolutely nothing like Twitter. I'm glad he quit it before he could really turn it into another Nazi-infested hellhole.

  • Elon Musk’s Neuralink reports trouble with first human brain chip
  • No one could have predicted this totally predictable situation.

  • Which programming languages do you know?
  • In rough chronological order: Basic, Pascal, 6800 asm, 68000 asm, C, Smalltalk, Python, Java, Javascript. Worked with but wouldn't claim to "know": Fortran, COBOL, Prolog, Lisp, C++, Rust, Go.

  • Seen somewhere else on the Internet. Sorry for the nightmare fuel
  • The creator of this is number 1 on Ireland's Most Wanted List.

  • Stealth build
  • He’s also dead. There’s a message in that somewhere.

  • Kanye West Announces 'Yeezy Porn' Amid Reports of Adult Film Company
  • One shouldn't laugh at the mentally ill but damn, it's all I can do to keep a straight face.

  • Elon Musk insists Tesla isn’t a car company as sales falter
  • Indeed, it's a cautionary tale about letting idiots who think they're geniuses run companies.

  • Pennsylvania school board cancels gay '30 Rock' actor's anti-bullying talk, citing his 'lifestyle'
  • The total lack of self-awareness is stunning but perhaps not surprising for Pennslyvania.

  • Love you... from way over here
  • "We should do this more often*."

    *One more time before the heat death of the Universe. Maybe.

  • Meet a Missouri dad who went from a ‘full-on bigot’ to fighting bathroom bans on behalf of his 16-year-old daughter: ‘When it was my child, it just flipped a switch’
  • It was fine when it was someone else’s kid, though. You should be able to feel this outrage when it happens to anyone, anywhere. But that’s seldom how it goes.

  • Trump bemoans lack of immigrants from majority-white countries to the US
  • To them, the US is the shithole country, that's why.

  • I want to be able to create new notes based on specific format

    i have a format for note-taking in meetings that I currently copy/paste to use in new notes. I would like to be able to create a new, empty, note based on that format so I can skip the copy/paste step. I have Templater but it seems far more complex than what I need. Any suggestions?

    Trying to get and use JSON from a URL

    Absolute JS newbie here. I am able to use fetch() to get JSON from a URL but I can't figure out how to do anything with that JSON outside of the fetch itself.

    Here's my code (API key and GPS redacted): fetch('') .then(result => result.json()) .then((out2) => { console.log('Fetch Output: ', out2); }).catch(err => console.error(err)); Any code that references out2 other than console.log() call gives an error that out2 is undefined. How do I get access to out2 anywhere else?

    TomMasz TomMasz
    Posts 2
    Comments 82