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88 extractions
  • The official line is that its by request of their spouses so that they can have another kid with their late soldier (usually) partner. I don't think any other country has a sperm extraction battalion, I think this is what happens when you give an ethnostate infinity money.

  • Predictions for 2024
  • Canadian housing situation will dodge its breaking point for this year but things will get progressively worse through the year.

    Every Tory in government is going to push for the legalization of 5-over-1s to "address the housing crisis" and the first one they try to build is going to burn down during construction.

  • News Tomboys_are_Cute [he/him, comrade/them]
    Nazis make pilgrimage to Canadian Nazi Memorial Neo-Nazis, white nationalists go on pilgrimage to Galicia Waffen-SS memorial

    The move has been condemned by Jewish groups who renewed calls for the monument at an Oakville cemetery to be taken down

    Neo-Nazis, white nationalists go on pilgrimage to Galicia Waffen-SS memorial

    cross-posted from:

    > This is the only natural consequence of allowing these to stand. If you live in Oakville or Edmonton, your cities host these.

    Nazis make pilgrimage to Canadian Nazi Memorial Neo-Nazis, white nationalists go on pilgrimage to Galicia Waffen-SS memorial

    The move has been condemned by Jewish groups who renewed calls for the monument at an Oakville cemetery to be taken down

    Neo-Nazis, white nationalists go on pilgrimage to Galicia Waffen-SS memorial

    cross-posted from:

    > This is the only natural consequence of allowing these to stand. If you live in Oakville or Edmonton, your cities host these.

    Nazis make pilgrimage to Canadian Nazi Memorial Neo-Nazis, white nationalists go on pilgrimage to Galicia Waffen-SS memorial

    The move has been condemned by Jewish groups who renewed calls for the monument at an Oakville cemetery to be taken down

    Neo-Nazis, white nationalists go on pilgrimage to Galicia Waffen-SS memorial

    This is the only natural consequence of allowing these to stand. If you live in Oakville or Edmonton, your cities host these.

    Adventure Time: Fiona and Cake

    cross-posted from:

    > What started as a series for kids that started to grow up has come back an adult, developed and matured. The new series doesn't shy away from complex themes of existence and growth while maintaining the characteristic charms of the original series. Unabashedly referential and queer accepting, this series clearly let the writers and art teams do what they wanted and the show was excellent for it, down to every detail. To everyone who watched the original series long ago I would recommend this sequel. If you hadn't seen the original then I don't know how it would land, I am interested to know what you thought. > > > ::: spoiler Ending > The end made me cry, I couldn't help it. It was such a beautiful addition to the story, of what happened to Simon coming to grips with what he'd done, Marshal and Gary getting to be in love, the resolution of a world being returned to everyone within !chefs-kiss. The episode where those two got together was way too good. The tension of their lives and Fiona's somehow matched despite being worlds apart. Beautiful. > > Calling back to the last episode of the original series hit me like a tonne of bricks too. I remember being much younger than I am now and hearing "Come along with me" for the last time. It was an interesting choice not to use it to close out the season but I think it was a good choice, it was the final signifier that they had moved on from Finn and Jake. > ::: > > Watch this show so I can talk to more people about it

    Wow I did not know how bad my tenitus was

    I am in a quiet spot for the first time in years and damn, its bad. I needed to open my window just to have some noise, its doing multiphonics on my ringing. Wear your fucking earplugs kids this shit sucks

    Sort by active if you want to see where dunking is happening, present tense

    Excuse me for doing max treat enjoyer for a bit

    I default hot then go to new, but I didn't take in just how active Active can get. I went away for an evening and that post in lemmy worldnews went nuts, and then I saw that lemmygrad brought latestagecapitalism and all the fun hangups the libs get caught in there. Federation was a new dawn in posting, thank you Mods!

    This is happening in a hexbear near you

    Federation has unintentionally given us a pass-time from the subreddit and that wasn't even a goal or a thing I thought I wanted anymore. Mods take this down if this is against the rules but here is the comment for dog-piling purposes:

    edit: thank you for your hard work mods but I wish you let it stay up a bit longer so they could get more bullied

    Why does this happen to me

    I'm used to spam calls, hearing a bit of music then some lady speaking mandarin, whatever. This is new though, 1 a spam WhatsApp message and 2 the content. Has anyone else gotten anything like this? I'm hoping this is random and not targeted

    I have an Otherkin Question

    Remember those guys? Who were they? Where are they now? And my real question, were they an op?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Tomboys_are_Cute [he/him, comrade/them]

    The fact I can't add "il" to my pronouns is anti-Canadian bias

    Posts 10
    Comments 166