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My mom's doctor be like
  • I know a dude who's a retired doctor specializing in sports medicine (he was the team doctor for a Big 10 college football team), and he smokes like a chimney. He likes to joke that he's the 1/10 doctors that they don't quote on TV ads

  • Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction
  • Just a reminder, this shithead crossed state lines to dump gas on the fire of a protest

    The "crossed state lines" thing really irks me because does nobody know that maps exist? I'm thinking about crossing state lines today because I need to get more baby wipes. Shithead went to the next town over, which just so happened to be in a different state.

    But let's also not forget he went and partied with KKK members immediately after posting his crowdfunded bail, just in case there's any questions on how much of a shithead he is

  • California to become third state to mandate heat protections for indoor workers
  • My wife worked in a factory for a while that was air-conditioned but didn't have appropriate ventilation to actually circulate the air throughout the plant so it might have simply been better to just open all of the big dock doors and let the crosswind do its thing. It would easily be 90 degrees F inside during the summer. It was nice and comfy in the offices though!

  • Constantly. Or "oh, I thought I told you already."
  • Dude that's wild. My mother in law is kinda like that but doesn't last that long. She usually gives up on the ignoring after about a month or two. Last year we got to do our own thing for July 4th because she got mad at us for having a scheduling conflict for an event she didn't bother to tell us she had voluntold us to help out at. She didn't tell us about it, and we had prepurchased Renaissance Faire tickets and a hotel near the faire

  • Happy Juneteenth everyone!
  • This year was the first year I worked in an office that didn't recognize Juneteenth. Someone still found a way to complain about people expecting Juneteenth off work and blamed Zoomers for it becoming the norm like it's a bad thing

  • If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • I feel that. I completed a degree that easily leads into being a sysadmin or network engineer, but my paid internship ended and I needed a job, so I snagged the best one I could get immediately, which happened to be as a cloud admin configuring a Salesforce-like SAAS product. The work doesn't thrill me but the benefits are cushy enough and it seemed to be the best paying opportunity I had at the time (I could tell I was the top applicant for a couple of jobs I was applying to) I work close enough to IT to hear chatter about the things i actually care about and get roped into tasks that are more in line with what i want to do full time, but ultimately that's not my job right now, so it's just one offs that keep me thirsting for more.

    But now my needs are shifting and I'm struggling to land an interview for a hybrid role in a city an hour away that I intend to move to. Seems I'm getting the most traction with state jobs (I'm currently "eligible for further consideration" on 3 of them, but have yet to get a call to interview) but I think I can swing it if it just happens to be a tight labor market right now. I'm taking my time to focus on myself as well and try to improve myself outside of work and just enjoy what life has to offer

  • Anon goes to the gym for the first time
  • My brother in law does strongman competitions, lifting hundreds or thousands of pounds at a time. I joked once about how I might be able to lift the bar that you put the weights onto (he said it was about 75lbs) and his response was a very positive "you have to start somewhere"

  • Sims competitor Life by You has been canceled
  • Is Paradox doing okay? They own several franchises I care quite deeply about so I certainly hope this is a good decision cut their losses and not deliver a dud and not cost cutting to shore up worsening finances

  • Trump floats eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports
  • In a race where it’s estimated 40k people will decide the entire outcome, getting 20% of the country on your side is good numbers.

    Republicans have been saying shit about eliminating income taxes for years, or even flat out eliminating the IRS. I don't see this specific policy turning "millions"of voters like you say.

    The best thing trump can do is get voters excited. Voter turnout is abysmal in this country. Whoever gets more people to actually show up to vote wins. Joe Biden was a shoe in before he hard-backed Israel and now it's a toss-up

  • Trump floats eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports
  • Take a look at the JOLTS data

    516k job openings in April, 385k separations and 382k hires. That's a deficit of about 100k jobs that aren't being filled in manufacturing alone. The problem isn't a lack of manufacturing jobs, in fact it's the opposite. We have over a hundred thousand manufacturing jobs we can't fill, and this matches what I hear through the grapevine at my work which does contract industrial cleaning. People don't want those jobs, and people take advantage of the opportunities available to them to get out of those jobs. Trump would destroy the countries economy if he actually managed to implement this plan

  • $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players
  • You can usually snag items for 75% or more off about 1-2 years after launch on Steam (and by extension all other PC game sales platforms) and it's consistent enough that you can count on it (and I do!). I've never seen discounts go that deep on consoles, at least not for games I actually play.

  • YouTube is experimenting with server-side ads
  • I’ve never understood why they haven’t just provided a method of doing this for all their customers. Like a Google Ad service that meshes together everything on the page with the ads server side, so it’s harder to target them client side.

    The value that Google has always provided as an ad platform is that they're targeted ads. You can target estimated age, geographic location, gender, estimated income. You can target your ads so narrowly that only a single person ever gets them even.

    To bake ads into the actual content stream they have to expend compute editing and re-rendering the video for as many times as they have ads that they intend to run on those videos. They can do it once with once batch of ads but then it's only as targeted as who clicks on that video. Realistically they'll want to do it 5x, 10x or more per video (and store every copie of the video, unless there's some tech to store it as segments and seamlessly stitch then together as a single stream) to continue targeting the ads which gets very expensive fast

  • I just won an auction for 25 computers. What should I setup on them?

    I placed a low bid on an auction for 25 Elitedesk 800 G1s on a government auction and unexpectedly won (ultimately paying less than $20 per computer)

    In the long run I plan on selling 15 or so of them to friends and family for cheap, and I'll probably have 4 with Proxmox, 3 for a lab cluster and 1 for the always-on home server and keep a few for spares and random desktops around the house where I could use one.

    But while I have all 25 of them what crazy clustering software/configurations should I run? Any fun benchmarks I should know about that I could run for the lolz?

    Edit to add:

    Specs based on the auction listing and looking computer models:

    • 4th gen i5s (probably i5-4560s or similar)
    • 8GB of DDR3 RAM
    • 256GB SSDs
    • Windows 10 Pro (no mention of licenses, so that remains to be seen)
    • Looks like 3 PCIe Slots (2 1x and 2 16x physically, presumably half-height)

    Possible projects I plan on doing:

    • Proxmox cluster
    • Baremetal Kubernetes cluster
    • Harvester HCI cluster (which has the benefit of also being a Rancher cluster)
    • Automated Windows Image creation, deployment and testing
    • Pentesting lab
    • Multi-site enterprise network setup and maintenance
    • Linpack benchmark then compare to previous TOP500 lists
    Ask the Midwest Trainguyrom
    What is the right plate:family member ratio for a household?

    I'm currently decluttering and reducing to get a handle on my home, and I've come to a conundrum of how many plates/bowls/cups/etc do I actually need? I have 2 young kids that we'd prefer not to have to run to the store at 8pm to buy more plates because someone ruined a plate, but very limited cupboard space (small 120-something year old house with a kitchen that was built in the 50s)

    homelab Trainguyrom
    Revoking the SSH Keys of a Friend Sucks

    I'm just going to be vulnerable for a minute here. I met the first person in real life who had similar server-y linux-y obsessions to me and we'd send eBay links of systems to drool over to eachother. They ended up being a terrible person but hid it from me pretty well until they couldn't anymore and now I no longer have someone to chat with about those things.

    So um, I guess I'm open for applications for the position of "nerdy friend who I nerd too hard with about network infrastructure and Linux packages" now

    Edit: Autocorrect errors manually corrected

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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