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‘We’ve all broken the Ten Commandments’: The evangelicals still backing Trump
  • "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.” (Matthew 23:13, 27-28)

  • Trump cranks up false, inflammatory messages to rake in campaign cash
  • What if he gets sentenced to prison and his heart explodes from the stress and bone spurs?

    Does that fulfill his prophecy?

  • Some talking heads say they just want tax breaks for the rich. This is the real platform.
  • Nothing is perfect, and the American system relies on

    A) an educated population (that's why education is first thing on the chopping block in republican budgets)

    B) representatives in office who adhere to their oaths to protect the constitution. (We have a party currently seeking to end representative democracy and billionaires that have worked for 40 plus years to errode it to the point its gotten to)

    In theory, it's one of the best forms of governance ever created. It's one weakness relies on the majority to "do the right thing." Unfortunately, the republican party has done so much damage over time it's going to take a long time to fix. Will the American population be able to understand that? Guess we will see.

  • Some talking heads say they just want tax breaks for the rich. This is the real platform.
  • Uh. Madisonian Democracy is the division of powers between the three branches of government: Executive, Legislative, Judiciary.

    Each one is a check against the other and a guard post against dictatorship. It's a brilliant system and not the...whatever bullshit you threw out there.

  • Queen Hornet deploys a Wild Hornet with a 1.5kg cumulative charge
  • Jesus, lol.

    I can't wait until they drop a small robotic doggos with flamethrowers and shotguns to do some wetwork behind the lines.

  • Trump says he wants foreign nationals who graduate from US colleges to ‘automatically’ receive green cards
  • This is just a ploy to get elected. The republican platform says none of this.

  • Winklevoss twins say they each donated $1M in bitcoin to Trump
  • Everyone associated with Facebook is a horrible human being.

    Whoda thunk it....

  • Some talking heads say they just want tax breaks for the rich. This is the real platform.
  • When they labeled themselves "The party of Law and Order," it's quite funny.

  • Trump's Not 'Bluffing': Inside the MAGA Efforts To Make a Second Term Even More Extreme
  • It's why they wanted the debates to start earlier.

    If they happen at all. I fully expect the Traitor to drop out.

  • Political Memes TransplantedSconie
    Some talking heads say they just want tax breaks for the rich. This is the real platform.
    Man with carload of weapons and ‘hit list’ that included Biden, Obama and Clinton gets years in prison
  • Yes. Let's give the guy who's a few fries short of a happy meal just two years and no help with his psychosis. That should fix things.

  • Trump announces Teamsters union chief to speak at Republican convention
  • No shit.the idiots think that because they are on "Team Red," they will get excluded from the consequences.

    Nope, buddy.

    We in the same canoe, and you keep drilling holes in it.

  • What do you guys think about California secession?
  • Fucking Russian propaganda bullshit.

    Only an idiot of the highest caliber or an enemy of the US, would want to have California succeed from the union.

  • Trump ally Bannon asks the Supreme Court to delay his 4-month prison sentence on contempt charges
  • Hes got charges in NY State Court of:

    Two counts of money laundering, which carry a maximum sentence of five to 15 years in prison, as well as additional felony counts of conspiracy and scheme to defraud along with one misdemeanor count of conspiracy to defraud.

    His comeuppance is a-coming 😃

  • Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction
  • Lmao!!

    Fucking on point for a republican.

  • NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense
  • We can't even come together to wear a peice of cloth to slow the spread of a virus.

  • Political Memes TransplantedSconie
    Zero amount of fun. It's like your humor gland divided by zero and *poof* disappeared.
    Political Memes TransplantedSconie
    Don't let history repeat itself!
    Political Memes TransplantedSconie
    May his ulcers have ulcers.
    Political Memes TransplantedSconie
    Keep it up Two Scoops! That report will be a doozy!
    Political Memes TransplantedSconie
    Twas like sweet nectar from the Gods
    Political Memes TransplantedSconie
    Get fucked Two Scoops. Those gag order violations can come back to bite you.
    Political Memes TransplantedSconie
    It's uncanny!
    Ukraine uses long-range missiles secretly provided by US to hit Russian-held areas, officials say Ukraine uses long-range missiles secretly provided by US to hit Russian-held areas, officials say

    U.S. officials say Ukraine for the first time has begun using long-range ballistic missiles, striking a Russian military airfield in Crimea and Russian troops in another occupied area overnight.

    Ukraine uses long-range missiles secretly provided by US to hit Russian-held areas, officials say

    No more holding back lmao

    Full jury of 12 people and 6 alternates is seated in Trump's hush money trial in New York Final jurors seated for Trump's hush money case, with opening statements set for Monday

    Full jury of 12 people and 6 alternates is seated in former President Donald Trump's hush money trial in New York. :eyes: 2

    Final jurors seated for Trump's hush money case, with opening statements set for Monday

    And someone just set himself on fire outside the courthouse!

    Political Memes TransplantedSconie
    Oldie but a goodie.
    Ukraine, Israel aid back on track as House pushes toward weekend votes Ukraine, Israel aid back on track as House pushes toward weekend votes

    The House has pushed a $95 billion national security aid package for Ukraine, Israel and other U.S. allies closer to passage.

    Ukraine, Israel aid back on track as House pushes toward weekend votes

    It's coming guys and gals. Hold out just a little longer! Slava Ukraini!

    Political Memes TransplantedSconie
    Padded Room for One Please.
    Political Memes TransplantedSconie
    Life Imitates Art.
    TransplantedSconie TransplantedSconie
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