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  • I went down a huge rabbit hole cause of this. I personally like °F over °C but agree it's arbitrary. So I tried to make a scale that started at the coldest air temp on earth (some day in Antarctica) and went to the hottest day on earth (some day in death valley) and put the coldest day at 0°A and the hottest at 100°A.

    Sadly this made a scale that was less precise than I'd like. I like that I can feel the difference between 73°F and 74°F and don't want to have to use decimals.

    So maybe the end points could be only places where people actually live. Well it looks like some people live in Russia around -70°C and some people live in northern Africa around 50°C so if you just take °C and add 60 you can get a -10 to 110 scale where most temps would fall between 0 and 100. Still has the unit difference of °C (which I don't like) but I like that most temps are between 0 and 100. I also don't really like negative temperature since it seems wonky.

    To "fix" the unit scale you could just multiply everything by 2 so the difference between each full degree is half as much. So temps would be between -20 and 220. °A = 2(°C + 60) °A = 2(°C) + 120

    And it turns out I (basically) created the Fahrenheit scale but moved. °F= 1.8(°C) + 32

    TL;DR: I'm stupid and this was fun but also a waste of time lol

  • take their money and arrest those responsible
  • I hate this take because wtf else are the regular people supposed to do? The people in charge have systematically dismantled every single other form of transportation from trains to busses to bicycles and then placed everywhere you can live far away from everywhere you want to go and everywhere you can make money. Of course you have to drive everywhere! And then it's also our fault the climate is collapsing?? Like I'm just trying to make it to TOMORROW.

  • Removed
    Is anyone surprised?

    "Voters in RCV can't always safely vote 1st choice for their honest favorites Ranked Choice proponents often make the inaccurate claim that “With RCV, voters can honestly rank candidates in order of choice. Voters know that if their first choice doesn’t win, their vote automatically counts for their next choice instead. This frees voters from worrying about how others will vote and which candidates are more or less likely to win.”

    In fact, you can only safely rank candidates honestly in RCV if your favorite either has no chance at all or is a very strong candidate. There is no guarantee that if your favorite is eliminated your next choice will actually be counted."

    Basically if the "green" party or whatever gets big enough to oust blue then instead of the green splitting and most if not all of green voters going to blue and blue winning, blue splits and then it's down to what the blue voters put as secondary. If the blue voters were 50/50 green/red then it's very possible red wins (which is the worst outcome for a green voter. Most greens would prefer blue over red.)

    However, saying all that, I STILL would choose RCV over FPTP. I just wish STAR would get some recognition since RCV actually doesn't solve all our issues. RCV does have one thing that STAR doesn't, and that's that more people know what it is and it has been used in real elections.

  • What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • Yeah I'm not sure either. He used to do science-y videos before I started watching and I think his political videos really caught the algorithm which changed what kind of content he made for sure.

    Thanks for the plug! I'll definitely check them out. I've been missing that kinda stuff since all the "Breadtube" people make 2 hour long videos with long breaks now haha

  • What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • If it makes you feel any better, I was even later than you to stop watching. I didn't know about any of that Nebula stuff and only found out when one of his videos was so insane I had to go see how other people felt about it.

  • I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07.
  • Wow everything looks so well maintained! Guess that's the difference when you look at taxes as doing your part for the good of everyone vs the "gubment stealin ur hard earnd cash" sentiment we have around here. Also it looks like things are just plain closer together too.

    There are some nicer places a little bit southeast of where I live but they're even further apart because the houses are bigger, the lots they are on are bigger and that makes the neighborhood larger which makes getting anywhere pretty much require a car. Not like I could afford living over there anyway haha

  • I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07.
  • I wish we could ride bikes but here in the US there is absolutely no infrastructure for it. The closest Domino's to me is 3 miles away. Riding a bike there would be extremely scary.

    Even if you take Google's specified bike route through the neighborhoods you still have to go out onto the main roads at some point. First main road speed limit is 30mph where people routinely go 40-45. Second main road is 35mph where people also go 40-45. And the final stretch of "stroad" speed limit is 45mph where people go 55-60mph.

    Here you can use Google streetview and follow the route as if you were biking and see it yourself. (Don't worry, I'm not doxxing myself)

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