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I want a cypherpunk insurance - can it be done?
  • @mimblewimbler @Insurgeon

    I've often wondered about this and I've come to the conclusion that such products must exist if you're plugged deep enough into the criminal market.

    Medical services, dental plans, concierge services, one-off insurances, etc ..

    These are all markets that criminals need and no doubt they exist.

  • I want a cypherpunk insurance - can it be done?
  • @mimblewimbler @Insurgeon

    I've often wondered about this and I've come to the conclusion that such products must exist if you're plugged deep enough into the criminal market.

    Medical services, dental plans, concierge services, one-off insurances, etc ..

    These are all markets that criminals need and no doubt they exist.

  • How To Encrypt Your Mnemonic Seed Without A Computer/Internet
  • @nihilist @MoneroMaster

    If you are forced to decrypt a veracrypt volume on your siezed computer, the very fact that you are using veracrypt is probably enough for law enforcement to presume the existence of a hidden volume.

    You can deny it, sure, but it's definitely no longer plausible.

  • How To Encrypt Your Mnemonic Seed Without A Computer/Internet
  • @nihilist @MoneroMaster

    If you are using veracrypt on a siezed computer, that fact is probably enough for law enforcement to presume the existence of a hidden volume.

    You can deny it, sure, but it's no longer plausible.

  • Haveno-Reto on Tails?
  • @monerobull @WhinyTrout08

    This would be incredibly useful.

  • Transparent Bitcoin allowed FBI to catch Incognito Market Admin
  • @tusker @prancing389

    The Holy Grail - anonymous physical shipping addresses - the place where privacy and security meet.

  • Simplex Group for former Agora/LM sellers and buyers
  • @shortwavesurfer @helenslunch

    Also looks like the community has chosen Simplex for instant messaging.

    Great to see it being used this way.

  • Haveno Reto is LIVE
  • @xmr_unlimited @reto

    For evaluation just use a vm that you can clone and dispose.

  • Alternative to LocalMonero?
  • @admin

    Excellent, I pull the latest and give it a whirl later.

    Time to update my mainnet node.

  • LocalMonero is shutting down
  • @fullmetalScience @rottenwheel

    Nailed it, it's a very noob-friendly service.

  • LocalMonero is shutting down
  • @xmr_unlimited @rottenwheel

    Motherfuckers are in full attack mode. Time to strap in.

  • Alternative to LocalMonero?
  • @mister_monster @MigratingtoLemmy

    I've just pulled and built latest haveno on debian and got it running on stagenet. I'll play around with it some when I get more time.

    Does anyone have a roadmap for a mainnet release?

  • Before you panic sell, consider this
  • @SummerBreeze

    It's thoughtful to put out an article for those who might need a reminder of why they use XMR in the first place.

  • MoneroTalk & Economy via uncensored means?
  • @ShadowRebel @CharliePrime

    Agreed. It was a decent show, appreciate what you're doing.

  • Vastaamo hacker traced via ‘untraceable’ Monero transactions, police says
  • @xmr_unlimited @BrikoX

    Trad-Fi is a feeding trough right now.

    Honestly, it's not that normies disagree with Monero's goals, it''s just still way too complicated for most normies to bootstrap into getting, let alone using. And I've tried showing people.

    In the end local people resort to anything that is useful as a currency - fish, meat, eggs, veggies, skill--swaps - I'm down for that too.

  • [@monero](


    Christmas season reminder to all code maintainers and contributors: keep your eyes open for seasonal fuckery and mishaps.

    Remember OpenSSL's Heartbleed "bug"? Here's the git commit:

    Monero VPS Review and Community Action
  • @tusker

    I like to think I'm doing my part to give his life the meaning and purpose he craves.

    He'll start the article until realizing it would end up hurting him too. Finally, the epiphany moment when he comes to understand that the real friends were the trolls he met along the way.

  • Monero VPS Review and Community Action
  • @tusker

    Against my instance's admin, who will tell him to kick rocks.

  • UncleIroh Uncle Iroh ☑️

    Tea expert, retired Fire Nation general, former Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, Grand Lotus of the Order of the White Lotus, firebending master, mentor to loveable nephew retard Zuko, Dragon of the West.

    Lover of anime tiddies.

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    Comments 40