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Sailor Earth is extremely upsetting for a number of reasons.

I was trying to create a realistic Sailor Moon, but ended up with this abomination. Bing Image Creator

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  • I think if I got milk and cheese from a small farm where the cows get to nurse their calves and lead happy lives, I wouldn't feel like I have to give it up. But not sure if such a place exists or is possible.

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  • Definitely! I don't really miss meat when it isn't in my food, but I do miss the protein and vitamins. I'm also diabetic, so unfortunately, I can't eat rice and beans all day, or I absolutely would.

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  • Yea, like I love ice cream. Non-dairy ice cream, not so much. So the thought of walking away from one of my life's great pleasures is daunting.

    I don't just like food. I LOVE food. I pick my vacation spots for the food. I'll suffer through a boring work trip if it means new restaurants to try out. Going vegan will definitely impact how I approach food, social gatherings, meal prep, etc. It's a lot.

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  • The big thing for me is that if you think a question stupid and not worth your time to answer, you can just not answer. You can keep scrolling. To take time out of your day to inform someone that interacting with them is a waste of your time, when you can choose not to interact at all, seems extra unnecessary.

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  • Yup, trying. The siren call of milk and cheese is strong, but my red meat consumption is definitely down. Most pork is gone from my diet. Even bacon is a rarity. I recently discovered that I don't hate oat milk. So I'm making progress, but still have a lot more to do.

  • Is breastmilk vegan?

    My husband says yay, I say nay. What are your thoughts?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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