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Bill Gates on Trump meeting: ‘Frankly I was impressed’
  • I like Bill Gates.

    Thanks, amiko!

  • Politics Unfiltered Universal Monk
    Bill Gates on Trump meeting: ‘Frankly I was impressed’
    worldnews Universal Monk
    Rare creature caught on camera for the first time ever
    What will Trump as the president mean for working people in the US?
  • And things are about to get way more weird.

  • Socialist Workers Party Universal Monk
    What will Trump as the president mean for working people in the US?
    Socialist Workers Party Universal Monk
    Greetings to NY meeting from Sugarcane Workers Union of Dominican Republic
    Socialist Workers Party Universal Monk
    Nationalize the Major Banks and Monopolies From Our Program: Nationalize the Major Banks and Monopolies - Revolutionary Communists of America

    Everything in society is produced by the collective labor of the working class, but ownership—and the appropriation of profit—is private. These profits come from the unpaid labor of the working class.

    From Our Program: Nationalize the Major Banks and Monopolies - Revolutionary Communists of America
    Politics Unfiltered Universal Monk
    Nationalize the Major Banks and Monopolies From Our Program: Nationalize the Major Banks and Monopolies - Revolutionary Communists of America

    Everything in society is produced by the collective labor of the working class, but ownership—and the appropriation of profit—is private. These profits come from the unpaid labor of the working class.

    From Our Program: Nationalize the Major Banks and Monopolies - Revolutionary Communists of America
    UniversalMonk Universal Monk

    Socialist Mormon Satanist. Socialist Workers Party Kopimist. Debt-free. Alcohol-free. Drug-free. Caffeine-free. Work-free. Over 45,000 downvotes hurled at me for refusing to kneel and vote for the capitalist Duopoly. Despite the attempts to silence me, I'm still here. I won't be stopped.

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