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I have to teach my daughter different things than my son
  • I do not tap into culture wars at all because that is some manufactured bullshit meant to take away focus on class struggle in the US, a country I am not even from. Feminism is not a product of this, but rather of the very same ideals that lay the foundation of socialism. Men abuse women in a multitude of ways all the time, and it is not close to symmmetric, which of course does not mean I refute the very real consequences of the converse.

    Having the right positionsTM on the issues you bring in at the end, does not make me respect your disjointed post above.

  • I have to teach my daughter different things than my son
  • Oh my, I guess you just love the approval of someone consenting :) you dirty :)) consent-horny :-) slut :)

  • I have to teach my daughter different things than my son
  • I am baffled by how humanity has managed to survive this long when so many men suck so fucking much. Then, when I think of it further, large portions of it was probably due to the women having no fucking choice, exemplifying one of many important ways in which men suck.

  • I have to teach my daughter different things than my son
  • Most of us, who are not disempowered, are afraid of losing privilege and not doing enough because of that, or just from plain laziness. The self-esteem comment was probably on point, though. Can almost not help but feel bad for someone who hates themselves so much that they project it on women.

  • I have to teach my daughter different things than my son
  • I appreciate that I am not alone in having a better take

    Yeah, don't know about that, buddy. "Leftists are male-exclusive subtle fascists" reeks of "I have no clue about left wing ideology and my analysis of the world around me is based on a total lack of knowledge and a total lack of actual analysis", but sure. Could be that leftists just do not respond well to you in particular.

  • Centrists gonna centrist...
  • For me anything short of ending capitalism is not pro labour, but I will not mistake you for being pro genocide for disagreeing. Have seen around a few times, and sometimes they do keep their brain somewhere else than their head, sometimes not. The above seems to be one of the former.

  • Skill
  • Both are true. Some educations create skillful workers, just like anyone practicing a trade over time acquires skills with regards to their tasks. That being said, many degrees are just manufacturing diplomas for middle class and bourgeoisie kids who want to feel superior (and have an excuse to be rewarded as if they were).

  • Skill
  • Only "talking back if experienced" is the reason for poverty wages. If they are willing to let us starve for profit, why can't we burn down their homes for bargaining power? Why let them put their value on us in the first place and accept what we are given?

  • Centrists gonna centrist...
  • Yeah, I did actually feel bad for the Stegosaurus in the comparison and chose to mention them only because they are so cool! :(

  • Centrists gonna centrist...
  • Sure, but harm reduction does not need to infringe on critique of the current executive branch. If criticizing Biden is enough to make Trump win, then he has already won. Biden does not need to be more than a union buster for me to detest him, and still he is more crappy than that. I am not saying he is the worst, but I do not hate myself or my comrades enough to aim that low for the role of the most powerful man in the world.

  • Centrists gonna centrist...
  • I am not. Not voting is statistically the same as voting for the candidate you like the least. However, I don't both eat shit and lick arse.

  • Centrists gonna centrist...
  • Participate in collective action: protests, unions, strikes, socialist political parties and so on. Tell your friends they are uncool if they like fascism and very dope if they like increasing their bargaining power with solidaric unity.

    Also recognize that violence is inherent to any system of government and that disobedience is a tool, like any other, to fight back at what is unjust. It is also important to recognize that the disenfranchised are bearing the weight of the inadequacies of the staus quo and that being in position to be patient is a privilege.

  • Centrists gonna centrist...
  • Stegosaurus to be exact.

  • Centrists gonna centrist...
  • Right on! Fuck everyone who dare imagine a better world than a literal dinosaur making extinction worthy policy since the alternative is straight-up going to murder us all themselves.

  • Centrists gonna centrist...
  • I think you misunderstood. We just want to make capitalists and their usual fascist collaborators into victims of mass empowerment. If we can serve them their own balls, that is a bonus.

    To be clear, leftists are proles refusing to be victims of exploitation.

  • Gotta use all those brain cells
  • Should we make a club?

  • What is freedom?
  • Freedom is a verb.

  • Just one more lane
  • Well, no one is saying cars are worse for all purposes. If you want to take your family and dogs to a cabin in the mountains while also shopping for food along the way, it is probably going to be your best bet. Still, that is not what is pictured in the post. These are commuters that are probably moving from work to home (or vice versa), where cars really are the worst of most options. If the bus takes longer, it is probably an issue of allocation of funds for a shorter route and exclusive lanes for it.

  • Just one more lane
  • Sure! Both speed and distance matters a lot for throughput. The advantage of pedestrian traffic is that designing for it reduces the distance people have to travel and that it combines very well in conjunction with public transport, unlike cars. Also, the speed of mixed traffic is inverse correlated to the number of vehicles, hence is a special case in this regard where throughput may decrease as the volume per lane increases. The overall point however is that a single train can substitute a staggering amount of private vehicles (and who doesn't love leaning back, listening to music and reading the news while commuting?).

  • Just one more lane
  • Just going to leave this one here:

  • What propagandized terms do the bourgeoisie push on you?

    The bourgeoisie in my country have pushed the euphemism of "working capital" as something that needs protection from wealth tax. By inseparably connecting capital with jobs, they push the narrative that you cannot tax wealth without removing jobs and consequently hurting the working class. They paid for research groups to prove this connection, but what their research actually showed was that wealth tax creates jobs due to incentivizing keeping profits within the companies they own. The audacity to think owning the means of production is a privilege they should enjoy special treatment to keep is beyond me, but even so, this type of rhetoric keeps gaining ground.

    What is the propaganda they are pushing on you, and how can socialist policies prevail if reason loses to made up words changing the narrative?

    SDL2 Version "ready to go soon"

    Great Toady of course wrote this with the "hopefully" caveat, but here is to hoping.

    Urist Urist
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