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China's first AI hospital town debuts
  • This is all real neat but honestly I think the first responsibility that AI development must have in healthcare is for it to be able to use the basic data resulting from anamnesis, physical exploration and complementary tests given by the doctor to write the full clinical reports that often occupy more than half of a physician's worktime.

  • Any leading lights?
  • Please put the baby away from the cooking pot.

  • Another day, another banger
  • This meme was taken from R*ddit the same way Kim Il-Sung took one thousand Volvo cars from Sweden: shamelessly stolen.

    Never hire a maoist as a babysitter.

  • Lift like China, bro 🇨🇳💪
  • The average weight of a Chinese person (average between male and female) is of 64'3 kg, which multiplied by 850 million makes 54.655.000.000 kg. If one were to lift the weight of 850 million Chinese people in the form of 3-plate squats, one would have to do around 390 million reps.

    Imagine those quads.

  • True democracy is only possible when the means of production are publicly owned.
  • Lemme quickly get banned from this community.

    Love to see people like these coming here with this type of quotes as if they are going to be crucified and become martyrs under the shining light of true and righteousness for speaking THE TRUTH.

    No, dude. You are just going to be laughed at.

  • PSA: Glue is homophobic
  • "What I'm sayin is we got to legalize glue, man. It's got other uses that aren't just mind expanding."

  • Happy Labour Day, comrades!
  • Workerpilled labourmaxxer

  • In urgent need of a profile picture
  • Stand and deliver!

  • Cheap meal options? 🥺
  • The good ol' reliable carbonara spaghetti with cheese sauce.

  • Capitalists don’t care if we burn
  • In the United States, for over a hundred years, the ruling interests tirelessly propagated anticommunism among the populace, until it became more like a religious orthodoxy than a political analysis. During the cold war, the anticommunist ideological framework could transform any data about existing communist societies into hostile evidence. If the Soviets refused to negotiate a point, they were intransigent and belligerent; if they appeared willing to make concessions, this was but a skillful ploy to put us off our guard. By opposing arms limitations, they would have demonstrated their aggressive intent; but when in fact they supported most armament treaties, it was because they were mendacious and manipulative. If the churches in the USSR were empty, this demonstrated that religion was suppressed; but if the churches were full, this meant the people were rejecting the regime’s atheistic ideology. If the workers went on strike (as happened on infrequent occasions), this was evidence of their alienation from the collectivist system; if they didn’t go on strike, this was because they were intimidated and lacked freedom. A scarcity of consumer goods demonstrated the failure of the economic system; an improvement in consumer supplies meant only that the leaders were attempting to placate a restive population and so maintain a firmer hold over them. If communists in the United States played an important role struggling for the rights of workers, the poor, African-Americans, women, and others, this was only their guileful way of gathering support among disfranchised groups and gaining power for themselves. How one gained power by fighting for the rights of powerless groups was never explained. What we are dealing with is a nonfalsifiable orthodoxy, so assiduously marketed by the ruling interests that it affected people across the entire political spectrum.

    • Michael Parenti
  • Capitalists don’t care if we burn
  • I am completely sure that China is indeed spending god knows how many millions in building more solar farms in a year than the US has built in their entire history so people like Jake from Minnesota can be convinced that China is actually a pretty cool place.

    Do you people ever listen to yourselves?

  • NSFW
    Thoughts on the whole Chris Chan phenomenon?
  • I won't negate that transmisogyny has added fuel to the dumpster fire that Chris Chan's story is but this is outright wrong. Chris Chan was already a huge deal ages before they came out as trans, which happened relatively recently, much time after the peak of their infamy.

  • For those of you wondering, this is why JT needs more money to keep running his channel
  • I was going to make the joke of "omg jay tee is bourzhgeysee??!?1?"

    I am disappointed to see not only that that comment has already been written, but it has been made without a single drop of irony.

  • Based Ivan Sidorenko and Zhang Taofang
  • bourgeois dictatorship

    democracy with universal suffrage

    What lack of knowledge on marxist concepts and terminology does to a mfer

  • Based Ivan Sidorenko and Zhang Taofang
  • Ah, Simo Häyhä. The Ghost of Kyiv of snipers, and that is not a compliment.

  • In recent interactions with the Danish state, such as applying for residency permits, a Taiwanese’s nationality would be listed as “China.”
  • I cannot believe that I was born in the right time to see the incredibly rare and mythical Danish W.

  • How "Cultural Marxism" became the Far-Right's Scapegoat
  • My own theory on this, after having read a litle about cultural marxists on wikipedia and it’s sources is that just like woke culture is not being controlled by second wave feminists, but by a group of transsexuals, so did the German jews to second wave feminists. The german jews were either forgotten or they moved to California where instead of taking over the feminist movement, they were taken in by the Californian second wave feminist movement.

    Please turn off your computer and never turn it back on.

  • Socialist States Iceberg Tier-list

    Just sharing something silly that I decided to put together. Try to see how many of them you can recognize. Optional video essay background music to go along the post.

    Tier 1: The big three. On top of the iceberg due to the enormous impact that they have had in the world's history and popular culture, being known by even the most politically illiterate. It is very likely you have been told more than once to move here by angry people during political discussions.

    Tier 2: Smaller socialist states that stand out more than the rest in their respective regions. Still well known and recognized, but most people have a weaker grasp on them than on the ones listed on the tier above.

    Tier 3: More unlikely to pop up in debates about communism, this likelihood increases drastically if the person you are talking with had a grandmother whose castle, servants and favourite pony were taken away by one of these states.

    Tier 4: This tier marks a barrier: an average Jane and Joe is most likely not able to recognize these. However, they do not suppose a very deep level of knowledge for a ML, who should already know about their existence and point one or two facts about them at the very least.

    Tier 5: Many people are unable to even point on a map where these countries are located, and much less to even know that they were once socialist states. If you know in depth about them, it is very likely that you put a desproportionately large focus on anti-colonialism and anti-imperialism in your theory journey. It is also equally as likely that you haven't seen the sun in years.

    Tier 6: The bottom of the iceberg. These states are almost never mentioned even by the people who are well read on the states on the tier above, despite the very unique and interesting challenges that they had to face as socialist projects. Venturing into these shows a willingness to search for knowledge further away than anything that you will ever need in practice.

    Tier 7: The dark depths of socialist history. Some are states that lasted for several years flying under the radar of even the most dedicated MLs, but most of these are ephemeral projects, having lasted as much as the elements at the bottom of the periodic table, or what is the same, about two or three times longer than the average anarchist project. If you know about these, you either live in the place where they existed or you most likely learnt about them not in the pursue of anything practical, but searching for knowledge purely for the sake of it.

    Tier 8: Have you ever had a dream that that you um you had you'd you would you could you'd do you wi you wants you you could do so you you'd do you could you you want you want him to do you so much you could do anything?

    Is anyone here a migrant, or thinking of becoming one?

    Are you someone who has left their country of birth to move and settle somewhere else, or who is thinking of doing so in the future? What led you to take that decision, or what is making you consider it? What have your experiences been until now, and what do you expect and hope for in the future?

    Valbrandur Valbrandur

    "A man's ability may be great or small, but if he has this spirit [of selflessness], he is already noble-minded and pure, a man of moral integrity and above vulgar interests, a man who is of value to the people."

    Profile picture: Norman Bethune.

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