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What are your predictions on the Trump/Biden debate happening tomorrow?
  • Biden will try to fight the moderator

  • The balkanisation map guy is becoming a tradcath 😭
  • western liberals be like: "Yeah, this guys seems reasonable."

  • Bernie isn't going to save your genocidal ass.
  • Okay, not to sound like a masculinity twitter account, but bernie and brandon are basically the same height, so to achieve this photo bernie is either hunched over like mr burns or biden is standing on a lift

  • Hell world
  • Surprising Family at 3 AM with a CLAW HAMMER!

  • Reported birth of rare white buffalo calf in Yellowstone park fulfills Lakota prophecy
  • geordi-no birth of a red calf portending the eschaton

    geordi-yes birth of a white calf portending better times

  • hexbears talking to me be like
  • Unlike you zoomers, i know firsthand the horrors that communism wrought on Russia.

    I was born in 1989...

  • Biden: Hamas. Hamas could end this tomorrow. Hamas could say (unintelligible) and done period. You may not like it, but this is what peak statesmanship looks like.
  • But has he crossed your red line?

    Biden: I'm not going to respond to that because I'm about to make a…anyway.

  • classic song
  • "I want to fuck [...] an animal."

    -Trent Reznor

  • Teetotalitarianism (Kelly)
  • "Some Millenial" looking old sadness

  • Accidentally correct
  • Store brand Ben Garrison

  • 15 minuet magic kingdom
  • This is just describing the "revitalized downtown" of every North American city. Nothing "15 minute" about it.

  • Real
  • Iz forgittin', wich iz da wun dat'z brutal but kunnin' an' wich iz da wun dat'z kunnin' but brutal?

  • Miss Manners: Turns out most people aren’t eager to hear details of your DNA test results
  • It's like the mirror image of the "temporarily embarrassed millionaire" thing. Every american is the forgotten direct scion of european nobility and not all of the workers and peasants they're descended from.

  • Saladarity
  • Direct action gets the goods