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  • Unfortunately extremely high water usage to grow cotton, and a lot of it is grown in places that need that water for other things (RIP Aral Sea).

    Based on the article we should use flax aka linen, which I suppose makes sense. Linen was once a finery due to the excessive effort needed to produce it, but now we have machinery.

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  • I agree with you wholeheartedly.

    I buy very few clothes, so I save up to spend more on ones I think will last longer.

    It's very burdensome when something doesn't last long enough to reach that price-equilibrium point compared to simply purchasing more, cheaper clothing.

    I am currently almost out of socks and panties because of this :(

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  • It is a pretty good article but I have some nitpicks:

    They say both that you cannot decide in a vacuum and fast fashion uses synth materials to make disposable clothing. I think given these two ideas, the carbon usage for one garment of wool vs one garment of nylon should include all the "waste" garments produced as well. Since, when you buy from a company that practices this, the impact is from the whole process, as they are keen to point out. That includes the sweatshop to landfill garments.

    Personally I like not wearing a microplastics generator.

    I am also curious about hemp clothing.

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  • There are mulesing free certificates, and some companies go the extra mile.

    Varusteleka is pretty open about their wool, but they don't have the biggest selection.

    (varusteleka, I've called you out twice on this account, sponsor me lmao)

  • I wonder what the cat is thinking at this time
  • Ears neutral, whiskers forward, mouth closed.
    All signs of friendliness and acceptance.

    Eyes are fully open so kitty is aware and alert, but pupils aren't in attack mode.

    Seems fine, kitty is probably going to be annoyed about the whisker touching if it keeps happening tho.

  • Fusion 360 increasing annual price to $680 USD
  • I tried it and made a few things for around the house.

    It's fine, but it's Invasive, and so cloud connected that I got really fed up with it.

    I would pay them the same price for an offline only version.

  • Fusion 360 increasing annual price to $680 USD
  • I spent a lot of time in free cad and am now trying Bricscad. I wanted to use Alibre because it's way cheaper but it's windows only and I couldn't get it running in Proton or Wine.

    I like freecad a whole lot, but I couldn't stand the number of crashes any longer :(

    I couldn't find any other sane priced software that wasn't Cloud-integrated (looking at you, dassault).

  • Suggestions for Merino Wool Tshirts?
  • Varusteleka, and you can also get a wool hoodie, wool pants, wool socks, etc.

    You can also get shipping by re-pack so the packaging is not wasted either, it goes back to posti for delivery back to businesses.

    BIFL shipping packaging haha.

  • What is a fun gadget you have purchased that has added value to your life?
  • No, these devices hold water at the appropriate temperature for long periods of time using extremely good insulation. They provide hot water on-demand after reaching temperature and are used in a way that is somewhat different from kettles.

  • Heaviest ever SUVs massively undermine climate benefits of other vehicle improvements, says new GFEI report
  • Because the structure the government set in place prioritizes the biggest heaviest vehicles over smaller cars that are more fuel efficient in absolute terms, but are disqualified due to not meeting the exponential curve of MPG per lbs that make up the limits.

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