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  • Leak: EU interior ministers want to exempt themselves from chat control bulk scanning of private messages - EU Reporter
  • How about making every message of government officials be public and saved in easily searchable database for the populace and make content of their screens be streamed 24/7? No? Why? Nothing to hide nothing to fear? Right?

    You stupid fuck.

  • YouTube's next move might make it virtually impossible to block ads
  • But then those ads either need to be skippable or not skippable with some kind of metadata which can be used against it by injected scripts.

  • YouTube's next move might make it virtually impossible to block ads
  • Good to know. I'd rather pay for a vpn than YouTube premium.

  • Yeah, about that…
  • The problem with internet was always that access to bullshit is way easier than access to information. Except now the difference gets exponentially bigger, and bullshit is indistinguishable from truth.

  • Iced tea is now a 20 pack instead of a 24.
  • But is it priced as 20 or 24-pack?

  • It's really not a big deal.
  • I'm pretty sure modern day viking descendants are ok with them.

  • What's the most expensive thing you broke as a kid and what's the story behind it?
  • An electric keyboard imported from outside of soviet block. I was too young and stupid to understand the power brick and conected it directly to mains. A shower of sparks tought me an important lesson about electricity and voltage.

  • That's LTT in the bottom
  • Windows: Cannot print because error.

    User: What error?

    Windows: What error?

  • Roku TV bricked until agreeing to new terms of service
  • That would be a good idea if there wasn't a 100x difference in price for something actually tv size big.

  • checkmate
  • Virgin Marry 2

  • What distros have you tried and thought, "Nope, this one's not for me"?
  • I tried arch btw.

    But didn't like it.

  • Google raising price of YouTube Premium to $13.99 per month
  • If they made YouTube paid only and lowered subscription to $1-2/month I might consider.

  • Why you shouldn't use Brave Browser
  • No android version = no buy

  • `v0.19` upgrade issues and downtime.
  • Nevermind, that forced me to look for other apps and after checking them all I've found one that fits me the best and mostly works.

  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  • Now you just hit me with nostalgia. Yes, all of it.

  • Why Bother With uBlock Being Blocked In Chrome? Now Is The Best Time To Switch To Firefox
  • When I was using Firefox I felt like spoofing user agent was essential to make websites work the way they were supposed to. I could loose some rounded corners here and there but it was still better that some features completely missing

  • When not thinking about it, do you notice your blinking?
  • I've read the comments and did all of those things.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm choosing to belive this over the alternative just to save my sanity.

  • Veticia Veticia
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    Comments 55