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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 wk. ago

  • Been there. It wasn’t as crowded as “first” protest that was over a month ago, but there was nice energy today. Although one might argue these protests aren’t changing much, there are still people that are not giving up and it’s great seeing that.

  • That’s the thing that confuses me. We have a Slovak bookstore which sells ebooks in epub/mobi/PDF formats. Unfortunately they’re mostly in Slovak/Czech language. Also frequently the ebooks marked as “sale ended”. So technically it works, but the offering could be bigger. That’s why I thought there might be something like that, but on a bigger scale.

    But as I mentioned in other comment, for now I will manage with using DRM-free epub books. That should be sufficient for me while it still works. Thank you for suggestions.

  • I’m aware of that, but that sounds like a waste to me. And I don’t mean financially. I’m just not a fan of getting rid of a piece of hardware while it’s still working perfectly fine, just to “prove a point”. I’m not willing to send any additional money to Amazon for books, but the hardware is already paid for.

    But of course once the time comes for a new device, it will be a different brand.

  • Thank you for hint. That sounds like the easiest solution. Find a DRM-free book and upload it to Kindle. I’m fully aware that it might not be a future-proof solution, but I’m fine with that. I’ll use it while it still works and afterwards, I’ll look for other options.

  • That sounds like a great option, but my problem is that my main device is not a PC, but rather a tablet where this software can’t be used. That’s why I hoped for some store that provides books also in mobi format. We already have one such store in my country, but the problem is that their e-book selection is not great (as they’re mostly a physical book store)

    But thank you for a specific software recommendation. I’ll keep it in mind and probably make it work somehow. Much appreciated.

  • Buy European

    Request: e-book store for Kindle

  • Honestly it didn’t even occur to me that this could be a problem somewhere in this day and age. I don’t even remember when was the last time my bank sent me an SMS for MFA, but it’s a good point for people in US.

  • I’m not an expert in this field, so other people might have something else to add, but my takeaway is mostly - do not rely on phone services. Don’t use MFA via SMS, etc. Most of the issues described, you can avoid if you’re careful, except the geolocation issue.

  • Right, it’s not a big difference, but it’s at least something. Both communities can coexist and if they have something that differentiates them, all the better. For some people, it doesn’t matter that much. For those people that do care about the distinction, they can focus on their preferred community instead. In the end (as other people said), it’s fine to join both of these, so I don’t think it matters a lot.

  • I don’t mind either way. If we keep it separated there will be the split of community that you mentioned. But if we merge it there will be endless discussions about “what is the actual goal? Propagating EU products? Propagating European products? Propagating non-USA products?”. By keeping two separate communities, each can focus on something else. And they can also reference each other (“this community is for


    if you want to recommend


    you can do it in the other community”)