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New Zealand scraps world-first smoking ‘generation ban’ to fund tax cuts
  • The populists won't allow more foriegn ownership of real estate.

    I don't see a single problem here. Fuck, I wish Australia would get behind this.

    Also good, fuck prohibition laws. Leave them in the fucking past where they belong. If I want to slowly kill myself by inhaling burning plant matter, then that's my decision. The taxes I pay more than cover my eventual cost to the state's healthcare system. The government does not get to dictate what I do with my own body.

  • I got a dig bick.
  • You used to be able to do this and everybody would laugh, and women would suck your dick, but after 9/11 everybody got all sensitive.

  • NSFW
  • Typical response from someone who can't understand how dangerous "comedy" like this is to real women.

  • NSFW
  • She's every woman in every room, bigot.

  • NSFW
  • Women's rights to not be objectified, you fucking bigot. People like you are directly responsible for the number of women and girls murdered every day by trivializing hilarious images like this. Your internalized misogyny is obvious to all.

  • NSFW
  • Wow, what is this misogynistic shit equating women with animals? Not to mention pushing the idea that women are just pieces of meat, ready to be slapped at will.

  • Vornikov Vornikov


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