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  • Thanks

  • Open source e reader
  • This website is run by Marxists.

    Do you have a source for that?

  • 16 April 1987
  • I mean, Calvin has a point. Even if the road was completely clear, you'd still have to stop at traffic lights and stop signs. 50 miles is quite a ways too. It's not realistic to assume they'd be able to maintain that speed for the entire duration. That question is pretty bogus all around, haha!

  • Lakka 5.0 Released for Retro Gaming Enthusiasts
  • For a second I was like "Yo, is that logo a cloudberry?" Then I looked it up and apparently lakka is Finnish for cloudberry. Makes sense, haha!

  • Oy, what are you looking forward to foraging?
  • Almost seems like you need to just selectively plant trees from separate groves next to that of others. At that point it moves from foraging into more of a horticultural territory though, haha!

  • Riot Games talk Vanguard anti-cheat for League of Legends and why it's a no for Linux
  • Yeah, you're right. It just sounds kinda bad to call them "our backdoors". It's not inaccurate, but still sounds kinda sus

  • All Quacks travel at the speed of sound.
  • Oh, silly me! How could I have forgotten about duck physics? πŸ˜…

  • Riot Games talk Vanguard anti-cheat for League of Legends and why it's a no for Linux
  • "They'd find our backdoors T_T"

    Oh noooooo! /s

  • All Quacks travel at the speed of sound.
  • Well we know it's somewhere under 88 mph, otherwise there'd be flames on the track

  • Garlic mustard
  • Yeah, when I first learned that, I decided that I'll stay far away from it if I ever see one. Afaik it can't hurt you unless its sap touches you, but I'm not taking chances if I don't have to

  • Garlic mustard
  • giant hogweed

    Yikes! That's the stuff that can burn your skin and potentially make you go blind, right?

  • My pride and joy
  • Good bot

  • If you have have questions about TCP/IP, I know the pro-to-call.
  • I'd tell you my multicast joke, but it's only funny to the right group.

  • Lunch, why not?
  • Sincerely, all non Canadians

    That's a little presumptuous

  • Maple awl handles made as a beginner project on my ShopSmith lathe
  • Super cool! What're you going to use the awls for?

  • Yet another Pillow Thief
  • They know what they did...

  • Oy, what are you looking forward to foraging?
  • Oh yeah! I've used it before but not for a long time. I'll have to check it out again

  • Oy, what are you looking forward to foraging?
  • I want to find a morel for the first time this year, so I'm pretty excited for that! We'll see if I actually do or not.

    I also want to try making some recipes with stinging nettle. Like make some nettle fettuccine or nettle soup. It's a common plant that I've been successful at identifying in the past, but all I've done with it is make tea so far, so I want to take it to the next level.

    Also excited for pawpaws. I tried one for the first time last year at the Ohio State Pawpaw fest, but it would be cool to find one growing in the wild.

  • Found serviceberries and used them to make cobbler

    Found some serviceberries up in the mountains of Utah last August, and used them to make a delicious cobbler!

    I posted this back then, but the post got deleted when the other community mysteriously dissappeared.

    Here's some more pics!







    Anyone know what kind of mushroom this is?

    Found in Eastern Ohio. Not sure what type of tree it is, but there's lots of maple, oak, and black walnut around. There's also something dropping a cherry-like fruit (chokecherry?).

    Here's a picture of the underside:

    Edit: it wouldn't let me post the other picture, so I'll try doing it in a comment

    WalrusByte WalrusByte
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