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Julian Assange judge previously acted for MI6
  • I guess they're trying to insinuate that there's a conflict of interest because he worked for a government agency and Wikileaks leaked documents pertaining to that government agency.

    But, like... That would be like saying no judge could oversee the case of someone who attacked a courthouse because they work for the same legal system. That would be a real loophole in the law if by breaking the right ones, you just couldn't be tried anymore.

  • Connection [beetlemoses]
  • Would you be more comforted to know you weren't alone?

  • Argentina's Milei says shutting central bank 'non-negotiable'
  • I can almost understand the Personal Liberties Libertarian, which I think is what the philosophy was originally supposed to be about. But we often see Corpo-National Libertarians or Totally-Not-An-Anarchist-I-Swear Libertarians, and both of those are baffling to me.

  • It's more whimsical this way
  • The alternate history where Caeser spent the end of his life in horny jail.

  • Canada bans import, export of elephant ivory and rhino horns including hunting trophies
  • Yeah. If this hadn't been banned already in Canada, it makes me wonder what other laws I just assumed were common in Western republics and democracies actually aren't.

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  • It really makes me cringe every time they talk about logic...
  • Most people don't actually know what logic is. I would ask him to define logic to see where he's coming from. Because most people either don't have a definition or if they do it's different than the one the person they're talking to has. But to do that, you'll also want a definition you could explain to someone else going into asking the question.

  • Citizen watchdogs eye Congress' 'killing it' approach to stock trading
  • I agree with you. But it's important to still point out and want to fix problems even in the "better party." We can't simply be accepting of "be less bad." We need to always strive to improve. And weakening the connections between Wall Street and Washington is a big progressive goal that the old guard of Democrats have directly opposed.

  • Citizen watchdogs eye Congress' 'killing it' approach to stock trading
  • Does the bill specify who they're going to be paying the money to, though? Because an infrastructure bill saying we're going to spend a certain amount of money on these projects can predict changes in certain industries, but being on a committee and saying, "We're going to hire this specific company with this huge government contract to do this work," can tell you exactly what company is about to have a huge boost to their value.

  • Governments plan more fossil fuel production despite climate pledges, report says
  • Well, time to fill my life with meaningless debauchery, because it's not like there's a future to plan for.

  • Rishi Sunak considers tax cut for top earners after byelection defeats
  • Wait, wait, wait... The average middle-class voter who is struggling to get by is starting to turn away from the Tories and their leader's suggestion is to reduce taxes on the wealthiest people? Not to improve services or perhaps address the issues that drove former conservative party voters to Labour. No. Cutting the taxes of the elite, further reducing funding for services that the majority of voters use or rely on is the obvious answer.

  • Circus Maximus (2023)
  • I wonder how they'll choose who gets crushed to death at every screening.

  • F as in frog
  • You know... I was the last man to sleep with her.

    • A frog, probably.
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  • For a while, I kept seeing memes like these and thinking, "Who actually says/believes these things about [m/b]illionaires?"

    Then it unlocked an old memory from grade school where we were given a list of, like, ten things millionaires do with dumb shit like, "Get up early in the morning," "Have a daily schedule," and, "Keep a journal."

  • The Kremlin's propaganda machine will likely use the conflict in Israel to undermine the West's support for Ukraine: ISW
  • I also noticed that both here on Lemmy and over on Reddit that there's been a push of pro-Russian talking points and a huge push towards Islamaphobia for the past few days, starting just before the attacks this weekend.

    I understand there's going to be some natural anger over the attack, but the amount of accounts I've seen, especially noticeable here on Lemmy because we just don't have as many users, who are saying things like, "This is just what Muslims are like," and, "Western countries accept these kinds of people, so expect them to do the same there," and other racist bullshit talking points. They've also been painting the ongoing conflict as unquestionably one-sided in Israel's favor.

    It's depressing but kind of to be expected that there's a psyops campaign going on trying to get people outraged at not just Hamas, not just Palestine, but all of Islam right now while simultaneously trying to paint Ukrainian surrender and pro-Russian propaganda. This horrible act of terror was either in part planned by Russia or at the very least is seen as an easy opportunity to try and weaken Western support of repelling their invasion of Ukraine. Just spending a little time in the wrong circles on social media should make that obvious.

  • ‘Exorcist: Believer’ Gets Horrifying Reviews After Studio Gambled $400 Million for Rights
  • $400m for the rights alone. It doesn't talk about cost of production.

    Meaning they're looking to make that rights cost back across the trilogy rather than from one film, but they're constantly adding costs along the way.

  • 11 arrested in protest at Sen. Bernie Sanders’s office over war in Ukraine
  • Is it actually reducing harm to fight to the last Ukrainian though?

    When Russia is trying to commit genocide against Ukraine? Yes.

  • 11 arrested in protest at Sen. Bernie Sanders’s office over war in Ukraine
  • One of the things that made me really like Sanders when he was first campaigning for president was when I looked up his record on American war and he had a voting record that tended to follow a quote from him that amounted to something like (paraphrasing), "War should be the last resort, but if a war is started, we need to see it fully see it through."

    It's not like siding with Ukraine and getting into that conflict is supporting warfare. It's seeking to prevent warmongers from profiting off a senseless war. The idea that abandoning Ukraine to just be invaded and allowing Russia to get whatever they want by force is an, "Anti-war," stance is fucking absurd.

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  • Honestly, this edit of the comic comes off as the cat being annoyed about not being fed after the owner either died or had an emergency they never returned from.

  • Removed
    Reddit censors story on Starlink losing over 300 satellites after it jumps to #2 overall for r/worldnews
  • I thought Lemmy was supposed to be the best free speech alternative

    I don't think there's any useful definition of a "good" free speech website. Because everyone's going to disagree on the criteria of what makes one good. Myself, I like more moderation, but I like that moderation to be held accountable in an attempt to keep the moderation higher quality and honest. Some people see free speech as no moderation, total anarchy, and I hate that, I've seen some websites that tried that, it turned into hate speech and revenge porn and other terrible things very quickly.

  • Was actually my wallpaper for a time

    Cross-posted from user

    One motherboard hung, then the second wouldn't power on at all. No idea what's going on.

    So, I had (have) a strange issue that my local PC repair shop diagnosed as probably my CPU, so I'm wondering if you've ever heard of this kind of thing before.

    Full story: I bought (supposedly all new components) the things to build a new PC (my first build), made sure they were all compatible, all that.

    Here's a link to my parts list from PC parts picker:

    I originally bought a GIGABYTE Z790 AORUS Elite AX motherboard, but when I plugged everything in and tried to power it on for a pre-install boot test, it hung at the CPU light. I tried everything I could to troubleshoot and diagnose the issue. I unplugged everything and plugged them back in. I jiggled the wires. I looked for scorch marks where something might have shorted. I checked the pin array (THREE TIMES!) I reseated the CPU, GPU, RAM, AIO cooler, and M.2 SSD. I took every component that was connected off one at a time including the CPU before powering it back on, all to no effect. It always had the same problem.

    I figured that the motherboard was most likely faulty, though wasn't certain, returned that to my vendor (Amazon) and ordered the Aero D as a replacement (because it was around the same price point but had a hex display which I thought would help the next time if I needed to troubleshoot). The Aero D came, this time I went to a PC repair shop and built my PC with the person running it to make sure I didn't do anything wrong. This time, the motherboard wouldn't power on at all. Well, not quite true. We could get the Q Flash Plus to work and updated the BIOS, so there was power getting to the board. But when jumping the reset or power pins, there would be nothing. It didn't give an error code, it didn't pull power from the PSU, which was tested and seems to be working fine, it didn't do anything. I tried resetting CMOS and trying to power it on again, nothing.

    And this was repeated for troubleshooting. We could always get Q Flash Plus to run where there was definitely power to the board, but the board wouldn't power on when the power or reset pins were jumped. The PC repair technician diagnosed it as "most likely" the CPU since he didn't have any spares on hand that he could test, either compatible CPUs or MBs, and because there was SOME (though not the same) problem twice with the same CPU/PSU combo and different MBs, they figured CPU as the most likely suspect.

    I have never heard of a motherboard that is receiving power and can update its BIOS but that then won't do ANYTHING when you try to turn it on. And it doesn't make sense to me that it just wouldn't draw power at all because of a bad CPU. I would think it would need to draw power to know that the CPU was bad in the first place. Intel has offered a replacement unit for the CPU based on the repair technician's diagnosis, but while I'm satisfied with their willingness to try to make the problem right, I'm not satisfied with the answer that, "Oh, the CPU is probably bad." So I'm coming here to see if any of you have heard of anything like this before or have any further insight as to what might have gone wrong with both of my build attempts.

    I will note, I will not have the hardware to do further troubleshooting as I'm sending the CPU back to Intel and am trying to get in touch with Gigabyte (though they haven't gotten back to me yet) and may be returning the motherboard to the vender just to go full clean slate on it and try the build again with a new manufacturer.

    Just wanted to say hi from the Bi community!

    Hello! I just joined Lemmy and am checking things out and noticed you fine Aces over here, thought I'd pop in and say hello, meet the neighbors kind of thing. I'm hoping I'll see my best friend around here if he decides to leave Reddit. He's how I learned about Aces and started getting involved in the community. Without learning about you guys, I would have never discovered my own sexuality.

    Well, I do feel a little like I'm invading, so I'll keep this short. I hope to see you around!

    WaltJRimmer Walt J. Rimmer
    Posts 5
    Comments 99