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[Meta] Mod Search
  • Awesome! Approved :)

  • Tree House I built in an older world
  • Minor spoilers but some endgame items are Monoliths, which mimic the visual look of a few events like the Blood Moon, this one is one obtainable after fighting the final boss and mimics a late game event visually.

  • Tree House I built in an older world
  • Yes actually, the right side has a teleporter, which leads down below ^^

  • Best solutions for email?
  • Basically that yeah, assuming that's the best way to go about it anyway.

  • Best solutions for email?

    Figure I'd ask here, but I'm looking to set something up for email in the future, I'm looking into custom domains so that if something happens with one email account, then I have more security in mind to pick up from there as opposed to being screwed.

    I know that fully self hosting email full stop is usually not recommended, so I'm up for any advice anyone has on that end.

    [Meta] Mod Search

    Hi, since I'm gonna end up being a bit inactive in the next few months, I'm up for seeing if anyone wants to help moderate this sub, just post below and I can get you approved there. Ideally saying why you want to do or and/or any experience you have, if any, would be nice, though not mandatory.

    Anyone interested in moderating this community?
  • Hi, was busy a good while for a lot of things, so didn't see the request for posting here till later sadly. But excellent to see this here, good to see things slowly building up :).

  • [META] Looking for moderators
  • Sure, approved now

  • [META] Looking for moderators

    Normally shouldn't just post text only, but this one's important. If anyone wants to help out and take up being a moderator for this community, then post below and I can get you appointed.

    Preferably say why you want to do that and/or any experience you have.

    Is this official?
  • I can set you up as an appointed mod if ya want.

  • Is this official?
  • Hi, this is unofficially made to give the community a place to go to in the event of total shutdown or blackout, basically to give a ppavr to migrate off of reddit from. But if anyone from the relevant communities wants to take up moderation or community transfer the I'm always up to set something up on that.

  • [Question] Best way to start hosting a MediaWiki instance?

    I currently host a couple small wikis for worldbuilding information, but the hosting provider for that is going down in a few months, so I'm looking for ways to self host what I got.

    I've never self hosted with Mediawiki before so this is brand new to me, I've already spent a couple hours messing around with Docker but haven't gotten too far into that. OS is Manjaro/Endeavour Linux between two systems.

    Not necessarily looking to host it online immediately to start with, though in the future I'd like to do so when I can get the proper hardware preparations for it, but for now I just want to host it locally to get it set up.

    EarthPorn Wanderer Lagomorph
    [Rules] Full list of rules for the community

    Since Lemmy doesn't currently have the ability to host a wiki index as far as I can tell, here's a list of the rules as was originally stated on r/EarthPorn, this'll also be put onto the sidebar.


    Submissions must be:

    • A photograph.

      • No Paintings, illustrations, gifs, videos, or interactive images.
    • A photograph you took (OC)

      • or one which you can provide the original source for. Do not rehost non-OC images to reddit or imgur. Failure to provide the photographers name or the original source of the image can result in a ban. A single image
    • Albums may be posted in the comments. Panoramas, Image Stacks, Composites, and images edited via Photoshop or similar software are allowed.

    • An image featuring a natural landscape

      • Images must have visible land. Images with humans, machines, boats, roads, airplanes, farms, animals, buildings, or other human-made objects in them will be removed.
    • An unsilhouetted image

      • Images where details in the landscape are not visible due to silhouetting will be removed.
    • No photos taken illegally

      • This includes flying your drone in a no-fly zone. Please respect local laws and access closures!

    Title Requirements:

    You submission title must contain the following:

    • The location of the area in the photo.
      • When it comes to location, the more specific the better. If you wish to not disclose the location you should at the very least name the state/country. Rule of thumb for naming only the location (e.g. a lake, mountain): if one can find the place immediately by searching it in google it's fine. For possibly ambiguous locations add state/country for safety. The resolution of the image in pixel format.

    For example, an image taken on an iPhone 6 would have a resolution of [3264x2448] The photographers name.

    If you took the photo use [OC]. OC submitters will be reward with different camera flairs based on number of OC submissions. Do not include your device name in the title.

    • Feel free to add photography details such as camera, lens, and settings, as a comment.

    • Do not ask for upvotes in your title.

    Comment Rules:

    Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.

    Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter. Other important rules:

    * Do not edit, rehost or modify images submitted here without permission of the photographer. This includes edits to "fix" the colors of an image or remove a watermark.

    Non-OC submissions are restricted to one per day.

    • Regarding reposts: Submissions are considered reposts if they have been submitted in the last 2 years or if they have received more than 20,000 karma when they were previously submitted Circlejerky/sandbagging/pandering titles may be removed. If you have any questions check out the wiki. Breaking multiple rules will result in a ban
    Roms Wanderer Lagomorph
    Arcade Hacks Archive in IPS format, contains hacks for various fighting games and works under FinalBurn Neo and Libretro. Arcade Hack IPS File Archive. : Yumeji, Pipi899 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

    An Archive of IPS files converted from various arcade hacks by Yumeji, Pipi899, and various others, particularly for arcade fighting games for use on unlocking...

    Arcade Hack IPS File Archive. : Yumeji, Pipi899 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

    This is an archive for various arcade hacks, usually by users like Yumeji, Ydmis, Pipi899 and that sort, these are usually hard to find and only work on ancient FBA exes from 2009, and that's when you even find them beyond dead 4shared links.

    The files are in IPS format for the purposes of softpatching with FBN proper, with DAT files and everything

    To use them with Libretro, you need to patch the files you want, each IPS file is named for the exact file you need to patch, then put it in this path

    "/"wherever you store your install or settings"/retroarch/system/fbneo/patched

    The rom name has to be the same as whatever you use as a base, so if you use and patch it's files, you use the base kof98 rom without renaming either, some roms require different bases so I'm gonna compile a document together as a cheat sheet for what rom uses which patch to make it easier.

    There's also instructions for running this with standalone FBN, Fightcade is untested though.

    These are sourced from HBMame's .233 romset, the hacks are primarily for playing as bosses and hidden characters in fighting games but I convert any hack I find that's neat, like the Blazing Star Stage Select or a Metal Slug 5 remake someone did, there's also a document in there with relevant info.

    As a bonus, aside from one hack for Kof97, which is natively supported as a Playstation imitation hack, the Neo Geo hacks can be run in both MVS and AES mode so if you prefer one or the other then you can do so, the Playstation hack I mentioned only works with AES mode.

    Roms Wanderer Lagomorph
    Someone's batch of prepatched arcade roms for use in Libretro Softpatching with FinalBurn Neo. Prepatched Arcade Hacks For Libretro. 7z : Yumeji : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

    Prepatched roms for use with libretro's FinalBurn Neo core.To use,Go to system/fbn/patched, create the patched folder if it isn't in therePlace patched roms...

    Prepatched Arcade Hacks For Libretro. 7z : Yumeji : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

    Instructions are in the page but the short of it is making a patched folder in system/fbneo (it must specifically be called "patched") then putting the roms in there, removing the extensions and matching the original rom as need be, there's also a text doc for marking what each rom is and what base rom you need.

    This is mainly good for Libretro since standalone uses dat files, the original IPS archive is good for that since I'm nearly done putting in the dat files for that, there's also instructions in there on patching yourself for Libretro but this is for skipping that step.

    It also has instructions if your using it standalone too. Though it has not been tested with any version of Fightcade, your welcome to try but don't expect the most success

    Tree House I built in an older world

    An old tree house I had built around the late 1.3 range or so. I recall basing that off a build in r/Terraria, but I can't find it for the life of me and it's been a good few years, so that's one of those where it'll look familiar but it's tough to source.

    Welcome to the World of Tomorrow!!!
  • Looks like we're building our own r/Futurama now, with blackjack and hookers.

  • Fire burning in Yosemite National Park in California [3000x2000]
  • I usually take care to remove that but I guess I missed that whoops, fixing now.

  • Fire burning in Yosemite National Park in California [3000x2000]
  • NP. I'm not the original poster (I list em in the body text) so I'm only putting these up to get the community started.I got a bunch more so I can try putting some stuff up here until things get going.

  • RoomPorn - High quality images of rooms. Wanderer Lagomorph
    Living spaces full of natural light in a Hamburg apartment, Germany [1440x1800]
    RoomPorn - High quality images of rooms. Wanderer Lagomorph
    Living Dining and Kitchen in 46 sqm Cabin [707 x 1000] Punakaiki, New Zealand
    RoomPorn - High quality images of rooms. Wanderer Lagomorph
    The open-air living space of the "garden room" addition, Mosman, Sydney, Australia
    CrackWatch Wanderer Lagomorph
    [Discussion] Yakuza 7 Gaiden will have Denuvo

    Just to get started here.

    Roms Wanderer Lagomorph
    Welcome r/Roms refugees.

    The rules aren't on the side rn, so here's the general idea on those.


    1. No asking for ANY Nintendo Switch content (Emulator discussion is fine though)

    2. No doxxing/trolling

    3. No toxicity in comments

    4. No asking or linking to donations

    5. Limit emulator guides to the Requests and Help Megathread, now I don't know if Lemmy has that functionality so far, but if and when it happens, that'd go in there.

      (Asking for help with emulators is fine, though preferably in the Requests and Help Megathread)

    Safe Websites:


    Vimm's Lair:

    That's about it on that end. Best to try and keep memes to a minimum, as well so as not to flood the entire page.

    EarthPorn Wanderer Lagomorph
    Mt Taranaki, New Zealand [1500x1387]

    Originally posted by /u/windsywinds/

    DesignPorn - Amazing Design, Images, Rendering and Models Wanderer Lagomorph
    Kit Kat Bench
    What niche reddit community do you want to see find a place on the fediverse?
  • Actually a few, but to list some








    r/CarHacking could also be good

    Maybe~~ r/iwatchedanoldmovie ~~ Some game specifics sub's like r/MetalGearSolid, r/MetalSlug and r/HalfLife, r/moddergearsolid is a particularly obscure one.

    Most of the console modding subs like r/360hacks, r/WiiUHacks which is going dark, r/PS3Homebrew and so on.

    From my own feed that's about it, with the exception of some piracy ones like rCemuPiracy r/LinuxCrackSupport and r/SteamDeckPirates, among others. And a couple in particular that push a bit closer to the work unsafe side, so those wouldn't be here.

  • EarthPorn Wanderer Lagomorph
    Moraine Lake, Banff [6000x4000][ original by wagstaffmedia]
    [FE5] The legendary nine move Dalsin.

    A trained Dalsin with A lances and 9 movement. I wasn't going to go for the former but since he got like 2 move levels in a row, I went for it.

    WandererLagomorph799 Wanderer Lagomorph

    Just someone who likes artwork, open source technology, and cute bunnies.

    Posts 29
    Comments 12