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  • My partner is a nail tech and gave me The Amulet of Yendor on my nails!
  • Honestly I think a tattoo of the logo would be sick I think it's just a neat emblem regardless of affiliation. The rat king? Also a great idea

  • My partner is a nail tech and gave me The Amulet of Yendor on my nails!
  • That's a really weird dig I think it's impressive nail polish

  • How Do You Manage Emotional Dysregulation?
  • That's a great idea! I'm glad that's working for you :)

  • How Do You Manage Emotional Dysregulation?
  • Are there specific people you find end up being the recipients of your frustration? I did a lot of lashing out on undeserved people and I can talk about that if that's helpful!

  • How Do You Manage Emotional Dysregulation?
  • Can I ask what the triggers are? I've always struggled with this but about two years ago I had a big stroke that made things a lot worse. I've been taking a systematic kind of approach to making a system to counteract triggers that I might encounter. Maybe if I know the things that are getting to you or causing the emotions you're struggling with I can help! DMs are also open

  • What FOSS Games have you been playing?
  • So very similar vein, uses many of the same mechanics and a lot of the same framework is Pathos. I think it's really well fleshed out even though I haven't managed to get very far. Amazing depth and mechanics but initially it felt like running into a brick wall for me. But the tutorials are very easy to read in the game and you can tweak a lot to become a god in different ways so you can test out and try to understand mechanics. I think it's great fun and kinda like a deeper, grander Shattered Pixel Dungeon!

  • The “Dark” Side - Criss Bellini
  • How is Vader cool? I'm asking this as someone who knows nothing about Star Wars I just thought he was supposed to be space Hitler.

  • Hamster post!

    I'm sorry because I love the idea of this community and I want to contribute more to it bit things have been super hard lately. I did get a new hamster a while back though and I'm so glad he's settled in well :)

    Women ought to use their vote! (October 16, 1907)
  • That's kinda odd I was genuinely going to defend the person you're talking to but I noticed their double whammy Apu/Crusader profile pic and saw they made a community for family values, generational wealth, and doomsday prepping. I don't even know what to think of them it's wild

  • Is it normal for men to be propositioned by swingers, and what makes a man an attractive candidate to swinger couples?
  • That's a good way of putting it! I normally act without regard for perceptions of masculinity or femininity and I feel like that's appealing for couples looking for a third.

  • Is it normal for men to be propositioned by swingers, and what makes a man an attractive candidate to swinger couples?
  • For me it's happened twice overtly and I suspect once that didn't become an explicit request. I'm vocally monogamous, I'm not very social, and I'm still kinda young so I feel like those numbers are pretty high. For me I feel like it's how I present myself and act, which is pretty stereotypically "queer." Once that gets picked up on by other couples I think they seem more interested.

  • Do people hate you online too?
  • To be completely honest I sought out a Lemmy frontend specifically because I wanted to tag you lol

  • good intentions :(
  • Oh no I love your posts! Whatever your reasons, I hope you feel better and can come back to be silly

  • Miscellaneous Foraging Posts

    This is deadnettle that I used to cook with along with onion grass and wild garlic in college! !

    I also found a chestnut tree in the woods at college and it was so fun roasting them :) ! !

    This is early in its life cycle but young garlic mustard (terribly invasive where I live) is also decent as seasoning. ! !

    Another young plant that's only really good to eat when young is fiddlehead ferns! Specifically ostrich ferns are the best to eat around here and I blanch them, then sautee like asparagus! !

    One of my favorite foods that I've foraged is a kind of jelly mushroom! I'll post pics of it growing and then after my partner and I prepared them. ! ! ! ! !

    This one doesn't look like a plant but it is! Ghostpipe doesn't have chlorophyll because it's parasitic and actually feeds off the roots of other plants. They're fragile enough that touching them is often enough for them to die. I do know some people use them medicinally in tinctures but I don't know anything proving or disproving that. ! !

    I have a lot more but these are my faves and this post is already so long lol

    Foraging Wineberries!

    Foraging makes me happy and wineberry season is my favorite. I'm gonna put some more images in the body!

    !Soaking the berries

    !Adding lime zest, juice, and sugar before simmering it into a jam

    !Lots of jam!

    900 years of peace
  • I think OP was just doing a funny! It's a cartography joke community.

  • Yet Another Post Or Comment Where I NEED To Block Those Who Downvoted Rule
  • No it's just a lot of blood relatives in there it seems

  • Yet Another Post Or Comment Where I NEED To Block Those Who Downvoted Rule
  • Not legal children, I meant children of other members of the community. Not overt pedophilia, just weird bordering incest that I understand people being averse to.

    They say they aren't letting blood relatives have sex but I would still feel odd belonging to a relationship with my dad and sister where everyone is having sex with all of us.

  • Yet Another Post Or Comment Where I NEED To Block Those Who Downvoted Rule
  • I feel like downvotes kinda make sense given that they said group has a lot of parents/children and siblings. I don't even know if this is bait or not.

  • Based
  • I'm not sure about the founding fathers, but isn't that exactly why the pilgrims came to North America?

  • Come fight fieri dragons with me
  • It's one of those things that doesn't hurt anyone. If you're not completely sure they're into it, follow them whenever they leave. A lot of times they try to pick up pace but that's cuz they're excited to lead you home so make sure you speed up too! (Genuinely terrified of anyone taking this seriously so just a little disclaimer)

  • Come fight fieri dragons with me
  • I got mine off of redbubble. I couldn't find the original artist at the time, so it was probably stolen art to be completely honest. Maybe you could reverse image search and find it? That was something I didn't know how to do at the time.

    As for finding a partner who appreciates it, I think the best thing to do is go up to anyone of your preferred gender or presentation and say seductive phrases such as "let's see that smile" or "where's my hug?"

  • WeevilFriend Weevil Friend

    Lover of little friends!

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