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"It has to be Chromium"
  • Bought out? Firefox was never bought out by anyone. What are you talking about?

  • Be honest, do you still use reddit?
  • I've looked maybe a handful of times over the past couple weeks, mostly to look at /r/modcoord and /r/save3rdpartyapps. Even then, I used libreddit. Other than that, I've not visited for really any other reason.

    Lemmy + Mastodon is doing a good enough job being my daily time waster. There's definitely less content here but I am but one man, it's not like I could go through all of Reddit's bot-generated daily content anyway.

  • Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene removed from US House Freedom Caucus
  • Well, she said something true and they cannot allow that.

  • Reddit can't even kill 3rd party apps properly.
  • After the response to the question about Christian in his awful AMA, I don't think that's even a theory. That's just the truth.

  • r/Lemmy Is A Bad Look
  • Fill it with BEANS

  • Reddit's API protest just got even more NSFW
  • I hope they don't bend to them. Reddit fully deserves this level of overt trolling at this point.

  • The creators of RPCS3 are working on a Playstation 4 emulator | DSOGaming
  • All I want is Bloodborne... I genuinely wonder if we'll get a Bloodborne remake/remaster or a PS4 emulator first

  • Woedenaz Woedenaz

    I'm just some guy that does some things like web design, design design, and play video games.

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