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[Gamers Nexus] "Google is Getting Worse," ft. Wendell of Level1 Techs
  • It's weird that they don't really address the biggest reason Googles algorithm is worse now. The rampant exploitation of SEO.

    Bad actors abuse the system in an attempt to be the first result, regardless of relevancy. It's harder for Google to sift the chaff out than it used to be, because they're flooded with content claiming to be related to the search keys.

  • History repeats itself.
  • Yeah, their older 2000s Odyssey could fit sheet goods fine. The newer models are slightly narrower, just enough to cause me grief.

    8' bed would be ideal for me, but even 6' is fine with the wood resting on the raised tailgate for an easy tie down + flag.

  • History repeats itself.
  • I've borrowed my parents minivan for this in the past, but their newer Odyssey (~8yr old) doesn't even fit sheet goods without going diagonal, which causes problems. Plus even with care, it inevitably scratches up the interior.

    I'd rather have a medium to small sized truck with a standard to extended bed. I don't care about scratches or dents, so can just toss things in without a worry, and can load without even lowering the tailgate.

  • History repeats itself.
  • No, it's an extended cab model, which have tiny beds. Like, you can't even fit standard construction material (8ft) in it with the tailgate down without it sticking out well past the tailgate.

    Yes, trucks are longer than they used to be, but extended cabs are far more common than they were. Living in a city, the vast majority of trucks are extended cabs with tiny beds.

    They're basically SUVs with an open trunk. Enough room for a tool chest and a cooler, and you'll need to hitch a trailer if you actually want to haul anything.

  • History repeats itself.
  • I'm also in the market for a truck to enable a woodworking hobby. Basic requirement is being able to haul sheet material (4' wide) with no fuss.

    Even 20 year old beaters are going for over 10k in my area.

    Anything in the last 10 years or so is bloated. Even the smallest models like Tacomas are ridiculously sized, yet have tiny beds.

  • The Supreme Court strips the SEC of a critical enforcement tool in fraud cases
  • The SEC won't get additional funding, so they'll necessarily have to let all but the highest priority cases go because they don't have enough resources to take everything to court.

    This is exactly what the Republicans want. It's exactly what they did to IRS. Create more work for them and starve them at the same time, so that their corporate puppetmasters can get away with whatever they want, and the few times they do get taken to court, they can throw their big team of lawyers at it, drag it out, and make it not worth pursuing.

    This is by design. This is their goal. And I'm certain that SCOTUS colluded with the lower courts to deliver this case to them with a bow tie.

  • These Are the Rules of the CNN Presidential Debate
  • The mic mute is not a perfect solution. Trump is going to be shouting over Bidens turn. We won't hear it (much), but it's going to make Biden lose his train of thought and stutter while the viewer can't really tell Trump is screeching 20ft away

  • Daily multivitamins do not help people live longer, major study finds
  • I take Magnesium Citrate because I get frequent foot cramps, and it helps reduce them a little. Foot cramps aren't life threatening besides i guess the small increase in risk when it occasionally happens while driving.

    But they're certainly annoying.

  • Removed
    VICTORY: Supreme Court Rules Government Officials Cannot Arrest their Political Opponents Without Consequences
  • Oh don't worry, they'll reverse this decision if the Republicans get control again.

    Precedent only matters when it affirms their goal. Even if it's their own precedent, they will find some paper thin excuse to change it.

    And yes, I'm aware they'll need a new case to reach them before they can overturn anything. That's why the conservative SCOTUS members actively collude with the conservative groups that cherry pick / manufacture cases to take to court and then push up the appeals courts so they eventually reach the SCOTUS.

  • Playstation VR 2: Sony reportedly making deep cuts to VR game development
  • Sony has a terrible history with making their devices portable to other platforms.

    VR was well established by the time they joined the party, especially by the time v2 came along. It was a decision to ignore integrating with PC protocols when designing their hardware and drivers.

    Sadly, very predictable for Sony. They would rather have poorer sales than to open their devices to be used outside of their platform, and vice versa.

    Nothing has stopped them from making their controllers compatible with PC besides refusal to pay a licensing fee to Microsoft, which must be trivial compared to the increased sales of their standard controllers. Hell, I bought a couple Xbox controllers just I could avoid fucking with 3rd party dual shock drivers every fucking time I tried using them on PC. And I much prefer the Playstation controllers.

  • Same-Sex Relations, Marriage Still Supported by Most in U.S.
  • It's almost like they don't give a shit unless their media actively makes them the boogeyman.

    If progressives weren't behind Trans, the Right would go back to demonizing LGB. Wherever that line of culture war is, they will whip their base into a frenzy over it. Of they win the fight against Trans, suddenly the vast majority of Republicans would hate gays again in time for elections.

  • Exclusive: Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza war
  • Ohh look. It's the guy that turns every news/politics article into a "both sides" argument to try to specifically disenfranchise left voters, and is mysteriously silent in all those articles quoting Trump saying he'll enable both Russia and Isreal in their genocides.

    Don't fall for his crap. He's only here to point fingers at Dems, never Republicans.

    He's here to help Trump get elected.

    He is either part of the Russian / Isreali propaganda he's trying to frame as bad here, or a useful idiot that has bought into said propaganda.

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