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UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @Overzeetop
    No call yesterday, another email sent to make a telephone appointment, still no policy documents received, or acknowledgement of the email!

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @snacks My email has struck a chord and I've had a response today. My local Labour parliamentary candidate wants to chat with me. I'll see what they have to say and report back.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @ThePyroPython My email has struck a chord and I've had a response today. My local Labour parliamentary candidate wants to chat with me. I'll see what they have to say and report back.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @Overzeetop My email has struck a chord and I've had a response today. My local Labour parliamentary candidate wants to chat with me. I'll see what they have to say and report back.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @C4d Oh absolutely and I'm not alone.
    FPTP doesn't allow for nuance, and I agree the subtlety of which you speak is lost, but that's not the entire point, the points aren't just the vote, it's Labour's knowledge of opinions of the party that also matters, whether mine or a grassroots collective.
    Labour do not have to know my intention, only my statement. They can either calculate I'm serious or bluffing. If nothing else the exchanges here will encourage introspection in others. That's of worth.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @C4d I'll also be voting and I'll flog the hobby-horse again for the benefit of others, because I'm tiring of people failing to see that the threat to not vote Labour and the intention to vote tactically are separate. A bluff as you accurately put it.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @C4d
    It's a very recent development over this weekend and so far I'm contacting opposition parties, my union and seeking out activists as well.
    I've emailed regional Labour party and also included my local LibDems, Greens parties, as well as Labour, Green and LibDem metro councillors.

    I agree and recognise how FPTP doesn't work fairly and yes they can call my bluff. I'm uncertain as to whether they can effectively predict how accurate voting intention polls are. Labour keep shifting right.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @rayquetzalcoatl We are a monolith

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @C4d Like I've said elsewhere, it's a threat of a lost vote, that doesn't mean I won't vote tactically at GE. They can gamble that I and others will hold to our threat in their strategy if they wish. Just as they can if they assume that all polls assume a majority acceptance of policies, which is short-sighted IMO.
    They've been told they're not good enough and have a threat of a lost vote because of it.
    Agreed, PR is better, Starmer has U-turned on that as well though.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @noodle Skim, CTRL-F, then re-read, it's been quite some time now and it's still inadequate.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @Garfvynneve What I tell them I'm planning to do doesn't have to match with what I'll actually do.
    We all can do this to demand better.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @C4d Only if people fail to see that there are multiple narratives, which include telling Labour I require they change under threat of no vote. They like others know not of my intention, the cost to them is clear, a lost vote, which is what they require. They earn my vote, they work for it. Hopefully ppl who are dissatisfied will see that another way exists and instead demand better, not to succumb to their own apathetic thought processes.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @noodle As I said I've read it, via a different method to you, but thanks for sharing it.
    Now other readers will be aware of a strategy. Not all strategies work so people may have to try more than one. In any case it's an inadequate article.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @Fedegenerate I didn't say I won't vote for them, I just told them they had lost my vote.
    Staying silent and voting for a not good enough Labour let's them think they are. Telling them I won't even though I might vote for them, and describing why, gives them an opportunity to evaluate.
    If they're not good enough for you and yours what are you doing to change that? My strategy is one way. There are others.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @Emperor I agree, Tory is worst. I don't have to let a not good enough Labour think they are good enough.
    Recall I *told* Labour they lost my vote, that doesn't mean I can't exercise my vote in any way that effectively gets the Tories out, which includes actually voting for Labour.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @Overzeetop

    "As far as I can ascertain, Conservatives voters fall into one or more of these categories;"

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @frankPodmore Only if you assume that my intention is to make good on the threat.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @frankPodmore The article in it's just over 600 words does barely anything to answer my points.
    The value is again, that I choose to tell Labour what it is I want from them. Recall that I've not shared the email with you, so you have no way of knowing.
    It isn't a simple dichotomy. I choose to tell Labour what I want from them. There are many varieties of not Tory and labour can choose to be Tory lite, or not. How I vote and what I tell them can align or not as I see fit.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @Overzeetop That's another way of accusing me of being a Tory enabler. The point being as I have said elsewhere, is that what I tell labour I will do and what I do, are not their or anyone else's concern.
    In the meantime I can lobby for policy change in any way I see fit, as can anyone else, in a democracy as it currently stands.
    It isn't a simple dichotomy, despite FPTP.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.
  • @frankPodmore I have rooted my behaviour in reality by telling them what I want. Additionally, I also have the absolute right to change my mind as many times as I wish and to vote tactically, come the GE dependent on the facts available at the time.
    We should all be able to make on the spot decisions based on the available data and only rely on heuristics if the data isn't available.
    What I tell them and what I do, are not Labour's concern.

  • UK Labour are too Tory for me.

    UK Labour are too Tory for me. I've threatened that they've lost my vote. (edit) On LGBTQIA, specifically trans rights. On their plans for the NHS. On their plans for health and wealth inequalities in the UK. On their plans for the relationship the UK has with Europe. They have to be less Tory to get my vote back. It's not acceptable that to not vote Tory, we have to settle for what they offer. They assume their position is acceptable. If they correct their position, I'll reconsider @uk\_politics

    XraySonoCol Colin

    Hi, I'm Colin. 💙 I'm an advanced practitioner Diagnostic Radiographer practicing in medical ultrasound. I'm also nuclear power advocate. This is my sonography and healthcare specific learning and discussion Mastodon. Oh and politics, because that's the way of things. Member of the lgbtq family. He/him. North West, UK. Vegan since 2021

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