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Connections #381 2024-06-26
  • Connections
    Puzzle #381

  • Connections #381 2024-06-26

    Hey she tried her best ok
  • In Australia I don't think teachers are underpaid, but schools are absolutely underfunded. Which can often mean teachers end up spending personal money on school resources, which means their actual effective pay isn't as good as it looks from the outside.

    They also work way longer hours than is reflected in their contract.

  • Hey she tried her best ok
  • stress balls in funny shapes and things like that.

    Got pulled into the office for using my own money on that one lol

    Next time don't buy squishy dicks for work colleagues.

  • A.I. can radically lengthen your lifespan, says futurist Ray Kurzweil.
  • Amy Webb? I've just rewatched her latest appearance and I didn't think she was that bad. If anything, Kevin Rose (the other guest that episode) was far more willing to accept the near-magic claims about AI than she was. She does call herself a futurist and has some of those techbro vibes at times, but I thought most of her AI comments on that episode were fairly measured. My biggest criticism might be the same as that quote you posted: that they're not very profound or actionable.

    Slightly off topic, but I don't find her anywhere near as annoying as Alex Lindsay and his constant defence of big business and criticism of even the mildest of pro-consumer regulation. And he's a regular co-host, not an occasional guest…

  • The entire Dragon Age series is only $10 on steam until June 27th.
  • Can I play it in front of my kids?

    It's been a while since I played, but I think the answer is mostly yes. There are sex scenes, but they're pretty well-telegraphed ahead of time and I don't think you can get into them by accident.

    how long from startup to the next save point?

    What's a save point, to you? The game allows saving at any point (except maybe during combat?), but this may or may not be a satisfying experience to you. For the most satisfying experience you'd probably want to consider your camp the save point, and that can go a couple of hours between occurences, depending on the quest and how good you are (/the difficulty level).

    Is it a lot like Mass Effect?

    A very similar narrative style with the focus on your relation to the NPCs. Gameplay is very different. Much more about tactics and less about action. Personally I found that balance really awkward and not enjoyable: I'd rather lean more into the action like a Skyrim (or, indeed, ME) style game, or do tactics properly in a turn-based manner like BG3 or Lord of the Rings: Tactics. But I stuck it out for the story & characters which were great, though I couldn't bring myself to keep going with the big DLC once I lost momentum thanks to finishing the main story, or to pick up either of the sequels.

  • The entire Dragon Age series is only $10 on steam until June 27th.
  • Fantasy series with a very D&D-esque world and a combat system that feels a bit like an MMO or a turnbased tactics game. It's real time with optional pausing, and you operate your whole party at once, with the ability to pause to give each of them precise orders, or to pre-program them with specific responses to situation.

    I think it mainly became popular on the back of its characters. The story was good but nothing special, and personally I found the combat in Origins to be absolutely terrible. But building up your party, getting to know the characters and making decisions that affect them was amazing. At least on par in this respect with the original Mass Effect trilogy.

  • Normy incantation πŸ‘Ή
  • Transcription

    a four-panel comic.

    The first panel shows a boy brushing his teeth. In the background are framed photos of a white dog, a weird fox-like creature, and Rick Astley from the music video for Never Gonna Give You Up, as well as usual bathroom things. He wears a yellow shirt with "LOL" written on it. Above him is a bubble with the words "Normie Gary" in it.

    The second panel shows the same scene, but the boy is gone, leaving behind his toothbrush and a spot of toothpaste. Where he stood are white puffs of smoke, with the word "POOF". The bubble saying "Normie Gary" is slightly larger.

    The third panel shows the boy with a confused expression on his face, dribbling spit. He is surrounded by white clouds, and in the background are blurry flames. "NORMIE GARY" is repeated, much larger, now a speech bubble with three tails coming off of it. In the same direction as that bubble's tails are three other speech bubbles each with a single tail, reading "?!", "!!!" and "!?!".

    The fourth panel shows the boy sitting surrounded by three demon-like creatures with red skin, cloven hoofs, and horns. They each have a speech bubble. The first reads "It... It worked???" The second: "AAAAAH!" And the final "WHAT THE FU" (before it gets cut off by the edge of the frame with only the leftmost edge of what might be a "C" visible). The boy looks even more confused than in the previous panel, mouth agape, surrounded by question marks.

  • Normie Gary

    Original source by ZeTrystan.


    a four-panel comic.

    The first panel shows a boy brushing his teeth. In the background are framed photos of a white dog, a weird fox-like creature, and Rick Astley from the music video for Never Gonna Give You Up, as well as usual bathroom things. He wears a yellow shirt with "LOL" written on it. Above him is a bubble with the words "Normie Gary" in it.

    The second panel shows the same scene, but the boy is gone, leaving behind his toothbrush and a spot of toothpaste. Where he stood are white puffs of smoke, with the word "POOF". The bubble saying "Normie Gary" is slightly larger.

    The third panel shows the boy with a confused expression on his face, dribbling spit. He is surrounded by white clouds, and in the background are blurry flames. "NORMIE GARY" is repeated, much larger, now a speech bubble with three tails coming off of it. In the same direction as that bubble's tails are three other speech bubbles each with a single tail, reading "?!", "!!!" and "!?!".

    The fourth panel shows the boy sitting surrounded by three demon-like creatures with red skin, cloven hoofs, and horns. They each have a speech bubble. The first reads "It... It worked???" The second: "AAAAAH!" And the final "WHAT THE FU" (before it gets cut off by the edge of the frame with only the leftmost edge of what might be a "C" visible). The boy looks even more confused than in the previous panel, mouth agape, surrounded by question marks.

    Brandon Sanderson's theory on why the film industry is floundering (YouTube Short)
  • Yeah but at least we (millennials) exist in popular culture and the public discourse. You never even hear about gen X unless it's someone pointing out how you never hear about them.

  • Brandon Sanderson's theory on why the film industry is floundering (YouTube Short)
  • It seems to me that 90s kid millennials and their young children are the current β€œmainstream”. And boomers have just shifted out of dominance in the past 5 years or so

    Once again, poor Gen Xers get ignored.

  • Brandon Sanderson's theory on why the film industry is floundering (YouTube Short)
  • Perhaps, but that would still mean Sanderson is wrong here in attributing the blame to straight-to-streaming, when it’s actually due to the rise of social media. Which has meant that for my age group (young millennials, going through teenage years through the mid-to-late ’00s to early ’10s) it’s been true the whole time we’ve been paying our own way to the movies.

  • Brandon Sanderson's theory on why the film industry is floundering (YouTube Short)
  • Perhaps, but that would still mean Sanderson is wrong here in attributing the blame to straight-to-streaming, when it's actually due to the rise of social media. Which has meant that for my age group (young millennials, going through teenage years through the mid-to-late ’00s to early ’10s) it's been true the whole time we've been paying our own way to the movies.

  • Brandon Sanderson's theory on why the film industry is floundering (YouTube Short)
  • I think the change in business model from theatre-exclusive for a long period of time to direct-to-streaming or fast-tracked streaming is related, which IIRC he/Dan mentioned in the full podcast. But I don't think this theory about trailers is correct. I've never known someone to get excited for a movie based on seeing the trailer before another movie. They find out in the news or on social media, and see the trailer on YouTube.

    Streaming is just not as profitable as theatres, but it's a much more convenient way for people to watch. I've seen some people make suggestions on how to make the theatregoing experience better to entice people to go, but the biggest thing IMO is just the fact that it's on streaming early at all. From a personal perspective, I hope they don't do this, but I do think it would benefit movies' profitability to lock in much longer theatre-exclusive periods.

    But also, less crappy studio-run films pls? Almost nothing Disney is putting out these days is worth seeing, because it's all lame remakes and sequels. We need studios to be brave and just trust good filmmakers to make good films, not constantly try to chase industry trends.

  • Brandon Sanderson's theory on why the film industry is floundering (YouTube Short)
  • Here's the exact same clip on the standard YouTube Watch page. (Just change the /shorts/ to /watch?v=, or use the YouTube-shorts block extension to do that automatically.)

  • Making ends meat: Australians can save up to $20 a kg [on meat] by changing where they shop
  • There might be something they can do with respect to "unauthorised computer access" laws. I don't really know much about our laws in that area. But failing that, I can't imagine there's anything they can do to get them in legal trouble.

    They could absolutely revoke API keys, though that would not prevent a blunter web scraping tactic.

  • Connections #380 2024-06-25
  • Connections
    Puzzle #380

    Blue was a particularly dull connection...

  • Connections #380 2024-06-25

    Wikipedia: 97% of all articles lead to Philosophy
  • They either get stuck in a loop or lead to a dead-end page that doesn't have any outgoing links.

  • I want to play with the leopards
  • my reading of the post is the other way around

    To be honest, one of my sources of confusion is that the second paragraph suggests Wattpad users are trying to make AO3 allow their type of content, but the third paragraph/second post implies AO3 is too permissive for Wattpad users. The two messages seem opposite each other in what they get across.

    One possibility that had occured to me was that AO3 is too permissive for Wattpad users in terms of classification, but that AO3 was a fanfiction site and Wattpad maybe has a mix of fanfiction and OC and that they were annoyed at the OC not being allowed. That would seem to reconcile the mixed messages. But honestly there's nowhere near the evidence from these posts and what little I already knew about the sites to be even remotely confident in that conclusion.

  • Connections #379 2024-06-24
  • Connections
    Puzzle #379

    Quite a few people in my other groups got exactly the same result.


    new didn't occur to me at first as being a possibility for blue mainly because gnu is a pretty obscure animal, and slightly because I pronounce gnu as /nuː/ and new as /njuː/, so not homophones

  • Connections #379 2024-06-24

    I want to play with the leopards
  • Wait, am I not understanding what AO3 is? I thought it was a site for fanfiction. This makes it sound like it's something more than that?

    What are the policies that AO3 is enforcing that Wattpad doesn't? I honestly have so little context here.

  • Anon gets calls from scammers
  • Your attempt to use spoiler syntax didn't work. You need a space between the opening three colons and the word "spoiler".

  • Connections #378 2024-06-23

    Connections #377 2024-06-22

    Connections #376 2024-06-21

    Connections #375 2024-06-20

    Connections #374 2024-06-19

    Connections #373 2024-06-18

    Connections #372 2024-06-17

    Connections #371 2024-06-16

    Any suggestions for how to get good sports photos?

    Most of my photography has been of relatively stationary subjects, where I just use single-servo AF and either focus & recompose or move the single focus point to where in the frame I want the subject, or largely-individual sports like triathlon. But I've struggled getting sharp shots in team sports photography with a large number of moving people in frame.

    If I try using continuous autofocus, it often focuses on the wrong subject or the background or seemingly nothing at all. If I try falling back on the techniques that work in other contexts, I usually just can't get the shot off at the right time.

    I don't really understand the different autofocus options on my camera. I was mostly using what it calls "3D", but I also briefly tried "group-area". I don't really understand how group-area differs from d9 or even 3D. And my camera's manual doesn't clear things up for me. I spent a little while in manual autofocus with a fairly closed aperture, by using autofocus and then switching to manual and leaving it untouched; but this only worked when play stayed roughly the same distance from the camera for a while, so didn't really scale well.

    Separate from the focus question, I spent the afternoon shooting at 1/1600. I'm not completely sure if this is fast enough, and maybe some of the blur in my photos is actually better explained by camera shake (shooting at 200 mm on a 1.5x crop sensor) or movement of the subjects. I suspect it's probably not relevant, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.

    What's the best advice for how to get sharp shots in team sports photography?

    (Included photo is a SOOC jpeg of a set play on the opposite side of the field from where I was...a situation that minimised my chance of focus problems.)

    pathfinder Zagorath
    When do conditions end if not explicitly specified?

    I believe there are many such examples, but the particular one I’m thinking of right now is the Cold Spot haunt which states that a character is clumsy 1 if they critically fail. When would they stop being clumsy 1?

    pathfinder Zagorath
    PREVIEW of Pathfinder's Remastered Champion! (Its version of D&D's paladin) (Rules Lawyer)
    Minor text rendering bug

    Text rearranges so its kerning appears slightly off when scrolling past the bottom of the page.

    I find it more noticeable looking at the video than in this gif, but it's still not a big deal.

    Why do so few people cycle for transport in Australia? 6 ideas on how to reap all the benefits of bikes Why do so few people cycle for transport in Australia? 6 ideas on how to reap all the benefits of bikes

    We want healthy, liveable cities and to cut emissions to net zero. Getting more people to use bicycles instead of cars will go a long way towards achieving these goals.

    Why do so few people cycle for transport in Australia? 6 ideas on how to reap all the benefits of bikes
    Affirming rule


    > Elliot Page has announced that he is transgender ❀

    A picture of elliot page in a hat reading "Stop Alton Gas", next to a few paragraphs of text too small & blurry to read

    A series of Tweets with usernames covered up, each replying to the last.

    > Um... is this an error? They put up a picture of Ellen Page. Typo maybe?

    > Not a typo, he's Elliot Page

    > I'm not sure I understand. Please explain?

    > I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're well intentioned lol. His name used to be Ellen Page but he has come out as a trans gender man, so now his name is Elliot Page. They're the same person

    > OH! Oh okay - I'm new to this. I didn't understand what was happening. Thank you for explaining. I thought it was some new meme that I missed out on. > > In that case, I'm going to join everyone else and say that I am very happy for Elliot Page. I've always been a huge fan of his.

    Zagorath Zagorath

    Formerly /u/Zagorath on the alien site.

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