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Spectrum rule
  • Total ordering doesn’t mean that the order is strict though. You can have multiple individuals with the same level of gayness.

    Total ordering means all elements are comparable (=< would be a suitable relation), not that all elements have their individual rank (< relation).

    A spectrum implies that the set is totally ordered but not necessarily strictly ordered.

  • Half of Britons wouldn't take a trip to the the moon, even in guaranteed safety
  • Well personally I don’t care that much. Going there is probably also a lot of faff. If it took 5h to get there “door to door” maybe. I understand the people who would like to go there, though, I completely get it.

    To be given the chance to visit a safe friendly alien planet inhabited by intelligent species, now that’s something I’d like to do. Probably more for the cultural experience.

  • Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays
  • Are you really getting updates though? Samsung latest phones are expected to be getting updates for 7 years but as far as I know the s10 range isn’t officially supported anymore. Samsung don’t need to provide security updates to your phone anymore. I think the last one was Q4 of 2023 and it made the news because it was unexpected.

  • Golf
    shopping rule theory
  • So you are criticising the over simplification presented here and I agree with you.

    I would however point out that although I also don't like the binary aspect of their blurb, I find that I would quite agree with their final sentence. I don't think the test shows whether we are a good or a bad person, but it does say something about a person's ability to fit in a society.

  • Why in the year 2024 and with all the knowledge humans have now do people still believe in religion?
  • What's "wrong" in your question is the assumption that a) the only reason religions exist is the lack of knowledge and b) that the knowledge we have answers all the questions that people seek answers to when they turn to religion. I think if you question these assumptions then you'll easily start to find the answers. Otherwise see all the other comments.

  • 'It hasn't delivered': The spectacular failure of self-checkout technology
  • This article really sounds like it describes an alternate reality to me. Interesting to see how many people in the comments seem to hate self checkouts but here in the UK they seem to work fine. Shops seem to have found the right balance. In the same shop you'll have queues advancing rapidly at self checkouts and people run tills with shorter queues for customers who prefer the human interaction.

  • Ai scamming
  • Do a lot of people put their voice on the internet "as much as they're able to"? It sounds like that person may post their voice online more than the average person...

  • Smartphone manufacturers still want to make foldables a thing
  • Would be good if they also force companies to support security updates for more that 5 years...

    I don't need to change phone. I like my S10+. It does what I need. But I feel I'll have to change it soonish if I want to continue using for online banking etc.

  • Deleted
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  • I see. Really weird to hear about these old school boomers' mentality. I thought they were the minority because "why would I work for you if you say shit like that?" In the tech industry where I work this wouldn't fly. Or companies push for rto just to push people out. But I can now imagine how it can be in other industries.

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  • Just to clarify I'm not saying the productivity argument to force everyone back is valid. I think I'm just lucky to be working with reasonable people who value the flexibility of a balance of WFH and RTO. Managers and other staff alike.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Maybe I'm lucky to not work in such a horrible environment. Thanks for sharing. Why do people put up with it... I mean I know it's not always easy to find work elsewhere.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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