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Descendents y Circle Jerks se unen en un show en conjunto en Chile - La Tercera Descendents y Circle Jerks se unen en un show en conjunto en Chile - La Tercera

Dos de los emblemas del hardcore punk llegan al país a fin de año con un espectáculo compartido en el Teatro Teletón. Lee aquí las coordenadas.

Descendents y Circle Jerks se unen en un show en conjunto en Chile - La Tercera

El otro día caché esto, me tinca bueno realmente. Aunque sea para verlos jubilar jajajajajaja

Fermin Muguruza: “Estos conciertos volverán a ser primera línea del frente”
  • Está súper buena la entrevista. Gracias por compartir, me gustó lo que dijo sobre la esperanza al final.

  • agile is far left too. I will die on this hill
  • there is a small contingent of .world liberals who I’m sure will take this opportunity to bash anyone to their left.

    They are very active though, and they don't lose their chance to mention and antagonize .ml, which I think is kind of shitty. It happens even in threads where people are commenting about stuff unrelated to politics. is constantly looking for targets to defederate from.

    edit: I'd like to mention that I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just giving my perspective on it.

  • Tiro De Gracia - Evolucionar (Audio)

    Estaba hablando con unos amigos de Tiro de Gracia. Como no cacho más allá del Ser Hümano!! no sabía que el álbum Patrón del Vicio tiene de base el tema del laboratorio del Profesor E. Gadd en este tema.

    Tampoco soy gran conocedor de los juegos de Nintendo en su era GCN, pero bueno. Ya estoy divagando, comparto un tema de Tiro de Gracia.

    Mild High Club - Timeline

    Yo sé que esta canción suena súper pastera, pero me gusta un montón. Este grupo lo escuchaba hace muchos años atrás y tuve la oportunidad de verlos en vivo cuando vino Mac DeMarco.

    Música tranquila, en mi opinión bonita. El tipo canta como si estuviera durmiendo, lo que me parece apropiado para la música de ellos.

    Placebo - Every You Every Me
    Los Tres - Moizefala
    Sonidos 24: Electrodomésticos presenta su nuevo disco “Mirar la luz”
  • Hay temitas de Electrodomésticos que se destacan. Yo los ubicaba de nombre pero los empecé a escuchar por una profe/tutora (ahora colega) de una rotación que tuve en el internado.

    Yo la quería es un tema bastante bueno, me gusta su sonido y su temática tan turbia a ratos.

  • unsure why we are surprised lol
  • A lot of people in the instance loves to spend time making threads about .ml or lemmygrad. Sounds like unnecessary drama at least for the instance.

  • Fedora proposal to change default desktop to KDE
  • Thank you for the tip. I will resort to it if it happens again. :)

  • Fedora proposal to change default desktop to KDE
  • To be fair, it's a laptop with an Nvidia GPU. Though I only use Intel's integrated graphics in a clean, vanilla Fedora 39 installation (no weird extras or tricks on top). I actually installed it from scratch because switching from Gnome made some things a bit iffy.

    I've had issues with windows disappearing into corners I can't reach in my own screen (happens with Firefox, not sure if other applications are affected as well), random and complete freezes (keyboard nonresponsive) and I can't drag and drop files from the file manager into mpv or view files properly with it or Fedora's default video player for KDE. Gnome as limited as it is, manages to be a way smoother experience.

    I really want to like KDE but my experience hasn't been the same. I even donated to the project lol.

  • Fedora proposal to change default desktop to KDE
  • I like the UX KDE gives over Gnome. It feels way more like a personal computer, something that you can modify and do multiple tasks with.

    Gnome is a lot more limited in functionality, but it's also a lot more stable. KDE is buggy and has a tendency to crap the bed a few minutes after startup, which never happened to me with Gnome.

    It's a though decision, but lately I've been thinking of switching back to Gnome.

  • Death - Politicians In My Eyes
    Speedy Ortiz - Curling

    Música de mi adolescencia. Media tristona la canción pero me gusta, las guitarras suenan lloronas y decaídas.

    Sin Dios - 1936, un Pueblo en Armas

    Me gusta como parte esta canción, todo va un poco fuera de ritmo en busca de la velocidad jajajajaja

    Es entretenida igual.

    Manu Chao La Ventura & Fermin Muguruza - "Sarri, Sarri" - Esperanzah! Festival 2015

    El otro día estuvo Manu Chao por acá en Chile. En realidad creo que todavía está haciendo unas tocatitas por ahí.

    Dejo este video con Fermín Muguruza de Kortatu que me gusta harto.

    Davay - Tri Poloski (Audio)

    De vez en cuando hay que disfrutar un poco de hardbass y estética gopnik. Creo que hace bien a la salud jajajaja (obviamente es broma). :)

    Pixies - Wild Honey Pie [Beatles Cover] LIVE 88' UK [SBD Re-sync]

    Me gusta el giro que le dan a lo que muchos consideran la peor canción de los Beatles. Es un cover con un sonido demente con gritos super intensos de Frank, que están bien acompañados por la voz de Kim.

    Good Morning - Warned You

    Me gusta el tono tranquilo y romanticón de la canción.

    Peso Pluma cancela su participación en el Festival de Viña del Mar por “razones personales” - La Tercera Peso Pluma cancela su participación en el Festival de Viña del Mar por “razones personales” - La Tercera

    De igual forma, el cantante mexicano suspendió la totalidad de su gira latinoamericana. La devolución de las entradas para el certamen viñamarino se podrá solicitar desde el 23 de febrero.

    Peso Pluma cancela su participación en el Festival de Viña del Mar por “razones personales” - La Tercera

    La funa pesa más que vínculos con el narcotráfico jajajaja

    Alex G - Witch (Official Audio)

    Recién pesqué el 2022 a Alex G a pesar de que cachaba de sus álbumes Beach Music y Rocket.

    Hoy me vino el recuerdo de esta canción mientras caminaba al supermercado por un par de cosas que me faltaban en la casa.

    Patio Solar - A Mitad del Verano

    Mi canción favorita de estas fechas. Suena muy veraniega para mí. Esa introducción con el sintetizador que suena sumergido y cómo parte la canción a medida que emerge me encanta.

    Stereolab - Pack Yr Romantic Mind

    Esta canción de Stereolab me la tiró el algoritmo de Spotify tiempo atrás. Se me pegó desde ese momento.

    Protistas - Una Vuelta al Mundo

    Siempre me ha gustado mucho Protistas. Bien corta venas, a ratos romanticones.

    DEVO - Big Mess

    DEVO siempre han sido buenos, y aunque en general suelo preferir canciones del primer álbum, el álbum "Oh No! It's Devo" por criticado que haya sido, me gusta por su libertad de sonar raro, los tonos electrónicos y todo lo que tiene.

    En realidad Time Out for Fun, Big Mess, Speed Racer y What I Must del mismo álbum son muy pegajosas y entretenidas dentro de sus excentricidades.

    S&Box - Hype
  • From what I'm understanding he's trying to make a platform that allows for stuff like Roblox to happen. Just that he's trying to make it robust from the start with proper, good tools in Source 2.

  • Why? Are we not doing enough?
  • I honestly do want it to become bigger. We need to share and produce more and constantly, otherwise it will wither. I'm interested in your opinion though, if you're willing to share your discrepancies, I'll read it.

    Also, yeah. Since and the main developers are marxists, ML can be understood as marxist-leninist. Big lefty influence on many instances. Honest question though: Have you tried posting ML links or opening discussion threads on it?

  • Why? Are we not doing enough?
  • It depends on which instances you visit, the one I'm in is pretty chill, but slow. Though it does have a Chilean theme going on, so it might be harder for you to find something interesting.

  • Why? Are we not doing enough?
  • It's about creating and keeping things moving rather than just consuming. I wouldn't expect lemmy to move as fast as reddit because the focus isn't in having an algorithm or creating a selection of communities to prop up the front page. It depends a lot more on the user's curiosity to find an interesting space to comment or share links or media. Removing the commercial aspect of it, removes a big drive for engagement by design.

    Lemmy being free of modern engagement tools will always make it a slower, less interesting site than reddit or any other social website. It could have a similar fate to older web forums if we expect it to perform just like commercial social networks, we should be conscious of that and refrain from proprietary networks and visit lemmy or other fediverse alternatives when it's interesting to us.

    The reality of most of this websites is that they aren't really necessary in our lives, the reason they're kept alive is because they're designed to make us keep an eye on them and fill us with not actually necessary content. We aren't users, we are used by corporations so they can put an ad in between, or to gather information about us, so that their customers (those who pay for ad space) can pay for their service making the best targeted ad campaigns possible.

    I'm not sure if you are really active on lemmy's ML communities, but there's plenty in I don't participate in them, but I do try to keep posting in the instance I like, you're welcome to post and comment wherever you like. :)

  • Looks like Facebook is following youtube with anti-adblock measures.
  • Newpipe supports federated video plataforms like peertube.

  • Wealth shown to scale
  • I have a friend that used to be super into watching morbid stuff like gore and snuff videos. He stopped a few years ago and last time I asked him he told me that he can't handle them anymore, same goes for another person I know.

    In my case I've never been able to watch too much of those things, but I know I'm able to handle situations where blood and stuff is involved as I've studied anatomy with dead human bodies and also worked with injured people. I like to think I've had a bit of a healthier relationship with the effects of violence on humans.

  • We're the creators of Lemmy, Ask Us Anything. *Starts Monday, 7 Aug, 1500 CEST*
  • Maybe it should be like a tiered NSFW tag system. It might add too much complexity, but posts could be classified for Nudity or Violence (N, or V) and then a number for category 1 being the softest stuff and 3 the strongest stuff. Then instances and/or users can choose the type of content that's to be displayed in their front page.

  • Developer of Reddit is Fun just released an app for Tildes.
  • I think it was a good alternative, but it not being federated nor able to create communities makes it a bit lame. I really liked it, but it's hard to find interesting use for it when it doesn't let you have the spaces or topics that you want to cover other than the already defined ones.

  • "It has to be Chromium"
  • Come on. You're being pedantic.

  • "It has to be Chromium"
  • Yeah, they had. Now he's the one that works on Brave afaik.

  • "It has to be Chromium"
  • Are they doing so right now?

  • _donnadie_ _donnadie_

    Espero que nos llevemos bien :)

    Si vas a usar de lo que escribo o comparto de alguna forma ten en cuenta que están bajo CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, a menos que especifique otra licencia.

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