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*Permanently Deleted*
  • You know what really annoys me about political tests like this? They pretty much never distinguish ideals and tactics. In fact, to any sane materialist, answers to the same questions would change wildly between "what i would want my bourgeois government to implement", "what we need to do after the revolution" and "ideal society to strive for".

  • Can we stop making fun of 9/11 here?
  • America didn't deserve 9/11. Here, i said it.

    My reasoning:

    It deserved much, much, MUCH worse for all the shit it did and keeps doing.

  • Why was this such a surprise?
  • To me it wasn't. I knew western libs. They were never real about it. They just built a "culture" around a limited number of left-wing issues that didn't go against their core beliefs and now just keep being chauvinists.

  • Locked
    Hexbear federation megathread
  • You posted a comment which was perceived as "Stating my ethnicity is subhuman", and you think it merely "came out wrong"?!?

    Actually yes. If i added one more word it would be less ambiguous.

  • Locked
    Hexbear federation megathread
  • It would be strawmanning if here was a point to make. But here was only only a bunch of cliches to make fun of.

  • Locked
    Hexbear federation megathread
  • Why do you think these people who have toiled for 40+years should just give you there invested money/work for free?

    Amazing logic. I worked so hard to buy this minigun, surely it's perfectly ok to unload it into a crowd. Don't tell me what to do with MY money!

  • Locked
    Hexbear federation megathread
  • Stating that my people (and other Baltic nations) are subhuman

    Oh, that's includes a now deleted comment of mine. Yes, i admit i got a bit overboard here. I wanted only to highlight a certain political tendency in the region. rather than make a blanket statement about any nationalities and ethnicities. It really came out wrong. And while i don't really care whatever this instance defederates or not, here i must apologize since i was clearly in the wrong. I should only dunk on people for what they do, not what they are.

  • Federation be like

    Too obvious to be funny, but i still wanted to draw a shitpost.

    RuZZia is an attempt by libs to kickstart their own equivalent to Maoist Standard English/one-up the term AmeriKKKa and it just absolutely fucking blows, man
  • Seriously, i could never really get how they use it as some kind of insult. The hell is going on in their heads? Z is literally official symbol for this war you claim to hate so much? Saying that make it sound like the whole country somehow fully and inherently supports it? That's exactly what le evil authoritarian stalinist dictator pootin would want? Fucking ridiculous.

  • Classic 3/?
  • Also, Chinese isn't a race or ethnicity, its a nationality.

    very-intelligent smuglord

    Now seriously, what are they even go for when they say shit like that?

  • When you play Suzerain as a lib.
  • I think it's more of a settler-colonial thing. Centuries of shameless cultural genocide can do that to your brain.

  • Even with their thousands of users, the libs can't even harness a fraction of our power
  • 1.2k upvotes on a post with 3.5 comments: looks legit.

    35 comments from 35 users with 35 upvotes on average: PROPAGANDA BOT FARM!!111