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Amazing things are happening in China
  • going to have to front up for floor seats for that one for sure

  • Macklemore dropped from Las Vegas festival lineup after viral 'fuck America' video
  • one of those facts I wish werent true but sadly is

  • Anyone here played enemy territory quake wars?
  • I played the absolute fucking shit out of this and Battlefield 2 on PC multiplayer back when it came out. They truly dont make em like that anymore

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • These types of way too on the nose bits are what make me feel like simulation theory may have legitimacy

  • Most important meme of the day
  • A black coffee, a cigarette and an adderall counts as breakfast right

  • Please never stop posting these, they have become my anchor in the uncertainty of our times

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • people who have this as a fetish must get unbelievably turned on by the game Dig Dug

  • Barron Trump is 6’8” and Slovenian. Fuck anybody pushing political ambitions onto this kid and for the love of god somebody get a basketball into his hands. The Knicks need a center
  • Need some kind of fucked up version of High School Musical where Barron is desperate to get into Republican politics with the pretty star of the show girl but Donald is adamant that he needs to go to college to play ball

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone
  • This person wants their analysis taken seriously yet they can’t even do some quick napkin math to estimate ramp space in Djibouti smh

  • Say hi to Huckleberry
  • I love her

  • How do i get into Zelda tears of the kingdom?
  • I bounced off of it hard for that reason, did the Rito and Goron dungeons but the Zora dungeon was so incredibly bad that I quit the game then and there and still haven't gone back

    TOTK definitely felt like what BOTW should have been I guess, but after already having played that I really didnt have much interest in totk

    I get why people enjoy it but fuck do I ever miss proper Zelda games, the whole "sandbox" thing isnt for me

  • Okay, seriously tho
  • don't forget to include "unprovoked" to hit all the key words

  • Canadian Dems for Scary Ghost Kamal
  • Media up here in Canada has been putting in a proper shift gassing up Kamala lately so not surprising to see, we love being a good little vassel state

  • Is Gaming Better Than Ever?
  • I’d say objectively yes because there are more quality games releasing than ever before, especially ones that fill specific niches for people. Not to mention one has easier than ever access to play 40+ years of games pretty seamlessly, on PC at least.

    On the other hand gaming sucks now because I’m old and miserable and everything was better in 2007. No one plays foolishly fast paced arena shooters anymore, I miss the people in my old WoW guild and opening new multiplayer game menus gives me sensory overload. So in that sense gaming is done basically

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 26th to September 1st, 2024 - Ruto Must Go - COTW: Kenya
  • Hate this country so much, like what kind of craven “leadership” is this. Worst part is no one will care or even read or hear about this and I’ll sound crazy when I bring it up when someone complains about cars costing too much now

  • Where to get sunglasses
  • I buy all of my sunglasses from Amazon lately, can get stylish looking cheap polarized ones for $15-ish CAD easily. Can probably get the same ones on Aliexpress for a few dollars less if so inclined.

    I’m far too good at leaving them on a patio to spring for anything more than that.

  • Deus Ex - Hong Kong Bar Conversation
  • Damn now I need to replay this game. Later two never captured magic of original for me (i probably just grew up)

  • What are your favorite old memes, the kinds that still delight and amuse you personally even if they might have fallen out of everyday use?
  • I’m gonna say the “steel is heavier than feathers” meme mostly as an excuse to mention Limmy’s Show and the guy in general, I think he’s been memed enough to count

    Something about his humor and specifically the sketch series he did that clicks with me so well and I always laugh even though I’ve seen it countless times

  • What are your favorite old memes, the kinds that still delight and amuse you personally even if they might have fallen out of everyday use?
  • I feel like I still say this way more often in real day to day life than I should

  • No cities in Belgium are willing to host Belgium v Israel football match, will be played outside country

    Belgium is due to play Israel in the UEFA Nations League and apparently all cities in Belgium have refused to host the match at their stadiums due to the political circumstances. Article says the match might be played in Hungary.

    France and Italy are also in this same group, I am curious to see if the same thing happens. The fact that Israel is in the European football association/competitions at all tells you all you need to know about the place.

    Hamas extends the resistance front to Doncaster Woman slams selfish paragliders who made her think Hamas were invading Doncaster

    'Whoever thought it was funny to parasail over the village, it was in extremely poor taste.'

    Woman slams selfish paragliders who made her think Hamas were invading Doncaster

    I dont know even what to say about this other than lol, lmao

    ‘Anime-loving fighters’ capture US-made Bradley vehicle ‘Anime-loving fighters’ capture US-made Bradley vehicle

    A Russian army unit has become a media sensation after capturing a US-made armored vehicle

    ‘Anime-loving fighters’ capture US-made Bradley vehicle

    Maybe anime wasn't a complete mistake after all

    absolutefuckinidiot Absolute

    Trying my best and Hoping we all make it o7

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