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Interesting OSS project: Holesail creates instant P2P tunnels between networks (like a VPN)
  • Very first line of the GitHub readme. As a support tool it's mostly useless, endless similar or identical questions answered differently or not at all and none of it indexed by search engines for use on the web.

    It's an awful data silo / black hole that increases volunteer load.

  • World’s 1st high-temperature superconducting tokamak built in China
  • allows it to make its tokamaks at only two percent of the volume of conventional tokamaks

    Strap that into a tank, with - hear me out - legs, and we're golden.

  • Solved: How can containers be forced to use a VPN?
  • Easily doable in docker using the network_mode: "service:VPN_CONTAINER" configuration (assuming your VPN is running as a container)

  • *The Measure of a Man and a Man*
  • The Punch Escrow is a great pulpy book along the same lines.


    Company comes up with foolproof way to ensure zero transporter accidents. Don't tell everyone that they've just invented a suicide booth that triggers when receipt of the copy has been verified - till that part fails and the original walks out after the copy has. Cue corporate thriller coverup story.

  • Epic won’t update Fortnite to run on the Steam Deck. Tim Sweeney says Linux is ‘a terrifically hard audience to serve’ (2022)
  • This is a 2 and a half (almost) year old article. I figured Tim's thoughts on this were common knowledge at this point?

  • Bluesky and Mastodon users can now talk to each other with Bridgy Fed
  • It's unfortunate that (at least on the Bluesky side) an attempt at following a person doesn't result in them getting a DM asking for that to be ok.

    Which means following a person on Bluesky is not possible unless they've already opted in.

    All I want to do is follow a couple of authors or content creators but none of them know what bridgy.fed is :(

  • Is dockStarter a waste of time?
  • I've not used dockge so it may be great but at least for this case portainer puts all the stack (docker-compose) files on disk. It's very easy to grab them if the app is unavailable.

    I use a single Portainer service to manage 5 servers, 3 local and 2 VPS. I didn't have to relearn anything beyond my management tool of choice (compose, swarm, k8s etc)

  • How to enrage two fandoms at once. (My latest purchase.)
  • Without a pet-tax image I'm not sure I can upvote.

  • Single-user Mastodon Instance is a Bad Idea
  • With a small amount of effort and the use of and you can mitigate basically all those issues. It's still not perfect by any means but it results in a perfectly usable single user instance.

    The first populates the replies of the home timeline posts you see (as well as profiles of people it finds in those replies) and the second pulls down all the content from instances you select for your followed hashtags (choose and you can guarantee you'll see most all posts with those tags)

  • ‘Change’: Starmer hopes simple slogan will chime with exasperated nation
  • Appropriate username.

    Not that I disagree right now though.

  • Question about Active Noise Cancellation alternatives
  • Yes. On older generation/cheaper ANC this is perceived as increased "pressure". It doesn't seem louder but the physical sensation of loudness is there.

  • Samsung forces repair stores to destroy customer smartphones, iFixit ends cooperation
  • "...prohibits repair stores from repairing components on the mainboard. Instead, the entire component must be replaced..."

    A flagrant disregard for the costs of e-waste on the environment. What a surprise.

  • Question about Active Noise Cancellation alternatives
  • The sound produced by ANC is the exact 180 degree inverse (or as near as possible) of the incoming bad noise.

    It's produced in realtime by dedicated signal processors and requires mic arrays feeding in the sound. The quicker your processing pipeline the better the match is and the more powerful the effect is.

    There's no prerecorded sound that would work.

  • Enshittification sure is fast
  • On Linux the anti-cheat does not run at kernel level.

    But knowing Sony they're going to decide to disallow Linux.

  • 'It should have been safe’: twin of woman found under coat in A&E says death avoidable
  • Long story short the MRI showed no impinging of the cord so we were told to just monitor it. It's slowly fading.

    The long story is that the next day the GP repeated 111's advice so we bundled up pillows and painkillers and, still very upset, we went back. After an hour the triage nurse told us that all the GP needed to do was a referral by email and we would have been admitted straight to the spinal unit.

    She then rang the GP and actually tore them a new one. It was highly satisfying.

    We spent the rest of the day in spinal, her on a bed, and got seen by excellent staff who did more explaining about the injury and what to expect than anyone else had done to that point. We were in limbo about the whole thing till then.

  • ByteDance won't sell TikTok, would rather pull it from the US
  • Let's be honest, this is only their outlook until the courts make their decision. They'll sell if that doesn't go in their favour.

  • 'It should have been safe’: twin of woman found under coat in A&E says death avoidable
  • Fuck.

    My wife and I were in this A&E 3 days later. She'd new lower body numbness appear some months into a broken back recovery. 101 said go straight there, this is a no fuck around situation.

    We get there and are advised it's a 12 hour wait, the place is rammed, ambulances are queuing and the corridors are full of gurneys and paramedics.

    My wife at this point is in tears. The broken back means sitting for an hour on a shit waiting room chair is hard work. 12 literally can't happen.

    So we leave. What else can we do.

    The situation was fucking awful, but I don't blame the staff. I felt genuinely bad for all of them - there was just a complete lack of hope on any of their faces.

  • ActivityPods: Federated Solid Pods
  • IIRC your data would live on your chosen pod server - which does not have to be a fediverse instance.

  • Recently discovered Venjent and thought I'd share.

    Takes me right back to the 1990's

    A different perspective on things

    Probably too many insurmountable issues with filming like this during a race but would certainly add something extra.

    Its somebodies birthday today! pieceofthepie :coffefied: (

    Attached: 1 image A special small hat - Sheridan is 2 today! #SheridanTheCorgi #Corgi #WelshPembrokeCorgi #DogsOfMastodon #Dogs #Pixel6Pro

    pieceofthepie :coffefied: (
    Played my first game of 10th. It was great, I really need to play more.

    > I had mostly no clue what I was doing. Managed 2 turns against a Death Guard force and 2 turns against a Space Marine one. (three of us with limited time)

    > I think I have some work to go before I know how to beat these two. Both are super tough and I’ve no idea how to play to my strengths.

    > PS. The fact that Typhus cleaved his way through the entire Destroyer unit in a single combat round makes me sad. They didn’t get a chance to do anything and they’re supposed to be tough (?)

    This is a seriously good lemmy client.

    It beats Relay and Boost which I used to use for Reddit in terms of UX/UI. It's great.

    Now, when I can get it to talk to my kbin instance I'll be super happy :D

    Stuttery performance on Pixel 6 Pro

    I’m getting some stutter/jank when scrolling my feed. I’m using compact mode if that helps.

    Not sure what else to add. I’m using version 0.2.4 which appears to contain (according to github) some related performance fixes but I’m still seeing it.

    This is a 60fps video slowed to 30fps and you can see it happening quite clearly.

    I don’t see this type of juddering on Voyager. But the MaterialU interface on Thunder is just ❤️

    Could I please have some clarification on PUBLIC_SSR_ENABLED?

    > Some selfhosters with PUBLIC_SSR_ENABLED set to true might want the instance url to be different for the server.

    I'm assuming that SSR is Server Side Rendering but I'm not sure how that applies to me, a self-hoster. Do I want to turn this on?

    Then how does the internal setting play into it?

    Thanks :)

    New instance: issues subscribing to beehaw communities

    I've just set up a new personal instance (this account is on it) but I'm apparently not able to subscribe to beehaw communities. When I click the subscribe button all I get is "Subscription Pending" no matter how much I refresh the page.

    Additionally, unlike communities on other servers the search for a beehaw one doesn't appear to bring down any posts. Is that normal?

    adam Adam

    A PHP developer who, in his spare time, plays tabletop and videogames; if the weathers nice I climb rocks, but mostly fall off of indoor bouldering ones.

    He/Him Blog Photos Keyoxide

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