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America's youngest voters turn right
  • When I was in that age bracket, I identified as conservative. Over the years, my positions have become increasingly conservative, and I find myself classified by many as a flaming socialist.

    So this isn’t a new thing; people compare themselves to what they consider normal.

    I think what it really shows is that it’s less obvious today what the difference between conservative and (what? liberal? progressive?) is. People tend to know more what they aren’t than what they are when they’re young. If they reject something that’s considered liberal, they must be conservative.

  • Wisconsin mayor carts away absentee ballot drop box, says he did nothing wrong
  • “This is no different than the maintenance guy moving it out there….”


    1. If the maintenance guy is union, he’s doing union work in contravention of union agreements
    2. moving something out because of a state law is different than moving something away in contravention of said state law
    3. the maintenance guy wouldn’t make it a press opportunity and dress up like a construction worker
  • Putin issues a nuclear warning to the West over Ukraine
  • I grew up in the cold war. I’ve done the drills. I know both what the fear of an all-out nuclear holocaust is, and I know that the reality will be something entirely different.

    Did you not see what happened to Russia’s latest Satan II ICBM? Thankfully that one wasn’t armed.

  • More than 8,000 Catholic employers can now deny workers time off for an abortion or IVF.
  • Crazy; I just get on a call with my doctor and they email my employer. All covered by insurance and I pay nothing and take no time off.

    If my employer did anything about it like fire me, they’d get reported to the government who would prosecute with minimal involvement from me other than a statement and possibly witness testimony.

  • Putin issues a nuclear warning to the West over Ukraine
  • That’s a good line to use on Putin.

    Realistically, if Putin uses the nuclear codes, this is what happens:

    A few warheads in Russia explode in their silos and the government blames the West. A bunch of other warheads are harmlessly shot down. A few actually find their targets and a few million people are wiped out. The west retaliates and suddenly the war is over.

    BICS then becomes ascendant in global power, China claims Taiwan and the Philippines and possibly Japan, and Israel is wiped off the face of the earth as all sides turn it into a nuclear slag pile, killing Israelis, Palestinians and a large number of Lebanese and Syrians in the bargain.

    Then things adjust to the new normal and economies rebuild, with the noted absence of Russia and Belarus.

  • More than 8,000 Catholic employers can now deny workers time off for an abortion or IVF.
  • But if an employee says “I need to take a week’s medical leave, here’s a note from my doctor…” the employer doesn’t know the reason and can’t fire the person, right? I’m just failing to see how this can mutate into something worse. Or are you saying it’s common practice in the US for employers to deny medical leave?

  • Locked Removed
    Ex-White House staffer shreds Trump's 'creepy' ​remarks
  • Slams implies alcohol consumption doesn’t it? And blasts implies some sort of physical or metaphorical explosion.

    What’s wrong with “denounces” or “disparages” or all those other words that actually have literal meanings?

  • More than 8,000 Catholic employers can now deny workers time off for an abortion or IVF.
  • In the US, are employers really allowed to pry into what type of medical leave an employee is taking?

  • House passes stopgap bill to avert government shutdown
  • Hmm… is there such a thing as a lame duck congress?

    I can just imagine the GOP congress refusing to pass anything after a D wave is elected, effectively killing all government until the end of January.

  • Chappell Roan Says She’s “Voting For F@cking Kamala,” But No VP Endorsement & “F@ck Trump, For F@cking Real”
  • Perfectly fine. But in the upcoming election, because of FPTP voting and the electoral college, you have one choice: vote Harris or be OK with Trump getting elected.

    Doesn’t mean you have to agree with Harris or support her policies. Just means that not voting for her means Trump is just that much more likely to be elected, at which time it doesn’t matter who you voted for, who you endorse, or what personal values you hold.

    But those aren’t the only names on the ticket.

    My general rule is to vote for individuals at the municipal level, vote first causes at the state level, and vote strategically at the federal level, to get the representatives who will steer policy closest to the direction I want into office. Then comes the letter writing to remind them that I helped elect them, and they still need to win my support by acting in accordance with my values in key areas.

  • Premier Danielle Smith announces plan to change Alberta Bill of Rights
  • It’s the same type of people who were against seatbelt regulations in the 1970s and helmet laws for motorcycles and bicycles later on.

    People who only want to live in a society when the benefit to them is immediately obvious.

  • Call to action: Biden must end the designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism
  • Still?

    Cuba hasn’t sponsored terrorism in decades….

  • Anyone else get a text from the B.C. conservatives?
  • Thankfully they don’t appear to have my number.

  • What do you think of free credit monitoring they offer after a breach?
  • The good news is that a lot of banks now offer free credit monitoring, alerts and controls because they know your data has already been breached. This allows you to, via your bank’s interface, take control of your credit monitoring instead of handing it off to an agency that profits from gobbling up whatever it can know about you.

    Check with your bank to see what tools they have available for you.

  • NHS scientists find new blood group solving 50-year mystery
  • This is a horribly written article about an exciting discovery.

    Essentially, they’ve discovered that some humans don’t actually have the AnWj antigen, where it was assumed that all humans had some antigen configuration. And they’ve found a way to test for the missing antigens.

  • We could be witnessing the death of the graphics card in real time right now, and I couldn’t be happier about it
  • Show me non-niche software that needs more than a modern iGPU can provide. Your 3080ti can blast two screens of 4k video at 120fps HDR… and so can my iGPU.

  • Large fire engulfs inactive rail bridge next to the Oak Street Bridge Vancouver fire engulfs inactive rail bridge next to Oak Street Bridge

    An inactive rail bridge connecting Richmond and Vancouver caught fire Thursday and forced the temporary closure of the Oak Street Bridge.

    Vancouver fire engulfs inactive rail bridge next to Oak Street Bridge
    adespoton Em Adespoton
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