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DEBATE: Should Muslims vote for Joe Biden in November?
  • Yeah not showing up to vote would certainly show the controlling Elites what is. Also goes nicely with that 30% of Americans that don't vote no matter what. If you're going to insist on idiotic plans at least vote third parties so you know your vote actually counts as a statistic of a locally grumpy voter. On the bright side if you guys get your way and Trump does get elected it could make the material circumstances bad enough that we could see a real upheaval in American society that will make things significantly worse and then make things significantly better.

  • Trump is degenerating rapidly before our eyes — why MAGA voters don't notice
  • By the same measure you could say the same thing about many other historical figures. There is enough historical documents that meet the same standards used by everyone to say that Jesus at least existed but thats pretty much it.

  • Does this plan make sense? v2
  • Missing a lot things. Gerrymandering can still occur without the electoral college, tax things seems neat in theory but need to deal with corporate taxes, term limits on the supreme court would make things worse (research indicates an age out system would be better), Police system will still be fundamentally broken, companies will still continue to maximize profit to everyone but the shareholder deficit, stock buybacks are creating major issues and allow companies to game Wallstreet, are just a few things that I think are missing here that need to be addressed.

  • "But my friend runs a PinePhone as a daily driver"
  • I mean not technically.. those products use a separent kernel that has its own development path away from the Linux kernel. Linux is just a compatible Unix kernel but I wouldn't classify it as a Unix operating system since it diverges into its own thing. Android still uses the Linux kernel not some piece of code that they developed and not some commercial Unix product

  • After 2-year-old girl shoots self, man becomes first person charged under Michigan's gun storage law
  • The point I was addressing is that the supreme Court shouldn't strike this law down as it doesn't affect ownership of guns. If the guy's a felon he probably should not have had a firearm but I can understand why he would want one.

  • After 2-year-old girl shoots self, man becomes first person charged under Michigan's gun storage law
  • I wouldn't focus on his plea. He's likely doing this on the advice of his lawyer to secure plea deal. Initial charges always very harsh and this is a pretty common tactic in American court. It's like companies who won't say "you're sorry" because it opens them up to liability.

  • After 2-year-old girl shoots self, man becomes first person charged under Michigan's gun storage law
  • Okay that's interesting thought. See the difference in your example is that a tiger is a sentient being but you have no control over. If I got bequeathed a tiger I probably surrender that too. A gun is a tool which is easily contained. What's the difference between keeping a firearm and a sword or a bow and arrow when there are also tools initially designed to kill/maime?

  • After 2-year-old girl shoots self, man becomes first person charged under Michigan's gun storage law
  • Honestly I just think it's irresponsible people. No proof but I have a hunch that Americans tend to be more laid-back with things like firearms than people in Switzerland might be. We used to be more careful but we got far too comfortable with them.

  • After 2-year-old girl shoots self, man becomes first person charged under Michigan's gun storage law
  • Target practice. Inherited heirlooms. Defense while camping. People find them cool. People keep guns for the same reason people keep swords. I understand that it is a tool designed for killing but at the end of the day it is still a tool. Don't get me wrong I'm still all for gun control but I do understand why people would want to keep a gun in their home. You don't have to agree with it but you shouldn't punish people who responsibly own firearms.

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