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I’ve been locked out of PayPal for years because of their mistake
  • it's guaranteed to be irreversible in 20 minutes

    How is that a good thing? I want to be able to chargeback if I don't get what I ordered.

  • moneybags
  • Germany. And people would get mad if they didn't get their one Cent change.

  • The numbers 0–99 sorted alphabetically in different languages
  • Nein, ist sie nicht. Geh weiter, hier gibt's nichts zu sehen.

  • It's true though
  • I was born in 92. My childhood (part of it, anyway) was in the 90s and I do remember the latter half of them fairly well. These things are never really clear cut, especially for people born around the "change" in generations.

  • Liebe CDU, warum macht ihr so guten Wahlkampf für die AfD?
  • Entweder

    a) Alle in der Unionsführung sind blöd genug um zu übersehen wie der rassistische Scheiß nur der AfD hilft


    b) Die glauben den Scheiß selbst und es ist ihnen egal ob's den Nazis hilft

    Such dir einen der Gründe aus. Oder beide, es ist nämlich vermutlich ne Mischung.

  • Fuck oil.
  • Those reactors were ancient and, even without the nuclear power phaseout, they would've needed to be replaced. And contrary to popular belief, they were replaced with renewables, not fossil fuels. The choice was build wind turbines and solar panels and upgrade the grid or spend the same amount of money on building nuclear reactors that still rely on imported fuel that needs to be mined in some third world country in an extremely environmentally destructive way and that, regardless of design, produce nuclear waste.

  • More countries to reach NATO's 2% defense spending goal
  • Yes, the constant Muscovite sabre-rattling is why NATO countries are starting to take their militaries seriously again.

  • YouTube is dedicated to making itself worse; destroys SponsorBlock with ad injection changes
  • A truly shocking number of people don't use any form of adblock. I doubt that driving off the adblock users will have a significant effect on viewership (and even if it does, why would Google care, it's not like we're making them money).

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • To be fair, the hardware is excellent. Overpriced as hell, especially considering that you can't upgrade it yourself and the prices Apple charges for RAM and storage are ridiculous, but you can't really argue with the quality. The locked-down, inflexible software and basically forcing you buy into the whole ecosystem if you want your devices to work together is the issue.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • To be fair, the hardware is excellent. Overpriced as hell, especially considering that you can't upgrade it yourself and the prices Apple charges for RAM and storage are ridiculous, but you can't really argue with the quality. The locked-down, inflexible software and basically forcing you buy into the whole ecosystem if you want your devices to work together is the issue.

  • Just a reminder
  • No. But if your actions aid a fascist takeover you are either a fascist or a useful idiot.

  • Starfield's latest update draws player ire by sticking a bounty hunting quest behind the Creation Club paywall
  • It did. Boring bounty hunting that sends you to the same five dungeons on repeat, but bounty hunting nonetheless.

  • Starfield's latest update draws player ire by sticking a bounty hunting quest behind the Creation Club paywall
  • Pretty sure Creation Club downloads are just normal plugin files, no cracks should be needed to load them you just need the files from somewhere.

  • Far-right gains in the EU election deal stunning defeats to France's Macron and Germany's Scholz
  • The 70+ age group was the one the AfD performed worst in. It's young people voting fascist here in Germany, the old folks vote CDU because that's what they've always done.

  • [FR] Macron löst das Parlament auf
  • Ich nicht. Und ich halte es für einen extrem riskanten Schritt. Die Hoffnung ist vermutlich eine Massenmobilisierung gegen einen möglichen weiteren FN-Wahlsieg in einer "wichtigeren" Wahl, aber das ist keine Wette die ich eingehen würde.

  • Europawahl: Grüne erleiden deutliche Verluste, AfD wird zweitstärkste Kraft
  • Hatte ja auch keine Mehrheit. Und wenn man sich anschaut was die Linke vor der Wahl so zu NATO, Russland und der Ukraine abgesondert hat sollte das auch niemanden wundern.

  • Europawahl: Grüne erleiden deutliche Verluste, AfD wird zweitstärkste Kraft
  • Und welche Koalition wäre, deiner Meinung nach, nach der letzten Wahl eine bessere gewesen? Rot-Schwarz? Rot-Grün-Hat-Keine-Mehrheit?

  • Europawahl: Grüne erleiden deutliche Verluste, AfD wird zweitstärkste Kraft
  • Zeigt Mal wieder wunderbar wie beschissen es in diesem Land um die politische Bildung steht. Die AfD ist nun wirklich das absolute Gegenteil von arbeiterfreundlich.

  • Slur filter censoring the string "the app" (without a space in between)
  • Seriously though, why? I'm not a native speaker so I think there's something going over my head here. Someone please explain.

  • Is it ever okay to film strangers in public?
  • Legality and morality aren't necessarily the same.

  • ahornsirup ahornsirup

    Hi! :)

    Nazis and tankies can fuck off.

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