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Rod Stewart verflucht Putin - und wird in Leipzig ausgebuht
  • Ich kenn seine Musik nicht... kann man als Fan politische Statements erwarten? Wenn nicht, kann ich mir schon vorstellen, dass man etwas angepisst ist, wenn man selbst auf einem Konzert mit der harten Realität (vor der man vlt flüchten wollte) konfrontiert wird.

    Abgesehen davon: bei AfD und BSW Ergebnissen von zusammen knapp 30%, muss man wohl erwarten, dass auch im Publikum eine spürbare Anzahl Russlandfreunde rumhängen.

  • The anti-AI sentiment in the free software communities is concerning.
  • If you are so keen on correctness, please don't say "LLMs are lying". Lying is a conscious action of deceiving. LLMs are not capable of that. That's exactly the problem: they don't think, they just assemble with probability. If they could lie, they could also produce real answers.

  • Baden-Württemberg: Zwei AfD-Stadträte in Karlsruhe angegriffen
  • Ich finde Gewalt im politischen Diskurs falsch, aber habe in solchen Fällen durchaus weniger Mitleid als in anderen Fällen. Die AfD heizt ja selbst seit langem den Konflikt an, da ist es nur gerecht, wenn sie die Früchte auch zunehmend selbst erntet.

    Schon wenn ich deren Benehmen im Bundestag höre (ständiges reinlabern), wünschte ich mir, man dürfte sie für sowas unsanft vor die Tür setzen. So ein ungehobeltes, freches, aggressives Dreckspack.

  • Is it possible to use Linux without the command line?
  • Yup, I don't understand it either. Many "how to fix ..." articles involve quite a lot powershell magic. And I say "magic" because IMO they are often essentially API calls which I find far harder to grasp than config files that follow some logic and help me understand what is interacting how.

  • RustDesk (FOSS easy to use TeamViewer alternative) has experimental Wayland support that needs testing!
  • The apps are bundled completely differently on OSX and Linux. It's technically not possible to do the same thing there. Also this is not a free/paid limitation at all.

    They could maybe build a packaging tool that can customize the binaries (adding data to the PE executable in Windows and maybe a property file in OSX and Linux); but that's quite some effort for not much gain.

  • Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo
  • That information belongs in the specs/feature list on the encasing, not in the fucking splash screen as dedicated video.

    For the buyer that would be too late and for the one who bought it already and now wants to play it's utterly pointless.

  • Rasierklingen-Falle im Wahlkampf: Hamburger SPD-Politiker verletzt
  • Hmm, klingt irgendwie ein bisschen wild. Eine einzelne Klinge? Da ist doch die Chance super gering, dass das potenzielle Opfer da ausgerechnet reingreift. Würde man da nicht sehr viele Klingen platzieren?

    Ich könnte mir eher vorstellen, dass jemand sich ein Werkzeug zum Abschneiden der Plakate gebaut hat und beim Einsatz ist dann die schlecht befestigte Klinge im bzw am Plakat stecken oder kleben geblieben.

  • AMD GPUs are cursed for me

    Each time I try AMD graphics, something is fucked for me. Back with fglrx, fglrx just sucked, so I used Nvidia. Then I had an AMD right around when they finally had opensource drivers, but it was still buggy as hell. So I went with Nvidia again (first a GTX 790, then a GTX 1060). In the meantime I had a new work notebook where I also went with an AMD APU, and had driver crashes for a long time when I was in video calls and it had to decode multiple streams. That thankfully stabilized with Linux 6.4.

    Since sooo many people in the community swear by AMD, I thought "dammit, let's try it again for my new desktop" and got an 7800rx ... and I have to reboot ~5 times until I finally make it to a running xserver or wayland session. Apparently I am hit by this problem (at least I hope so). But that doesn't even read nice ... the fix seems to be to revert another fix for powermanagement. So I either have a mostly non-booting card or suboptimal power management.

    I start to regret having chosen AMD .... again :-/ I seem to be cursed.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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