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What incremental games do you enjoy?
  • Been playing Melvor Idle, really great one that replicates old school runescape's Skilling experience as an idle game. I also enjoy Impossible Dungeon quite a bit as well, top down auto dungeon crawler where you earn points to upgrade and customize a party for getting as far down a dungeon as you can and competing with other players in tournaments and dailies.

  • What are the best Video Game Soundtracks?
  • Chrono Trigger, of course. Some legendary tracks in there that transcend their limitations. The Deadbolt OST, Katana ZERO's OST. Nier Automata, Street Fighter V.

    Oblivion and Skyrim as well. Really there are too many excellent game soundtracks to possibly list in a comment

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  • I think there's a strong possibility you're correct, especially with that genre. When it comes to purely competitive games continual new content and adjustments keep the masses coming back, and providing those things long term with no monetization is a business suicidal idea, and I think that strong reasoning like that excuses a lot of the cynicism and bad faith behind MTX in those specific cases provided its still relatively fair.

    I give you an A+ for an actual strong argument for MTX (in those and related cases)

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  • Personally, yeah, I find it much less offensive if the extra purchases do not nag you in-game and their presence is not missed or noticed in terms of affecting balance.

    For example, Middle Earth Shadow of War infamously let you buy Uruks. Having played the fuck out of that game I can confidently say the game was balanced such that you never needed to do that (apart from the end game grind, but the grind is the gameplay, so if you hit end game and didnt want to grind, you just didn't wanna keep playing), but having it appear in the menus was jarring and the idea of buying an Uruk with real money juxtaposed next to the mechanical intent of obtaining Uruks through exploration, marking, stalking, and exploiting their weaknesses just stuck out like a cynical sore thumb.

    If they put the Uruk purchases outside the game with no in-game ads and I played through Shadow of War and was like "man holy shit, my Uruks cannot keep up with the curve, this is insanely grindy" and I discovered that you could buy them and skip it, I'd say thats dastardly as well.

    But the happy medium would be balancing it so it wasn't necessary, but providing an external purchase to milk that revenue if they really still wanted to. That example is moot now anyway since they eventually removed the MTX Uruks entirely.

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  • I know and understand the whole idea of maximizing artist hours for cosmetic DLC. It's an understandable reason for it to exist.

    However, the big thing about MTX to me is the way it changes my perception of the game and how it feels to interact with it. Playing games without in-game cash shops or MTX allows me to focus on the game itself and feel that what I've purchased is one cohesive piece that works in a singular purpose towards a goal of something enjoyable to play and rewarding to explore the content of.

    Something like Prey 2016. My entire memory and experience of playing that game is absolutely nothing but the experience of the lore, atmosphere, gameplay, decisions, and the creativity of exploration. At no point was I ever passing over menu options designed to sell me more piecemeal content, I wasn't wading through a reel of battle pass cosmetics, I wasn't attempting to ignore little rectangular ads on the main menu asking me to check some skins out.

    And again, I totally understand why those things are there and I'm not inherently against their existence, I enjoy many games where those experiences are a part. In the end, I just believe that being free of that stuff absolutely makes a game feel perceptibly better and more pure, more of a game and less of a transparently monetized product.

    I also feel like there's a sort of forbidden knowledge aspect to the whole "maximizing artist labor time for cosmetic MTX". The best way for cosmetic MTX to happen is to utilize extra possible labor time that couldn't be used elsewhere. I'd love to believe that any cosmetic MTX took no time or development from any other part of the game. I'd love to believe that no amazing visual design for armor or weapons was held because its more premium appearance would better fit a paid item than a free base game one.

    But you'll never know that for sure. There will always be that inkling of cynical doubt that the cool item got a price tag and the okay one ended up in the base game. That the visual artists are so burnt making constant art for base game and then MTX that their energy couldn't be focused solely on the core experience. I can assume, I can take the company's word for it, but I'll never be able to cleanse my mind of the knowledge that it's a separate kind of content from the base game.

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  • It's more of a "are good games with microtransactions good regardless of MTX or in spite of them?"

    You can totally have a good game with MTX, but I think it always lowers the quality in some way, and they're only good in spite. I don't think OP is suggesting that no MTX guarantees a good game, but that a game should stand on its own merits and sell its whole experience instead of chopping itself up piecemeal

  • After migrating from Reddit, it’s jarring that comment sections aren’t cluttered with hashtag-style comments that are just links to subreddits like /HoLuP/
  • Ohhh, yeah, that is a sort of unique issue. Even then each one would have different vote and boost counts as well as unique comments sections. I think with a clever enough UI you could still work it out, though.

  • After migrating from Reddit, it’s jarring that comment sections aren’t cluttered with hashtag-style comments that are just links to subreddits like /HoLuP/
  • I don't think there are technically dupes. You could have multiple communities across different instances all called "gaming". But that wouldn't mean they all share the same rules and posting formats, etc.

    They'd basically be like different subreddits. So you could potentially create a multireddit, but not truly merging "duplicate" communities.

  • Earth Defense Force: World Brothers 2 announced for PS5, PS4, and Switch
  • I'm sure there is a small amount of extra port work that would need to be done, the big one I can think of is text box size.

    If the Switch version of those EDF games has a unique layout or size of its menus or text boxes compared to previous English localizations, then there would be some amount of new work involved in making sure all lines of text are sized appropriately, or edited if they do not fit correctly.

    Past that, it's hard to see why they haven't put them out, I would love to play them again!

    And to your other comment, I'm on a Kbin instance that has a funny time setting, you're right. I wish I could just say I'm a cool dude from the future.

  • Nintendo Switch 2 to Feature as Much as 512 GB of Internal Storage, 8-Inch LCD Screen - Rumor
  • Third parties do it for me. Sadly, I wish Nintendo would release official ergonomic joy cons. Instead I must buy something Chinese with questionable QC, to get something fully featured compared to the feature-neutered but high-quality Hori licensed ones.

  • Risk of using public trackers
  • What's the the unhelpful hostile attitude? Is it still 1996 where it's cool to shit on people for not knowing everything about what they're doing and call them "noobs"?

  • Earth Defense Force: World Brothers 2 announced for PS5, PS4, and Switch
  • I mean on the Switch specifically, where Japan has many more options than where I live in America. They just haven't been localized yet, when they already have localizations from their respective systems, like you say. They've already been translated, just lemme play them!

    EDF is a perfect portable game to me, so I wish it was available globally on the currently best portable system.

  • Earth Defense Force: World Brothers 2 announced for PS5, PS4, and Switch
  • Still waiting on some of the older legit EDFs to make their way to English speaking countries on Switch. At least I can still play the PS Vita ports, but it's crazy to me that they brought World Brothers here but not any others!

  • following federated communities
  • You go up to the magnifying glass icon on the instance that you want to subscribe on (not the instance that the magazine or community actually belongs to), then that's where you'd search

    It should appear and you should be able to follow it. If you are the first person to look up that magazine on your instance it may say that there are zero posts and that the owner of the magazine is your instance's admin, but as long as the name and the magazine/community icon looks like you're expecting you can follow it and it'll start federating in new posts over time.

  • Hot Take: Flat Earthers should be banished to orbit.
  • I'm supporting you from another angle, not contesting you, my argument goes against OP's suggestion, and yeah I don't think OP was being literal, but it's a fun thought experiment

  • Hot Take: Flat Earthers should be banished to orbit.
  • The other problem is that it's a slippery slope. Theoretically whoever would be in control of essentially killing these people would be the ones who make the final decision on who those people actually are.

    With that level of power corruption will be unavoidable and people that are not even actually flat earthers will die as well due to their deaths being convenient in unrelated ways for the group that decides which flat earthers get jettisoned into space. I don't think anyone should have that power, humanity has more than proven by now that placing people into positions of that much power never works out squeaky clean.

  • You can play Starfield on PC and Xbox even if you only buy it once
  • It's hard to outrun that kind of human interaction anywhere that there are enough users and the anonymity of usernames, I do think it's not as bad on the Fediverse still, I hope it stays that way

  • Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)
  • The hilarious thing about My house.wad is that if you go in without knowing anything about it there's a relatively high chance you just complete the level normally and think "that's it? weird that had so much hype"

  • You can play Starfield on PC and Xbox even if you only buy it once
  • Nothing about Lemmy would suggest people would like Epic anymore than any other place on the internet. Their exclusivity deals have the potential to upset anybody regardless of what website they post on, so while there's absolutely a degree of hivemind hatred, it's rooted in understandable reasons.

    That being said, it's disingenuous of that person to imply that Epic never gives any good reasons to use the platform, the biggest being the waves of free games they put on "sale" from time to time, though you could go down another rabbit hole of whether thats really something that would make gamers want to use the platform, or if it's just a nice bonus people pop in to claim while still spending their money on Steam when it comes to actual purchases.

  • Xbox Cloud Gaming is seeing increased queue times as demand surges
  • Traditional game ownership already ended once after the popularization of digital downloads, but you're right, it could end all over again in an even more dire way if cloud gaming gets popularized as well.

  • What are your guys' thoughts on the new episode?

    I went in pretty skeptical, but I have to say, it's good enough for me to feel comfortable saying it's actually more Futurama. There's a small hump to get over with the voice actors having aged, but unless you're an existing hardcore fan who's listening for it, I think Hermes is the only that sounds noticeably different, but I can get used to it.

    I also feel like it's strangely anachronistic in referencing modern day trends and technology. Futurama began in a time before streaming and all of that existed, so hearing it reference these things sticks out like a sore thumb, but it's not like Futurama didn't already reference real life subjects outside of Sci Fi, it's just something I'll get used to as the novelty wears off and it settles in with the rest of the show in my mind.

    Overall, not earth shatteringly good, but I enjoyed it, and I'll absolutely be on the hook to keep going as more episodes are released.

    all-knight-party all-knight-party
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