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The Open Book - An open hardware reading device that's easy to build, easy to manufacture, and easy to make your own
  • You can ask customer service to remove it for free after purchase, or so I've heard.

  • Autumn sunlight through the canopy [OC]
  • I love the composition and I hate the dynamic range of this camera

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  • While the phenomenon he explains does exist, it is an incorrect explanation for the feeling described in your title. This video is amazing, and I suggest watching all of it or just jumping to 10:50 to see your explanation:

    P.S.: I was born in 2000, but ffs what's up with these short format videos of people talking really fast and shoving incorrect info down your throat? I just can't watch these, nor can I understand what they are saying.

  • There was no where else to go
  • meirl

  • allstar allstar

    Send me cat videos, please.

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