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451 rule
  • Don't we already have that? It's called IMF and World Bank

  • 196 rule
  • Brodie says 196 rights? :0

  • Confused but he's got the Rule
  • this is beautiful, thx for sharing lol

  • but Power Word Fart and Fireball are still allowed? smh rule
  • Now I'd like to inquire the wizard convention (lol) on the status of the "testicular torsion" and "ovary obliteration" spells

  • With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • It will stop being free the second a corporation gets it's hands on it, makes improvements and put's those under a proprietary license

  • With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • I've taken up saying "temporarily free/libre" and "permanently free/libre" instead of the permissive/copyleft, since imo "permissive" has a suggestive positive connotation. Especially to ppl who do not know much about the free software movement

  • Winfried Kretschmann fordert mehr Macht für Robert Habeck [DPA]
  • Ich liebe es wenn alles verbürgerlicht und beim Rechtspopulismus mitmacht :))

  • Winfried Kretschmann fordert mehr Macht für Robert Habeck [DPA]
  • Ich liebe es wenn alles verbürgerlicht und beim Rechtspopulismus mitmacht :))

  • Finally got a skirt (alongside a Thorium pendant)
  • if you value your and your friends' health, pls stop that esoteric bs

  • "Contrary to a 'horseshoe' theory, the evidence reveals increasing antisemitism moving from left to right."
  • The main job of fascism is to protect capital when the majority of the working population grows disillusioned with capitalism and might get the wrong ideas about socialist revolution and stuff

  • Even if god exists religion can't possibly be the way to god
  • Praying works: "Thank God!111!"

    Praying doesn't work: "God works in mysterious ways... 🤷‍♀️"

    Like sure if you need that as a way to cope with a depressing reality. But that is the main function of religion: to keep folks complacent, governable and prevent systemic change

    (dw am not some kind of "religion bad!! no, I never interacted with organized spirituality, why do you ask?"-person. That's just what growing up with real /j Orthodox Christianity and two hours of liturgy per week does to a critically inclined mf lol)

  • PSA: Alternatives for the most popular communities
  • "Here you see one of the prime examples of a liberal turned xenophobe. Swallowing up the hate towards current enemy of the USA and projecting it onto everything they don't like"

    Like I don't think the .ml admins are remotely in the right, but politically illiterate libs seeing ghosts everywhere is funny af
    (or at least it would be if they didn't generalize everything evil in this world on Russians or Chinese and dominate one of the largest Lemmy instances)

    - Yours truly, an actually Russian person with a migration background <3

  • Open Source Rule
  • Yeah but I think that this highlights something quite well: Open Source is inherently corporate. It was created as a branch from the free/libre software movement, to extract it's open development model and make it corporate-friendly

    "Open Source is just a corporate development model"

  • PSA: Alternatives for the most popular communities
  • I must admit that I am not well informed enough about Hamas to form an opinion of them specifically. For that I would have to verify claims of genocidal tendencies. Though the Palestinian struggle against settler-colonialism is a most important one, it is a shame that it is not even led by a vaguely progressive force.

    But as you said we should take what we can get. I also concur that social democracy in South America (or the pink tide as it is called sometimes) like in Bolivia, Venezuela or recently Brazil are a generally positive development in weakening the imperial core and might also improve the material situation of millions.

    However, even more socialist movements like the Bolivar one have class collaborationist tendencies, which go faaar deper than e.g. the temporary Maoist compromise with the national bourgeoisie. IIrc even the CPV (of Venezuela) has broken with the PSUV in the era of Maduro, despite having staunchly supported it (and it's presecessors) in the Chavez era before. The PSUV even initiated a party coup recently through a Venezuelan court, reinstating a collaborationist CK in the CPV...

    I am torn in the sense that reformism (read: so called "democratic socialism") has failed time and time again to make an honest switch to socialism. But that it either was never even genuine to begin with and thus converted back to social democracy or was destroyed by either internal reaction (through not having class struggle in favour of the working classes, allowing for reactionary ones to initiate an overthrow), international reaction (spearheaded by the likes of the CIA) or both. Tho "democratic socialism" never truly challenges the bourgeoisie in the first place. (only nationalizing key industries and somehow magically hoping the oppressors will give power up voluntarily.)

    I fully understand that material conditions from massive economic and diplomatic pressure lead to shortages and shortcomings, leading to some kind of compromise. It would be "forgiven" imo (idk if that is the right wording, sounds weird tbh but I hope it makes sense) if they'd compromise from even an approximately Marxist position like Cuba, but they don't never truly overcoming capitalism.

    But as I said, their struggle for sovereignty and against (us-)imperialism is commendable.
    And often is a progressive step forward.

    However, I simply can not hold China up to the same standard. Not with it's size and weight, it's former influence and dedication (despite a complete cut of soviet support and massive pressure, I might add. Under which it is "acceptable" for geopolitically "weaker" movements to deepen compromise).

    After the counterrevolutionary coup of Hua (in favour of Deng) it has only been regression after regression. From a bastion of revolutionary Marxism to a bourgeois state of a new type.
    Don't get me wrong, the CPC succeeded in what the CPSU failed to do: preserve the caste of party bureaucracy in the transition to capitalism, with them partially taking up the role of the bourgeoisie; although in a far more (sometimes also ruthlessly) efficient form. (I mean sometimes more ruthless than the South Korean, Singaporean or Japanese models from which they partially drew their inspiration. In terms of the treatment of the working classes regarding the "work ethic" for example)

    appreciate your thoughts

    Same to you! Constructive discussion with fellow Marxists helps improve ones pov. Unfortunately, thanks to the infestation of the likes of Hexbear and Lemmygrad, the occurrence of those is limited considerably...

  • Open Source Rule
  • actually, communists program free/libre and reject open source as corporate 🤓

  • PSA: Alternatives for the most popular communities
  • Imo just bc the subjugation is financial instead of military in nature, does not mean that it's preferable, since it remains subjugation nonetheless.

    Idk if that analogy makes sense, but whether you are beat till you collapse, or get the rug pulled from under you, you still end up on the ground.

    I also think that it's important to keep in mind that social democracy is not a step towards socialism, but away from it. It is the temporary grant of concessions of the ruling elites towards the working classes. It is one of the defense mechanism of capital to keep the masses complacent, always at the cost of the exploitation of others. The other ones would be fascism or post-modern individualist neoliberalism (the latest stage of the US model which is essentially gaslighting the working population psychologically instead of using material means to keep them complacent. Ofc those are fluid and capital often combines various aspects of them).
    But I digress...

    I think it's similar to WW1 or Russia's invasion of Ukraine: internationally, Marxists shouldn't support either side of inter-imperialist conflict and domestically employ revolutionary defeatism where possible

    Also I'd disagree that China has (so to say) "taken a detour from the socialist road", but entirely abandoned it. The only thing that is left is the hammer and sickle, and the red paint... (even the text of the Internationale is too radical for them, as they only seem to play the instrumental version at the CPC congresses)

    tl;dr: I'd rather not pick between "the lesser" of two hegemonic evils, but reject any form of (neo)-imperialist/-colonialist subjugation.

    (again this became more like a rant and I am not that well read in general)

    also I welcome the change of having a good faith interaction with a more or less like minded Marxist on here :)

  • Feng Rule
  • And the best "dni" flag for me right next to astrology

  • PSA: Alternatives for the most popular communities
  • I'd say that you don't have to support either side in an inter-imperialist conflict.

    Just because China's ruling elites have virtually no military bases abroad (compared to the USA), doesn't mean that they aren't imperialist. Only that they are "smarter" in that regard.

    To use Jimmy Carters words (about the "smarter"-part):

    "Since 1979, do you know how many times China has been at war with anybody?" Carter asked. "None. And we have stayed at war." The U.S., he noted, has only enjoyed 16 years of peace in its 242-year history, making the country "the most warlike nation in the history of the world," Carter said. This is, he said, because of America's tendency to force other nations to "adopt our American principles."

    In China, meanwhile, the economic benefits of peace were clear to the eye. "How many miles of high-speed railroad do we have in this country?" he asked. While China has some 18,000 miles of high-speed rail, the U.S. has "wasted, I think, $3 trillion" on military spending. "It's more than you can imagine. China has not wasted a single penny on war, and that's why they're ahead of us. In almost every way."

    "And I think the difference is if you take $3 trillion and put it in American infrastructure you'd probably have $2 trillion leftover. We'd have high-speed railroad. We'd have bridges that aren't collapsing, we'd have roads that are maintained properly. Our education system would be as good as that of say South Korea or Hong Kong," Carter told the congregation.

    China might be a so called "social democracy". It is, however, - in contrast to the European model - in large parts funded internally: most prominently the coastal cities and their SEZs (special economic zones), which host abhorrent labour/environmental laws, red-tape-cutting corruption and whatever else international investment capital needs (or be it internal one, like the allowing 996 culture at Huawei or Chinas tech sector in general)

    To quote Michael Parenti:

    Regional bureaucrats milk the country dry, extorting graft from the populace and looting local treasuries. Land grabbing in cities and countryside by avaricious developers and corrupt officials at the expense of the populace are almost everyday occurrences. [...]

    Workers in China who try to organize labor unions in the corporate dominated “business zones” risk losing their jobs or getting beaten and imprisoned. Millions of business zone workers toil twelve-hour days at subsistence wages. With the health care system now being privatized, free or affordable medical treatment is no longer available for millions. Men have tramped into the cities in search of work, leaving an increasingly impoverished countryside populated by women, children, and the elderly. The suicide rate has increased dramatically, especially among women.

    I'm not sure whether an integrated periphery constitutes imperialism., their export of financial capital, however, definitely does! (eg. their debt traps and following decade-long leases)

    So yes, from my POV the Global South or rather the periphery in general, (unfortunately) have no strong advocate on the geopolitical stage

    (Please bear in mind that I do not claim to have studied the addressed topics in proper detail and all this being my ad hoc take)

  • PSA: Alternatives for the most popular communities
  • yeah, alt-hist stuff isn't all that productive

    the thing I meant was, that the ppl who defend China as well as China itself, have forsaken Marxism and should not be called that

    it means a complete revision of the understanding of class struggle (being replaced with class collaborationism and often the CPC taking up the role of the bourgeoisie) and thus dialectical/historical materialism

    which is why I am referring to them as "social democrats at best"

  • best :3 according to AI

    cross-posted from:

    > best rule according to AI > > [alt: youtube thumbnail with the caption "this is the best keyboard according to ai" > > all keys are either : or 3. the space bar is meow meow meow meow meow meow]

    American Democrats try not to support a fascist agenda challenge (impossible)

    cross-posted from:

    > American Democrats try not to support a fascist agenda challenge (impossible) > > Full post for context. > > I wish I had a cookie for every time a Democrat told me the concentration camps are good ackshually > > Fuck your border and your president

    Why did they put eyeliner on evil Kirk 😳

    So I'm watching TOS for the first time... (have alreay watched all show from TNG to DISC quite a while ago and yes, my fav is DS9 followed by TNG) and have just started "The Enemy Within"

    Idk why but my shitpost-ridden brain instantly went "wait... d-did they make Kirk hot?"

    that's it, that's the post. It's mostly a /hj (I hope (?))

    (just has the vibe of queercoding a villain having the opposite effect)

    EDIT: I have now seen the following sexual assault scene, wtf

    us elections rule

    cross-posted from:

    > old but gold, still seems to hold true

    [META: serious and constructive discussion thread (radlibs will be yeeted tho)] You can both criticize the lackeys of capital *AND* vote for the ones slowing down the degeneration into fascism a bit

    (img translation: "Wind-up toys with a common key")

    However, expending all your energy and agitprop potential on getting ppl to vote for the good cop instead of the bad cop, still legitimizes the dictatorship of capital (as well as it's sham democracies). It makes it seem like voting could solve systemic problems, instead of it just playing the game of late-stage capitalism. Anywayy.... that's my take (so probably incorrect)

    This thing is a one-time thing tho, there is actually a sibling community for this kind of stuff: !

    Long lasting sneakers or similar shoes?

    Am also looking for sneakers to get for the following seasons:

    • grey ones for summer
    • black ones for spring/autumn

    But I'm virtually clueless when it comes to fashion + they should be available in the EU

    Long lasting boots? Opinions on Solovair ones?

    I'm currently looking for new (or 2nd hand) boots to get and was wondering whether anyone here had experience with Solovair in particular or could recommend other ones available in the EU.

    Today's "Left"

    If anyone has a better way of using alts on mobile lemmy or just tips on doing/writing them in general, please share


    Top panel:

    MAGA person saying: "Socialism failure!!! Look at Vuvuzuela, Indonesia, France, and California!" Bernie person saying: "Actually, socialism is when police, military, free college and healthcare. Look at Scandinavia" "I love Xi" person saying: "You're both wrong. China is the best example of 21st century socialism. Their billionaires are helping the working class"

    Bottom panel:

    distraught person with a red bleeding head and red shirt

    the solution to most things rule

    cross-posted from:

    > The best achievable option (imho) would be one socialist republic - of equal peoples - on the soil of Palestine

    How to solve the current conflict™

    cross-posted from:

    > The best achievable option (imho) would be one socialist republic - of equal peoples - on the soil of Palestine

    based history rule

    cross-posted from:

    > Don't forget about the Irish unification of 2024!

    historical materialism moment

    cross-posted from:

    > Don't forget about the Irish unification of 2024!

    How to solve the current conflict™

    The best achievable option (imho) would be one socialist republic - of equal peoples - on the soil of Palestine

    alsaaas алсааас [she/they]


    ur local depressed transfem, mostly here to liquidate years of piled up meme reserves

    also on mastodon

    Posts 87
    Comments 385