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"This is an open letter to hospital and clinic administrators, as well as any healthcare organization. Feel free to share widely, particularly to any administrators you may know."
  • Good read, thanks for sharing this! It's very frustrating to me how often discussions of the Biden administration completely ignore COVID, so the criticism is refreshing.

  • "This is an open letter to hospital and clinic administrators [regarding COVID and H5N1], as well as any healthcare organization." 2024-Week 28

    This week will be a little bit different. This is an open letter to hospital and clinic administrators, as well as any healthcare organization. Feel free to share widely, particularly to any admini…

    2024-Week 28

    Summary from the linked post:

    >This week will be a little bit different. This is an open letter to hospital and clinic administrators, as well as any healthcare organization. Feel free to share widely, particularly to any administrators you may know. > > Executive Summary > >The US is starting the next pandemic wave. Most of the population has not received boosters in the past four months and are not taking mitigation measures. Data from other countries suggests that this will be a challenging wave, particularly as school starts which is a known source of community spread. > >Globally, these new variants have led to the cancellation of elective surgeries due to the infected patient volumes as well as ER diversions and patients held in the ER for days with no beds available on nursing units. > >Wastewater COVID concentrations in the US are at the highest they have been during this time of year since the start of the pandemic. Both COVID ED and outpatient visits are climbing across the US. > >Most of the population thinks of COVID as a respiratory disease, when in fact it is a vascular disease with an acute respiratory phase, but that has chronic sequelae in almost every organ system and repeat infections significantly increase the risk of chronic disease. It is driving increases in infectious disease due to immune system dysregulation. This can be seen in increase rates of pertussis, RSV, tuberculosis, and even is thought to be a contributing factor to the rise in dengue, among other diseases. > >There are secondary impacts as well, such as increased MVAs, major increases in long-term disability, major increases in sickness among HCWs, and the failure of businesses. > >The threat of a H5N1 pandemic continues to climb and could become far worse than what was seen with COVID. > >Administrators should take measures to reduce infections among employees, visitors, and the community and serve as leadership examples to other health providers and organizations across their communities. > >I recommend several strategies to reduce sickness and decrease costs. > >- Stockpile N95s. >- Purchase more PAPRs. >- Review and monitor supply shortages. >- Mandate respiratory protection during pandemics and the normal cold/flu season. >- Test all patients on admission for COVID, and H5N1 if it begins to rapidly spread.

    "This is an open letter to hospital and clinic administrators, as well as any healthcare organization. Feel free to share widely, particularly to any administrators you may know." 2024-Week 28

    This week will be a little bit different. This is an open letter to hospital and clinic administrators, as well as any healthcare organization. Feel free to share widely, particularly to any admini…

    2024-Week 28

    cross-posted from:

    > This is a really good like State of the Covid letter, of where we're at right now. It ain't great, obviously. This guy is an epidemiologist with a background in hospital infection control and emergency management.

    A message to wavering Democrats
  • Trump and Biden, or rather Democrats and Republicans, are functionally the same. If you don’t see that it’s either because you aren’t affected by their violence and don’t care about people who are, or because you’re a fool. Quit wasting your time on these dead ends and recognize reality, the bourgeoisie are the only people with real power in the US. Any choices the masses are given electorally that may come to pass are insignificant to the greater capitalist and imperialist power structure. At most they are concessions (which can later be rolled back) to pacify you. Stop being the obedient dog of your owners! If you really want to improve this dumpster fire of a country, join your local communist party and start building the foundation for a better future. And for fucks sake, read some books about how capitalism works so you stop getting caught with your pants down. If you actually care at all and want some recommendations or links I’d be happy to provide what I can.

  • A message to wavering Democrats
  • Fascists are already in power, that is the whole problem! No matter who you choose, all of the problems I listed and more will continue to get worse and worse.

  • A message to wavering Democrats
  • lmao speak for yourself, i sure as fuck won't be voting for butcher biden

  • A message to wavering Democrats
  • He sure is effective at killing brown people at least! Good at disabling as many people as possible with COVID too. He's quite effective at opposing the rights of trans people as well. Oh, and he's the best at deportation, can't forget that!

  • amberSuperMario amber (she/her)
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