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Sahra W. "Konnte nicht ahnen, dass meine rechtsradikale Bekanntschaft wirklich rechtsextrem ist. Und auch das Kreuz mit den Haken konnte ich nicht einordnen." Na klar Sahra, Schwamm drüber.
  • Bin ein großer Fan von Hegel,

    Da begibst du dich aber in ganz schlechte Gesellschaft.

    Kant glaubt, dass „mühsames Lernen oder peinliches Grübeln” alle „Vorzüge” des schönen Geschlechts zerstört. Hegel ist der Meinung, dass Frauen bestenfalls gebildet sein können, aber für die “höheren Wissenschaften” nicht „gemacht” sind. Und für Nietzsche ist etwas mit der Geschlechtlichkeit der Frau nicht in Ordnung, wenn sie „gelehrte Neigungen” hat.

  • How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
  • This is a core problem of distributed systems though. Signal even cites this as their reason to not federate with anyone.

    Once you get decentralization going you need everyone to stay kind of up to date or stuff will just not work.

  • How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
  • It is not. Discord's protocol has been tailormade to suit Discord and the developers will not give a single thought about keeping it stable because only the Discord server&client are meant to use it.

  • How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
  • An XMPP developer would likely have been delusional about the protocol he himself developed. But at the time I can assure you XMPP was completely irrelevant. AIM/ICQ/MSN/Yahoo! and maybe IRC were the tools of the day back then.

    Because of actual competition (which XMPP had absolutely no part in) multi protocol messengers had their golden age then.

  • How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
  • No.

    • I want to send messages to people who are not currently online (having a server stay online for you is a desparate hack and not a solution)
    • I want to send media other than text
    • I want my messages to be e2ee
    • I want presence - e.g. know if someone is available, busy, away
    • I want voice/video calls

    and many more...

    None of these were solved by IRC but by the others you mentioned.

  • How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
  • Also Matrix can bridge to XMPP, of course you wouldn't because nobody uses XMPP.

  • How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
  • No. There was nothing to extend and extinguish with XMPP. It was a dead on arrival protocol that nobody ever used seriously. I've been to the internet at that time and what people actually used was: AIM, ICQ, MSN and possibly even Yahoo!. (IRC for the nerds and Counter-Strike)

    It was exactly the other way around. Nobody ever used XMPP, then Google opened federation on their first chat and suddenly someone was actually reachable via XMPP which was a cool thing for some nerds that were into XML then, but when Google noticed that it only imports problems with nothing to gain from the XMPP network they just shut it off.

    At the time nobody cared because the people accidentally using XMPP didn't give a shit about it because they used Google not XMPP in the first place.

  • Threads Has Begun Federating Via ActivityPub
  • That's not even true, I run my own mailserver for private and a business and it works like expected.

  • Chat GPT Did NOT Like My Memory Test
  • Yet people claim it writes all their programming code...

  • Pluralistic: "If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing"
  • The analogy is that you buy a car (because if it breaks, the car and your entertainment stuff, you will buy a new one to replace it, you will also carry all maintenance) but suddenly you can't drive backwards anymore because the manufacturer decided retroactively that you should pay extra for that (possibly in a subscription).

    I would say it is your good right then to make your car drive backwards regardless of what it may take.

  • Beantworte ich gern, lieber stern: Alles, außer verfassungsfeindliches.
  • Einschränkungen und Auflagen für propalästinensische Demonstrationen

    Puh, da ist aber auch einiges abgegangen was nicht ok war, kann ich so nicht ganz zustimmen dem Civicus

  • Beantworte ich gern, lieber stern: Alles, außer verfassungsfeindliches.
  • Ist es eine verwerfliche Meinung das Menschen die ihren Lebensmittelpunkt in Deutschland haben möglichst Deutsch lernen sollten?

  • Und die FDP so: Sparen sollen bitte alle anderen. Wir bringen erst mal unsere Schäfchen ins trockene
  • Kannst nicht machen das es dem niederen Pöbel gut geht, wer trägt dann Pakete aus und lässt sich von Amazon beim Mindestlohn bescheißen?

  • Me Too, me too...
  • TechnologyConnections is pretty dope

  • Privacy is Priceless, but Signal is Expensive
  • The load distributes across more shoulders automatically.

    If you only host a server for yourself and 10 friends it costs next to nothing, if you have a big operation it can get just as expensive, it depends on what you are willing to do.

    With centralized systems there is no choice but for the one centralized host to host everything.

  • Bezahlkarte für Migranten in Thüringen ist wie erwartet Goldesel für Anbieter
  • Ich war schon vorher der Annahme das selbst Phettberg ab und an das Haus verlässt. Ist aber natürlich unbestätigt.

  • Deleted
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  • That is exactly what it doesn't. There is no "understanding" and that is exactly the problem. It generates some output that is similar to what it has already seen from the dataset it's been fed with that might correlate to your input.

  • Deleted
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  • Funny you would think that using the fediverse. Discord has exactly the same problems Reddit and Twitter had where at any moment someone for whatever reason could alter the deal significantly.

  • Warum Videokonferenzen bei Teams und Co. so ermüdend sind
  • Womöglich auch weil 45 < 60

  • Grayjay is not Open Source
  • Your point is that copyright law is easier to enforce than trademark law? I doubt it. I personally don't care that the lawyers you will definitely need for this and for long do exactly.

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