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Despite Biden losing, debate also showcased how awful Trump is as a candidate
  • "Yeah, he beat Medicare. He beat it to death."

    I don't know, I liked some of Trump's retorts. He was funny. Biden was just sad.

  • What indeed
  • I'd expect it to be done less obviously.

  • "I’m just focusing on the present because the future is depressing"
  • Maybe less depending on the program and the city.

  • #Debate 2024 - brain as smooth as 3000 grit sandpaper
  • If Biden is Alfred, is Batman the Deep State?

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • They should've let it be open mics. Trump interrupting and shitting on Biden would've been amazing to see live with Biden's capacities.

  • glad we are back.
  • I read theory to cope.

    I hope I'll never have to do that again.

  • Cuban(or not) cigars, what are you favourites and for what reasons?
  • It's a half-joke. Chuds look down on lanceros because they don't do enough to prop up their sense of masculinity. I've heard them called "feminine", "for women", because they are thin and look delicate, like cigarettes in cigarette holders women used to smoke in the 20's.

    Thing is though, they tell on themselves. Lanceros are the most complicated and rigorous form of cigar a master can roll, and the taste can be very unique because there is minimal filler tobacco so you can theoretically focus on the wrapper (outermost leaf) while also making them the most difficult to smoke. All of these are reasons they are often considered the best form by people who are actually really into cigars. So, they just give away they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. When people bring up lanceros being for "ladies" I just usually say something about women having better taste.

    Of course, some chuds will smoke lanceros. It's not a hard rule, but they usually go for the thick gauge cigars that makes them feel like big boys.

  • A moment of silence for those who forgot their password and will have to make a new account
  • Comrades, please use password manager like Bitwarden for Hexbear.

    Fuck your bank account passwords and shit. Just use it for Hexbear.

  • Cuban(or not) cigars, what are you favourites and for what reasons?
  • Cool! That's a good question.

    I'll preface this by saying it's a little difficult for me because I don't have experience with Backwoods nor any pipe tobacco (smells delicious though) so I am just approximating here but I think I understand what you mean.

    I think your best bet if you want something sweet and maybe "punchy" would be maduros generally. There are many different types of cigars based on the fermentation of the wrapper (outermost part of the cigar, basically what is seen) but the common two are: Natural and Maduro. Naturals are what you probably mostly think of when you think cigar: light brown, almost khaki beige color. Maduros can vary in intensity of color but are usually dark brown to black.

    You should take Cigar Aficionado with a grain of salt, all the reviews are purchased, but they are right here:

    Because of their dark wrappers, maduros can scare off less seasoned smokers, who assume a dark brown or black exterior means the cigar will be strong. "The newer people tend to see maduros as very strong and tend to shy away from them," says Pesh.

    The fear is largely unfounded. Most cigars that are sold with the word "maduro" on the box aren't strong at all. In various Cigar Aficionado taste tests, maduros have exhibited largely mellow, toasty and often sweet flavors. "It's kind of like molasses," says Samuel Russell, senior marketing manager for Davidoff of Geneva, describing the taste of maduro wrapper.

    After that, I would say stay away from Nicaraguans for a while. Some may disagree but I find them strong and peppery, sometimes with a strong black coffee taste. I'd recommend gravitating to Dominicans to start.

    A very, very decent and good starter Dominican Maduro that hopefully won't set you back too much should be Arturo Fuente 858 Maduro.

    Coincidentally also one of the first cigars that convinced me to keep with it and were my "daily" cigar for a long time. They're not too strong and can have that nice, sweet taste to it at times. Every individual cigar taste depends on many things from how they're kept to how well they are lit, though, so your experience may differ. But I think that is a good place for you to start! Enjoy!

  • This AI generated meme cooked
  • Why would the computer, my only friend, make fun of me? angery

    This meme is perfect though. order-of-lenin

  • Made a Hexbear account, howdy everyone!
  • Hi! mao-clap

    I am also a former transfer after almost exclusively just being on Hexbear anyway. I still sometimes use it but it's nice to have libs behind the Great Communist Firewall. Hope you enjoy it here!

  • Trumpy is a Swifty?
  • He's just like me, for real. So relatable.

    I'm gonna vote for him.

  • Requesting Ownership Of c/Technology
  • Yeah, it was over him defending this. Big yikes. Haha

    I wouldn't know the process for this but maybe reach out to Dessalines?