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What is the correct way to report communities/users?
  • I have resolved your report. There is no disinformation about RFKs website. I suggest you just block the community because I'm gonna be posting there hard

  • Recommendation: defederate from lemmygrad?

    I'm seeing tons of hate speech , genocide denialism, racism coming from that instance. I suggest defederate from them to stop the spread of hate

    Can we defederate from lemmygrad?
  • I made this username to bring awareness to relationship abuse not to glorify it. Let's stay on topic and talk about the genocide denialism,fascism , and racism coming from lemmygrad

  • Can we defederate from lemmygrad?

    I'm seeing a ton of hate speech and genocide denialism coming from them. Honestly it's disgusting. We shouldn't be supporting hate instances like that

    andrewtate Andrew Tate
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