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A cool guide about ADHD in the infographic
  • And let's see some statistics on those business owners.
    Are they actually successful, or just 3x more likely to start a business on impulse and then 5x more likely to go bankrupt because of ADHD?

  • A cool guide about ADHD in the infographic
  • It's also conveniently missing that adults affected by ADHD are up to 6x more likely to also have depression than adults without ADHD.
    Kind of an important point if you want your kid to actually live to adulthood.

  • Reddit CEO Defends His Absurdly High Pay While Not Paying Mods
  • I lived in both. Maybe I have more of an insight than you...

  • Reddit CEO Defends His Absurdly High Pay While Not Paying Mods
  • That's literally every system.
    Yes, communism too. Especially communism.

  • Dot matrix printer go EEEEEEEN-futfutfut-EEEEEEEEN-futfutfut...
  • It never went away.
    I can still hear incoming calls, texts, and tower pings with my headphones.

  • monster rule
  • Synthetic taurine is everywhere, just search Amazon. It's sold alongside vitamins.

  • People are noticing positive things about you
  • I was walking alone in an empty street during NYE when a random girl, who happened to come by, spread her arms and blocked my way in a playful manner.

    She only let me pass once I cracked a smile.
    It's been well over a decade, but I still remember her face.

    It was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.

  • I remember the most random things...
  • I’ve been eating the same exact thing for years now.

    Ok, is this also an adhd thing, because I've been doing the same and people around me keep commenting on it.

  • I thought I would buy a 3 kg spool because lazy, don't be me.
  • You'd probably have to keep tuning as the weight of the spool decreases.
    Its more practical to print a spool holder with bearings for it. Thingyverse has some good ones

  • ...
  • Yes, some of us got this email on Monday.
    Pretty sure most old and/or active accounts received this regardless of being mods, though.

  • PowerDeleteSuite still works for nuking your Reddit history
  • Cool, you managed to get it working after all. I never used Power Shell before this either.
    It's ridiculous the average user has to jump through all these hoops just to regain control of their own data.

  • PowerDeleteSuite still works for nuking your Reddit history
  • That's strange. It took me a while to figure out as well, but then worked non-stop for an entire day.

    This is what I ran:

    C:\Users\workPC\Documents\reddit-data\shreddit-windows.exe --username blah --password blah --client-id blah --client-secret blah --gdpr-export-dir C:\Users\workPC\Documents\reddit-data\export_blah_20240225

    It's possible reddit is rate limiting you, or the program loses access to the gdpr folder it's pulling the links from (antivirus?). You could try running it from a different path or on a different pc.
    I ran the .exe from the same "reddit-data" folder that contained the gdpr files just to be safe with folder permissions and stuff.

  • Or they go to adtech
  • Besides, what the guy is yapping about it is 80% a robotics problem not an AI problem. It's apples and oranges.

    He's essentially saying why can Will Smith finally eat pasta normally while we still don't have the robotic workforce from the 2001 Will Smith movie "I, Robot".

  • PowerDeleteSuite still works for nuking your Reddit history
  • update: turns out PowerDeleteSuite and others can only delete your 1000 most recent comments (a limit set by reddit), but I found something that actually works and does a thorough job.

    There are step-by-step instructions on the page.
    I'm running the program in PowerShell with the GDPR option, and it's been nicely chugging away for hours now.

  • PowerDeleteSuite still works for nuking your Reddit history
  • Same. It's 12 years for me.

    Anyway, here's to wasting another 13 years in the fediverse! 🍺

  • PowerDeleteSuite still works for nuking your Reddit history
  • PowerDeleteSuite doesn't work for me. takes me to a login page (even though I'm already signed in) and when I sign in there, the same page just comes back again without the credentials I typed in.

    Same thing happens in Firefox and Edge.
    I swear it worked last year. Is it now broken or am I just really stupid?

  • Preservation
  • It started as a joke but nowadays more and more old memes and screenshots can only be found in conditions like the last panel.

  • Data contamination expert 👌
  • Well, here's the problem; my profile is completely empty. There's nothing left to delete.
    There are no comments, submissions or anything there, but when I go to a thread via google (or a link), all my comments are still present.

  • How Google is killing independent sites like ours - HouseFresh
  • That's irrelevant here because what they're describing is happening in every market, not just their niche.

  • apemint apemint
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