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Tonight's debate pop quiz...
  • Terrifying and completely predicable. 🤦‍♂️

  • Props to Alpine and Kali for disabling this bullshit out of the box
  • I miss seeing this meme format on Lemmy. It's so good, and this one is no exception.

  • Twitch banned Dr Disrespect after viewing messages sent to a minor, say former employees
  • I was sarcastically agreeing with you. The man in front of the camera is to blame.

  • Twitch banned Dr Disrespect after viewing messages sent to a minor, say former employees
  • Right, blame the actions of the man in charge trying to shock his viewership on the camera person.

  • Ironing
  • My people.

  • Ironing
  • Lol who said anything about specific garments? We just wear our clothes wrinkled and no one cares. My linen shirts looked wrecked for an hour or so and then the wrinkles fall out, for instance.

  • Twitch banned Dr Disrespect after viewing messages sent to a minor, say former employees
  • It isn't a leap to deduce his shock-jock reason for shooting in a fucking bathroom that was cut short. It is amazing to me how many people stan this shit ass.

  • Twitch banned Dr Disrespect after viewing messages sent to a minor, say former employees
  • I'm good with making the assertion that this guy is a piece of shit. It is bearing out as true. There were signs before he was caught talking to minors.

  • Twitch banned Dr Disrespect after viewing messages sent to a minor, say former employees
  • He announced he was doing something unethical and illegal. He then did it on camera. I guess I have standards for people's privacy that are too high. Listen when people tell you who they are, even in the most "innocent" of ways.

  • Twitch banned Dr Disrespect after viewing messages sent to a minor, say former employees
  • He also got suspended from Twitch in 2019 for filming in and streaming from a convention bathroom. This guy seems like a monster. Somehow seems relevant but perhaps The Verge writers forgot about it.

  • Mozilla acquired Anonym, an ad start-up
  • In my view that isn't favorable. It is perhaps real, but it still doesn't sit well as we know where it likely leads.

  • Mozilla acquired Anonym, an ad start-up
  • When you get most of your funding from Google, you might start to act like Google.

  • YSK: Using dairy milk after being tear gassed or pepper sprayed doesn't provide more relief and has slightly increased infection risk. Use water or saline instead
  • Milk of magnesia is a common first aid go-to in edit:those situations in my experience. Good to know.

  • Only one photo is necessary to make this point, right?
  • Checks notes. Yeah looks nothing like Olmec.

  • First contract for widening I-70 approved by Missouri highways commission First contract for widening I-70 approved by Missouri highways commission • Missouri Independent

    The first contract for reconstruction of Interstate 70 was awarded Wednesday by the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission.

    First contract for widening I-70 approved by Missouri highways commission • Missouri Independent

    Despite bodies of evidence, Missouri moves forward with adding lanes to interstate 70 highway without any public transit infrastructure additions. We know the outcome already.

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