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What are we calling lemmy users?
  • Kilmisters ;)

  • What are we calling lemmy users?
  • Kilmisters ;)

  • What are we calling lemmy users?
  • Kilmisters ;)

  • Community Requests. Alenz Triiebe
    About /c/goth visibility

    Hi,till today i am the only active user of c/goth. I want to bring fresh air to this community, but i have two issues:

    • The community isn´t list when you browse the different categories. So it's difficult to suggest it to other people with the same interests.

    • Maya was the community administrator, i send her a message but i believe she abandoned it: her last post was two years ago.

    The most important issue is the visibility one. And i don´t know where to start to make this community listed in the community listing. Eg: when you type: "goth" the only one that appear is "World of gothic".

    Thanks in advance.

    arielbnz Alenz Triiebe

    An elder goth from a cave in planet Earth.

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