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Demonised, tortured, extirpated - is it time to bring the wolf back?
  • Yes, bring them back. Also going to face opposition from the 'hunting, shooting, fishing' crowd as well. Because the wolves may eat some of the animals they were going to kill for sport.

  • Hydro-Quebec plans to charge higher rates for large homes that use 'excessive' amount of electricity
  • Good. Some people think they can leave lights and stuff on all day, because they have more money than sense.

  • Featured
    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Holy cow!

    That's even better than I thought. Even prouder of her now.

    Thank you

  • US aircraft carrier arrives in South Korea as a show of force against nuclear-armed North Korea
  • I can remember when North Korea being a nuclear power was 'fantasy' and 'it'll never happen'. Despite all our sanctions, they've still managed to develop nukes. Thanks to Russia, China and Iran. And we day back and watched because we wanted that cheap oil and gas and the plastic tat from China.

  • Featured
    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Not bad - chuffed to bits that my daughter got a 'First with honours' in English and Creative Writing. No idea what that means* apart from it's an excellent result.

    *I left school at 15, before taking all my exams so that I could start work in a factory. So very proud of her ;-) Her substack is here

  • It's Friday - What are your plans for the week-end?
  • Tomorrow take my wife shopping for her birthday present, laundry, and then on Sunday, a quiet lunchtime drink with family.

  • Drones trespassing in my property
  • EDIT: Also check if you legally can physically eliminate the drone in that case. It’s the most effective strategy.

    Just tell the police you were clay pigeon shooting and the drone flew into your path.

  • Transgender woman refused leg wax by Windsor, Ont., salon awarded $35K by human rights tribunal
  • Rightly so. There is no reason why this was refused.

  • A cool guide about the meaning of life according to different schools of philosophy.
  • I don't see it mentioning 42 anywhere.

  • What it's like living through a 121 degree day [in New Delhi]
  • Especially when there are billionaires from your country. Not having a dig at India especially. We have a few in UK. One of them is married to our millionaire prime minister.

  • A Cool Guide for Saving Money
  • Debt repayments before wants?

  • ‘It’s the perfect place’: London Underground hosts tests for ‘quantum compass’ that could replace GPS
  • Now they just need to shrink that into a phone and we're good.

    It may be the size of a wardrobe now, but remember this?

  • 'Belltown Hellcat' refuses to cooperate with Seattle officers at inspection
  • He owes over 80 grand in fines? So seize the car and crush it.

  • Farage says he's aiming to be credible candidate to take over as PM at next general election
  • A couple of weeks ago he didn't event want to stand. This week he wants to be prime minister. Next week he'll want to be King Nigel the First.


  • Unsure where to post but does anyone else think beehaw is s little too closed off?
  • No. I'm jacked off with all the crap that comes from Lemmy and the sooner that Beehaw drops Lemmy the better. So many bots and trolls there. If you're not a flag waving Hamas apologist you're a Trumper. It's a cesspit.

  • ‘He was a deeply unembarrassed racist’: Nigel Farage, by those who have known him
  • I wonder if he's ever been to the Albert Hall.

    P.S. Wasn't his wife German?

  • Nigel Farage’s Reform party overtakes Tories for first time in new YouGov poll
  • So you're saying it's alright to attack politicians that you don't like?

    I expect that bloke that stabbed Jo Cox said that. And the other one that stabbed the tory MP.

    You're as bad as they are. Goodbye.

  • Nigel Farage’s Reform party overtakes Tories for first time in new YouGov poll
  • We may sneer at 'Good old Nige' but he's getting airtime and people are going to vote for him and his party, however cack we think are.

    Now that may hurt the tories, which is all well and good, but if they keep getting publicity and what have you it's going to draw away votes from more deserving candidates.

    Also hilarious as it was, we should not be condoning throwing of objects etc. at politicians, however much we dislike them. That's a slippery slope and could lead to some serious injuries. What appens when somebody decides it's funny and will get laughs on Tik Tok to throw acid or bleach? Or a glass bottle full of piss?

    We've seen what his 'patriotic' supporters are like and we don't need more of them.

  • Woman arrested for OWI, asks Madison police to care for pet guinea pig while in jail
  • Thank you, I was trying to figure that out myself.

  • Google is ready to fill free streaming TV channels with ads
  • Free Ad Supported Television? So in other words commercial television.

    Or just call it what it really is, an Ad Supported Service. ASS.

  • Farewell King Theoden Bernard Hill: Titanic and Lord of the Rings actor dies

    Bernard Hill enjoyed a career spanning decades in film and television.

    Bernard Hill: Titanic and Lord of the Rings actor dies


    How do I make my bread really dark?

    Am trying to make a dark rye loaf like you'd find on a stall or in a shop. Not the really dense 'pumpernickel' style but round or oblong tin shaped.

    Have tried various percentages of strong dark rye, muscovado sugar and black treacle but the loaf is still not that dark. I did try some cocoa in one loaf but that just gave an odd colour.

    Am using a Panasonic bread machine and in over 5 years it's only ever produced a couple of duff loaves - which were down to me (forgetting yeast, mixer blade or water) and often use it for the dough function and then finish in oven. Am not averse to resorting to full manual though if needed.

    Any ideas?


    Well, this is inconvenient.

    Won't be doing any laundry just yet then.

    Edit - pic didn't load


    This was my wife’s new throw/ blanket thing. Daisy never used to get on the sofa. But now if the throw isn’t there, she’ll sit and look until one of us cracks.

    It's taken two years

    She loves these throws. And as long as I keep my ankles crossed and legs still, she'll stay.

    Must admit I choked up a bit as our last two would never do this.

    Time to ditch Amazon Prime? Amazon Prime Video content to start including ads next year

    Amazon says its Prime Video users will see ads on TV shows and movies unless they pay extra.

    Amazon Prime Video content to start including ads next year

    This will be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me.

    Found in Aldi UK

    The best of both worlds.

    Lunch will be one of these filled with homemade hummus and salad.

    baggins Baggins

    Music (mainly prog rock) and veggie loving, geeky cat butler living in Hertfordshire UK. A lover of all things LOTR (since I first read it over 50 years ago) scifi and what have you. Ex soldier (Royal Artillery) and other trades ;-)

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