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Ah, well, nevertheless
  • I have to retire this account because I am pretty sure I am related to this judge. Suddenly finding an extremely distant CHUD branch of your family through Hexbear posts is ... something else...

  • Pronouns.
  • the NB Dr. Who iteration is kind of weird.

  • Xi is working too hard.
  • Listen Mack, I understand. I can't really follow who, when, or where Dr. Jill Biden is supposed to be from or be currently, but don't admit that to the reporters man!

  • Love being treated like a conspiracy theorist for pointing out things that the capitalist system very openly and loudly does all the time
  • Yeah, love how I pointed out that Chomsky/Parenti shows that the news media is so compliant that Operation Mockingbird isn't even needed by the CIA anymore, and being treated as some unhinged crank by my friends.

  • Elon goes full nazi
  • Basically, Muslims and brown people hating Jews is an ironic comeuppance for the Jews bringing in said Muslims and brown people to do the Great Replacement on White people.

  • God help us all...
  • Beautiful, stunning, the emu has emerged from the surf. Undefeated on the battlefield, the emu now attempts to take control of the earth.

  • 'I Don't Like Labels,' Says Dude Talking About Genocide
  • I am actually polyamorous, I think I can support apartheid in Israel and South Africa without choosing which race I like as my primary.

  • Join Us Günther!
  • It's hard to rack up W's if you have the handicap of not being a communist.

  • Join Us Günther!

    I promise, I will give you a medal of my own making, if you denounce NATO and embrace Communism. I will guide you on your redemption arc, if medals and pins are all it takes to embrace Historical Materialism.

  • Russia's too busy with Ukraine to overturn the elections this time!

  • The pro-Palestine immigrants gave me a hate name... Sven
  • Fredo solidarity Frodo

    Italians ............ Hobbits

  • NSFW Deleted
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  • its also filled with vegans who will seeth if you ever brought up how hitler was a vegan

    Apparently it is just an internal conflict between people that do and don't know history.

  • abandonware empires
  • On the other hand, something like ReactOS could, in theory, work if it was much more mature and had more developers behind it.

  • abandonware empires
  • Not usually. The main thing for lab equipment is that it is controlling hardware. So you are often using proprietary drivers for custom hardware. Wine can't handle drivers and for security reasons can't get low level hardware access.

  • I fucking love Hamas
  • These sequels to I Fucking Love Science are getting weird

  • Antidepressants or Tolkien
  • Wow, 14/24 that was more difficult than I thought. TBF I haven't fully reread the Silmarillion since Middle School, but I didn't expect it to be quite this hard.

  • Deleted
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  • They can't make them non-reflective enough to not interrupt really deep observing. Also, that just shifts the problem around. If they are absorbing in the visible, they will likely have huge amounts of blackbody radiation in IR, sub/millimeter, and radio. You would need to make a satellite out of dark matter to not interrupt astronomy.

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  • Man, I just went to a good seminar today on finding habitable exoplanets that emphasized that we currently need ground based telescopes, because it is still impractical to make 30+ meter telescopes in space and would be very expensive, even if could be done. But progress is just launching a bunch of bullshit into orbit to avoid real investment in infrastructure like fiber and other telecommunication lines.

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  • Doing twink to otter conversions as part of a Democrat voting drive.

  • Yeah, I support police reform

    I think we should reform the police department to be more like the fire department. In that they should try to prevent any policing from happening.

    beautiful_boater beautiful_boater [he/him, any]

    I row my boat around the lake and look good doing it.

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