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Any comrades who speak chinese here? 这里有人说汉语吗
  • It is a remnant from the Northern Song Dynasty, as a form of etiquette and being polite, to not to disturb them while eating.

    "凡往见人,入门必问主人食否 […] 度无所妨,乃命展剌。有妨则少俟。"

    “Whoever you visit, you should ask them if they have eaten or not […] if they are about to eat, don’t enter the house until after they finish the meal. Otherwise, you would be intruding.”

    From the book "Lü Convention" 《吕氏乡约》

  • Why does it say nothing about the 1989 protests on Tiananmen Square, Beijing?
  • Edit: Thank you for responding, you have taught me a great deal about the usage and necessity of propaganda, counter-propaganda and censorship in a Marxist-Leninist state like China. Although some relied upon lies and insults as a means of trying to win an argunent, I got actual contentful theoretical education out of this, thanks.

  • Why does it say nothing about the 1989 protests on Tiananmen Square, Beijing?
  • yes I was trolling, sorry. I just want to know one more thing, does this censorship to protect china from outside propaganda also affect prolewiki (since you are working on that project), or is this really just inside china? Because other people, like libs for example, could unironically have some kind of possible opinion that I have portrayed here, so I want to learn counter arguments in action

  • Why does it say nothing about the 1989 protests on Tiananmen Square, Beijing?
  • Yes I know all of that, I know that mangopress also has a telegram account and that personal experiences can be easily faked.

    I was just bored and needed something to waste time on, why not hypothetical bs about "evil ccp big brother skynet country" narrative

  • Why does it say nothing about the 1989 protests on Tiananmen Square, Beijing?
  • I will maybe try to be less "rebellious" next time I ask a question, I am sorry. You are like the only person here who is able to write senseful answers and educate, instead of just resolving to petty insults like other accounts here. Thanks.

    I have to live with constant counter propaganda, so it is not that easy for me, I have to question every single bit of info about socialist countries to be able to filter all propaganda.

  • Why does it say nothing about the 1989 protests on Tiananmen Square, Beijing?
  • No incident happens isolated, only maybe american metaphysical social science professors would analyse it like that. Anyone that has been taught in historical and dialectical materialism will know how to view things like that.

    Thank you for the response

  • Why does it say nothing about the 1989 protests on Tiananmen Square, Beijing?
  • Finally, the answer I wanted. Thank you very much for taking the time to respond, you helped me broaden my view on why things are how they are.

    I see the point. Looking at it abstractly as a war between narratives, lies and propaganda, it does make sense. But it does feel like an admission of guilt in the first moment, because why censor when you can make counter-propaganda? But yes, it is logical.

    I was just questioning my beliefs there because I felt like I have been conciously lied to by the CPC comrades, which has shocked me, because trust in the communist cause is endless.

    EDIT: Still, I very much think that agitating a whole squad of wumaos to try to disintegrate the potential dissident for single post thing is too much

  • Why does it say nothing about the 1989 protests on Tiananmen Square, Beijing?
  • It has to obey the country's laws, as any company in any country would need to. China is a socialist country, so the state has the information monopoly, for effective agitprop etc, which also has many different positive sides for the worker's class! But it also has problems, which need to be pointed out and fixed.

  • Why does it say nothing about the 1989 protests on Tiananmen Square, Beijing?
  • It is not only for a Chinese audience, no. It is about a government's lack being being able to admiss guilt, countered with censorship to forget that mistakes ever happened, instead of trying to learn from past mistakes.

    "In opposing subjectivism, sectarianism and stereotyped Party writing we must have in mind two purposes: first, "learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones", and second, "cure the sickness to save the patient". The mistakes of the past must be exposed without sparing anyone's sensibilities; it is necessary to analyse and criticize what was bad in the past with a scientific attitude so that work in the future will be done more carefully and done better." - Mao Zedong, ["Rectify the Party's Style of Work" (February 1, 1942), Selected Works, Vol. III, p. 50.*]

  • Why does it say nothing about the 1989 protests on Tiananmen Square, Beijing?

    In this article on baidu, there is a gap between 1988 and 1999, why is there nothing about some kind of protest that everyone keeps telling me about?


    Edit: Thank you for responding, you have taught me a great deal about the usage and necessity of propaganda, counter-propaganda and censorship in a Marxist-Leninist state like China. Although some relied upon lies and insults as a means of trying to win an argunent, I got actual contentful theoretical education out of this, thanks.

    Question abou lt Al Jazeera news

    I haven't heard of them until like 2-3 years ago and I see them posted in World News quite often. What kind of a news source is this? Are they biased in some way? Where are they based? Is there anything notable to know about them?

    Question about "memes" of Chinese government officials

    I have some questions about the "funny memes" about President Xi as Winnie the Pooh or Chairman Mao as a cat (I'm sure there are many more, for example I heard some people call President Xi an "accelerator in chief", a very narrow minded and rude term in my opinion).

    I basically only know the western narrative about those memes, I want to learn about how they are regarded in China, if they are actually illegal and/or "censored" and why, what their origins are, what they mean (I know from my scarce knowledge of Hanyu that Mao also means cat for example), and who made them.

    I am trying to "de-propagandize" my mind, since I grew up only being taught the opposing side's narrative. I don't want to be disrespectful, and if I am please tell me, it is not my goal to be rude.

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